nice! And yeah, luck of the draw!
Nice! then do you go on the Pro- Tour circuits? Or any huge tournaments? Or just collect the sets?
Type your deck name...I was thinking of swithcing out, the righteous authority, or curiosity for 4 spectral flights, since it would give the deck and creatures a major boost, and making the invisible stalker an even larger pain. But also, some of the new enchantments from theros, and born of the gods, such as aquaeous form, etc would be very nice, since it would help when swinging in for the win, when your opponent cant even block the creatures, but beware for those kill spells! Also, maybe swith out the tandem lookout for another creature, (not sure what yet), but i'll think/find something that might help.
Some updates to this deck will be coming soon
There is a much better version of this deck on the wizards of the coast website, under the budget deck archives, which I made, and it works very well. It seems like your version has too much of a few spells, like where did myr superion come from? Not trying to make your idea look bad, but it just looks a bit odd to me, in ways, and I'm super tired..... see ya.......
Nice! How much in total, would all that be worth?
You have around $49 right there
The deck is now finished, and I updated the deck on here also
Well, I put in the charms, etc, and finally finished off the deck, so I have it all finished! Do once I actually am able to get time to change the list, besides now, I will with the few updated cards
Well, I am going to switch around some cards, maybe make it a more sorin-based deck, and the sorin's vengeances are for quick fun kills
Yeah, I'm keeping the main game strategy, but I was just looking around for some other cards that might make it a bit better, etc, and I was told that the deck should/could have more drawing type cards, so I'll run the charms, but I was also thinking of maybe divination, wild guess, or glimpse the future
Any other ideas?
idk dude..... sure it'll get rid of the other creatures.....but idk.....
Type your deck name...Yeah, so maybe switch out the spell ruptures for izzet charms, or essence scatters? I was also thinking that maybe an aetherling or 2 would be fun in the deck, but idk, ive seen another deck like this that has stormbreath dragons in it, etc, but is still centered around the same and main function of the deck
I was also thinking of using some mizzium skins, just for a quick 1 drop, that i can protect my creatures with.... but im still looking around, and waiting to see what else will be in Born of the Gods, so luckily i pre-ordered a fat pack, cuz i cant wait to crack some packs!
Im probably going to have to switch out some instants or sorceries so i can swap in the essence scatters, so then i can get rid of my friend's master of waves, and Thassa, but also, i was thinking of maybe using 4, or just a couple wild guess's to increase my drawing power, and ability to keep buffing my chimera, but it would also take away from getting to use those cards that i might discard. hmmmmmmm.......
ok, i'll check it out, ty!
yeah, and the raptors would'nt actually get that big..... because it would really only get 1 +1/+1 counter, and then become a 1/2, so then it's evolve wouldnt work because the toughness of the raptor would be higher than the elemental's 1/1 power, and toughness, which wouldnt trigger the evolve........
I was thinking that maybe the raptor from gatecrash, the 1 drop for 1 blue mana, (I am not recalling the name right now), I think it was Cloudfin Raptor(?) I am forgetting, but would that maybe be a better choice since it would get bigger whenever I put out a 1/1 elemental token with young pyromancer, and it has flying, so it would/could be more beneficial, in a way.... since my opponent might not have any flying, etc, there was another creature I had in mind to maybe replace the guttersnipes, with, but I am not sure yet. (the raptors would replace the guttersnipes) Maybe? I would also accept any ideas for any sideboard cards, if any, I will post some ideas, like wild guess, essence backlash, etc, any ideas are welcome!
141-160 of 162 items