Updated for post rotation play!
Well...... it would be nice to maybe run 4 of the ball lightnings, since they are a nice little bomb to toss in on turn 3, or earlier if possible, and maybe some of the newer burn spells? like magma jet, magma spray, searing blood, and some others, unless there is a specific way you run the deck, and this is how you want to keep it.
Anyone like this deck???
that is because the read the bones is one of the only ways i can draw cards, and the scarhide cannot block, BUT, that doesnt mean i wont try it out while playtesting the deck
thank you!
I'm feeling some mutavaults for this deck........those would be amazing in this deck!
This is a netdeck, i just went off of what the person had, but i might switch out the lands with a few dual lands
This deck is a STANDARD deck, hypnotic spectres were last printed in m10, and the traumatizes were just some last minute cards i tossed in cuz i had to go somewhere, but i wanted to fill the last 2 spots in the deck b4 i left, i'll switch them out with something at some point
Very nice deck! Dragons are always fun to play with
Mono-red ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very nice!
Never thought i'd see an entire edh deck thats all 1 drops, but very nice!
actually its til around october in the fall, but I gotta go to the WOTC website to check for specific dates
anyone think some temples of epiphany might be better than the guildgates? or maybe some more basic lands from taking out the gates? Also, i have been wondering if there is another card i could use besides epic experiment in the deck....... but it must be standard
thank you very much!
Finally finished this deck! hopefully it'll do good at the FNM this coming friday, im thinking of maybe using some duress's to remove any control, but i dont wanna switch out much....., maybe i'll just sideboard some
does that work? yeah, i really only had the spark jolt in the deck for the scry 1, and maybe for a little finisher type of thing, and the stymied hopes was just to counter anything, and scry 1, but then again, the magma jets will scry 2, and the shock, is the same spark jolt as you said, but does 2, so yeah, this might be the next little standard deck i make after i finish my current one that im looking for 4 nightveil specters for
Anyone think this deck might be good or win at an FNM?
Alright, this is the final build for the deck, and once it is finished, i will playtest it to see what i should/shouldn't take out and/or switch out. I might trade for nightveil specters, but i am not yet sure if i really need to.....
I swapped a few things out since i didnt have the rifts, so thats why i switched the negates to the mainboard, and put the 2 plasm captures into the sideboard, but i might find something else with journey into nyx to replace some stuff in the deck or sideboard
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