Too slow. Another deck will wipe you out before you can protect yourself This is a protection deck I built awhile ago
If I was going to attack with something, make it worthwhile. Predator Ooze is good with a ring of Kalonia
Evolving wild
I'd be tempted to drop a colour. I'd run black white with transendent master
If Earthcraft wasn't banned, squirell decks are almost unbeatable
Only problem is Earthcraft is banned due to this very combo
I'd look at Mother of runes. She's one white cost and the best blocker in the game
Should look at the 2013 core set. Some nice cards there for a knight deck. Worth adding when they come out
I'd run Revenge of the Hunted. Little elf suddenly gets really big and has lure. Works perfectly with Thornweald Archer or Wren's Run Vanquisher or even the Glistener Elf. Personally I like the Glistener Elf cause a 7/7 infect with lure just ruins someone's day
For real mana ramping run Abor elves instead of Llanowar elves. Same cost but better effect Stick in wild growth as well Wild Growth gives you one mana and the arbor elf gives you one but they link up like an Urzatron for more mana. Use the Quillion elf to untap the arbor elf to double again. It's just as fast in the early rounds but a lot more mana in the later rounds
BOP = Bird of Paradise
Cause world slayer on an indestructable creature is a lockdown. You attack every round and everything except your creature and worldslayer is gone. Very hard to get past it. Even on a 1/1 can keep them locked down. Very hard to kill something indestructable with one mana. If you can get the forge out then only your opponent is affected. The armour will wittle them down eventually but they will solve the problem or die before then usually
I'd be tempted to run world slayer and swap out the darksteel myr for darksteel plate The opal is a waste as you only run blue. I'd look at Sol Ring or Metalworker
Too weak as there is no plan B. A layline of sanctity would make you dead in the water. A token deck would wear you down forcing you to bolt their creatures.
Here's a laugh if you go blue Phantasmal Image and Driver of the Dead Have the image copy the driver and then sacc the image to the Connoisseur. The image then brings itself as another driver. Rinse and repeat for fun and profit
Standard is lacking the ramping mana green use to have. Mine is modern compatable for the extra mana so I can cast the miracles the hard way if needed. For standard ditch the arbor elves and utopia for some BOPs and Llanowar elves. Not as fast but as fast as standard allows. Run four of each miracle and turf the fogs and the colossus. You need speed and hiding behind a fog is too slow. If you look at my deck other than overrun, there is nothing I can't cast turn two. The miracles I'm only really interested in for their miracle cost. I can cast the hard way but I expect you to be dead before then
Personally better off using bloodghasts and gravecrawlers Turf the white and splash blue for Gifts Ungiven or splash green for gutter grime and Mitotic Slime Verdant Succession would work well with green. Sacc the slime for a new slime plus two smaller slimes. You'll end up feeding four big slimes, eight medium slimes and sixteen small slimes to the Connoisseur. You get 28 life and they get 28 damage
Seems a little unfocused This is my version of the same thing I ran miracles to pump up my poisoners combined with Wild Defiance Utopia sprawl and arbor elves provide my extra mana
I think it's due to the way the like system is created. I make an awesome deck with nothing but Storm Crow and Bone Saw. Some Troll comes on and calls me a little bitch and tells me to go back to noob school. Fifty people come on and like his comment and presto I have fifty likes for my deck. Suddenly I'm on the front page despite everyone hating my deck
I'd be leaning towards five colour green. Abundant Growth, Birds of paradise, arbor elves. Otherwise phyrexian altar. Sac a few creatures to cast him
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