I'd run Vow of Duty. Makes Karona bigger for you and useless for them
Maybe but the slime is also deathtouch. Whack a revenge of the hunted on him and send him across. Even when not coming across, he inspires creatures to stay at home
Replaced with Utopia
Can't see the point of the wild defiance. as you only have three spells that can target your creatures Personally I'd look at Wolf-Skull Shaman, Rhys the Redeemed and Glistener Elf The prized unicorn seems wierd. If you want a lure why not run taunting elf instead? I'd also turf titanic growth and run revenge of the hunted and blessings of nature
You should also have 4 might slivers Turf Kamahl Completely change your lands All you want is forests, Cavern of Souls and abundant growth Include Descendants' Path and Revenge of the Hunted
If everything is one mana why run 20 mountains?
To be a little blunt, the deck is too big, inconsistant and undirected Firstly your deck should be sixty cards or have an excellent reason to be bigger Secondly you have too many single cards. Having one of a card means that the card is optional or you have a means of fetching it (AKA a tutor). Running multiple copies and less singles gives the deck consistancy Thirdly if your building a zombie deck, build a zombie deck. Chuck in cards that help zombies, zombie lords and such. This deck seems to be random collection of black cards
Actually there is too much mana for a fast burn. I'd run vexing devils, goblin grenades, goblin arsonist. Goblin guide, Thunderous Wrath and Bonfire of the Damned
Could be a lot better Needs Descendants' Path Turf the battlements and replace with Abundant Growth I'd also add adaptive automations so your spawn become actually useful One Eldrazi Monument would also be useful
I love Gleemax. If it was legal I'd build a deck around it. I've built several infinite mana decks. I'd play gleemax in a heartbeat Embershot would have to be the worst card if I ever had to vote for one. It's so overpriced that Gleemax seems a bargain. A horse with no legs is less lame. At two mana embershot is good. At three is ok. At seven, it's totally unusable.
You can't call it "Tournament Quality". You forgot Bone Saw
Island Fish Jasconius is pretty bad. It's an expensive stompy that you have to pay each round for and can only attack if your opponent has an island and dies if you lose your islands. He might be useful at three mana but not seven
Aysen Highway isn't that bad (maybe a touch expensive). You can build a deck around it easily enough. A Blue White deck running mind bend and such to allow your creatures to be effectively unblockable
I'm still gobsmacked that people build goblin decks without goblin guide. He's only the best goblin out there. While not a goblin, I'd still run vexing devils
No such thing as undefeatable. Even in infamous channel fireball deck can be beaten. I have half a dozen decks I'd put up against slivers any day My prot deck http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=230639 If the slivers can't hit you, they can't hurt you. I also have a goblin deck that will burn them long before the slivers gets scary and a green deck that will roll right over them.
I'd chuck in a dormant sliver. They'll draw lots of cards but nothing can attack you
The city kills counters. Mystic decree when combined with Island Sanctuary means you're untouchable. The reason for two is if one get killed/milled/discarded/countered The curse and the miasma is to provide a source of damage to kill them. To trigger blood/bond combo you need to gain life or for them to lose life
Their nice but what do you remove? Everything there has a purpose. City of solitude I suppose could be sideboarded and risk counters
4x Abundant Growth as well so there's 8 cards that will give the right mana and then the arbor elf allows you to double up on that
4x Abundant Growth 4 x Arbor Elves The arbor elf gives you one mana and the abundant growth gives you one mana but one of each gives you four mana Turf the artisan, godtoucher and verdant force and run four Craterhoof Behemoth Replace the elves and the pilgrims with arbor elves Replace the plains with birds of paradise Replace the broken fall and overgrowth with abundant growth Turf some enchantments to add more forests. You want 18 forests I've got a pure green stompy which might give you some ideas http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=296343
41-60 of 99 items