
672 Decks, 1,256 Comments, 421 Reputation

I think this is about as well as you can build Pact in legacy at the moment, though the very idea of playing legacy in its current form is about as appealing as swallowing or boofing razorblades.


The only card that may really want to be here is [[Pact of Negation]]. Finding more or less any 2 of the combo cards (besides 2 oracles) equals a win assuming no interaction from the opponent, pact helps with this, but is shit in every other scenario so idk.

Posted 02 December 2024 at 23:46 in reply to #651227 on Legacy Tainted Pact


I gotta disagree, [[Blind Obedience]] impacts next to no modern decks, and draining an average of 1 life a turn cannot possibly be worth 2 mana and a card. I suppose it is good against reanimator and Ragavan, but that's just about everything, no?

Posted 02 December 2024 at 23:37 in reply to #651239 on Modern Microwave (Competitive)


Since [[Rip Apart]] does not get rid of [[The One Ring]], I feel like fewer copies of this 2 mana worse lightning bolt are warranted and more copies of [[Damn]] should be played instead, so that playing from behind against tokens and fast mana and 2 mana 7/7 murktides and unearthed oculi becomes more feasible (imagine you are on the draw against mardu or boros, before you can even think about resolving [[High Noon]] they have 3 creatures in play, with 2-4 more coming next turn).

Also, with the amount of discard, a way to convert a turn 9 [[Thoughtseize]] draw into a viable card would probably be pretty good. Something like [[geier reach sanitarium]] that does not require much deck-building commitment. I cannot think of a card that does it well in mardu colors tho.

Also, with [[Bitterblossom]] being essentially the only win condition, do you think the deck could support a 1-of archangel's vault?

Posted 23 November 2024 at 19:59 as a comment on Modern Microwave (Competitive)


xDD I doubt you're the first person to lose sleep due to being haunted by a draft common. But again, I think most examples like this are either cards that were intentionally powered down to balance a limited format, or essentially intentional jokes like [[Razor Boomerang]]. At least that's my (and Occam's) 2 cents.

Posted 20 November 2024 at 22:38 in reply to #651207 on Anti-Power Creep in MTG?!?!


So, if mtg ever dies before our entire species does, it will be because of power creep. I mean, holy hell, Bank of America basically said to Hasbro, "Look, are you guitarded? Acoustic? You are completely mismanaging your golden cow - MTG - by overprinting shit and going way too fast so that number go up, but motherfucker, number can't go up forever, trust us".

So yeah, power creep is a thing. I mean take any eternal format you like and look at how many of the most played cards are from the last few horizons sets. There is no arguing otherwise. I mean, FIRE design, standard bannings, the utter, unmitigated shitshow that is the rotating modern format - the pressure to sell product, to make line go up encourages power creep like nothing else; if the new cards are broken, people have to buy em to keep competing, ergo big sales, ergo line go up.

As for Veteran's Powerblade, that's easy, just a matter of balancing limited formats in my book, same reason we have Makeshift Munitions at common in some sets, same reason why I own over 30 copies of [[Smoldering Efreet]].

Posted 19 November 2024 at 18:21 as a comment on Anti-Power Creep in MTG?!?!


First of all, Dismember is not black, that's insane what's next? [[Mutagenic Growth]] is green? Madness.

[[Kozilek, the Broken Reality]] just seems bad here - like overkill, the sort of card that is only good when you're already ahead and any other haymaker would do the trick. There is reason why all these decks run [[devourer of destiny]] instead of cards like kozilek.

Also kudos to you for calling it tribal not kindred, and for daring to not maindeck a single one ring, though I can't imagine that's optimal in any way except the financial one.

Posted 19 November 2024 at 17:05 as a comment on Eldrazi Tron - Colourless


I am heavily considering a one-of Fountain. I really like this deck as it has shown real promise but has so so so many flex spots. Like how many Deserts, and Eviscerator's Insights and Cast Downs do we want? And maindeck spellbomb? And aaaaaa. I love it. Wish I had more time to play.

Posted 19 November 2024 at 16:00 in reply to #651197 on Pauper Pestilence Pox


What's your view on the split between Mystic and Monarch creatures? I have been leaning more towards playing a higher number of mystics (3 mystic 2 monarch) as the card is just fucking exceptional against Gruul as well as Mono White, and can be played when behind or equal on board unlike the monarch creatures.

Posted 29 October 2024 at 21:20 as a comment on Izzet Control


Two mana for one life seems just plain awful, man cards used to be fucking wild xD
Evincar's Justice is absolutely fantastic though, I cannot imagine running a teachings deck without it. But it could be one of those cards that just gets auto-included without thought and perhaps should be reconsidered.

Posted 24 October 2024 at 15:18 in reply to #651150 on Pauper Dimir Teachings


Though I love the card, and it is really good against Mono Blue, against burn with their infinite 1/1 shitters, half of whom are essentially two for ones, it is super low impact compared to something like [[Suffocating Fumes]]. It's kind of awkward in how it is not as reliable as a cast down or an edict and it does not clear the board like drown in sorrow or justice. What would you cut for it?

Posted 23 October 2024 at 23:56 in reply to #651150 on Pauper Dimir Teachings


The theory is that between wasteland, saga, smallpox, liliana, and factory enough lands will hit the bin. How the tradeoff on escaping Nethergoyf and fetch lifeloss works out I do not know. But I think it's really important for the pox community - all 7 of us - to figure that out as it's one of those small edges the gaining of which the entire deck is built around. Especially as exiling saga ticks off two cards types but also probably shrinks all goyfs as there are not many enchantments floating around.

Posted 23 October 2024 at 16:43 in reply to #651148 on Karnless Legacy Pox


It may be evil, but it is necessary in a deck like this one. Though some sideboard concession must be made for matchups like Mono Red.

Posted 07 October 2024 at 09:52 in reply to #651130 on Pauper Dimir Teachings


[[Embiggen]] is almost always going to be better than [[Groundswell]] as it is a guaranteed +4/+4 so long as you don't cast [[Scale Up]] first.
Creature, phyraxian, elf, warrior
Creature, phyrexian, human, rogue

Posted 06 October 2024 at 13:05 as a comment on leyline of resonance+infect



Posted 05 October 2024 at 20:00 in reply to #651123 on I CAN add cards


Seems to be working now.

Posted 05 October 2024 at 16:36 as a comment on I CAN add cards


The price function stopped working like a year ago.
Card search either directly or indirectly when clicking card names in decks or when linking cards in comments breaks more and more frequently for more and more cards.
Sets take longer and longer to get added.
And now adding cards to decks stopped working.

Running a website like this costs money, when traffic goes down, the ads that pay for the website can no longer justify those costs. That's my theory as to why it is going to hell; not enough people frequent the site, so little reason left to keep it running smoothly.

Posted 05 October 2024 at 14:20 in reply to #651116 on I CAN add cards


When MH3 took some ten thousand years to get added it became obvious that things were falling apart and it was only a matter of time before basic functions stopped working. Now, maybe it will get fixed. It frankly makes no sense as a technical glitch, I cannot imagine what would cause it to be possible to push data to storage in the form of decks but not cards within those decks.

So either things falling apart or... a conscious decision to kill basic functions.

Posted 04 October 2024 at 23:52 in reply to #651116 on I CAN add cards


Yeah, seems it's finally dead.
EDIT: Only had the issue since the morning of 4.10.24.

Posted 04 October 2024 at 20:48 as a comment on I CAN add cards


Idk man, Nissa feels so incredibly weak in the face of the modern format. Removal for frog and phlage and the like, or even [[Oath of Nissa]] has to be better.

Posted 01 October 2024 at 01:04 in reply to #651109 on Modern Superfriends- Competitv


I think this is the first of your decks where I can 100% get behind 4x [[High Noon]] xD. It handles [[The One ring]], [[Amped Raptor]], forces the game into a cadence where walker vs 1 other spell is likely to leave you winning more often than not, and there are enough powerful cards to offset the problem with drawing multiples of the enchantment. I think [[Six]] could work here, but mostly more answers to [[Psychic Frog]] like [[Prismatic Ending]] seem downright necessary. Something to sweep up cat tokens and the like would also go a long way in the metagame.

[[Nissa, Voice of Zendikar]] seems like the weakest planeswalker, too weak really.

Posted 30 September 2024 at 17:43 as a comment on Modern Superfriends- Competitv


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