Dude, you don't need the stream of life, it doesn't help you clinch the win enough. Add something quick and effective like giant growth or perhaps instill energy.
I think I'll take that into consideration. I think the petal and vise will go. Control magic is too powerful. I'd rather let a creature out and control it than send it to the graveyard with a counterspelll. Then again...maybe 3 counterspells, two control magics. Thanks for the suggestion.
Fabricate is nice. I might add that because the Puzzle Box is the real killer if Dreams is out. I think I like Prosperity better than Skyscribing...but a Disintegrate would do the same thing.
Yeah, counterspells would be nice mainly to protect combos.... I wanted the deck to focus on being aggressive rather than reactive. What would you replace them for?
Very cool deck. Looks like a lot of fun to play. Very versatile. Only one suggestion. Silence is such a great card, but I'm wondering if Mana Short is better because it taps all the lands, thus the opponent can't use abilities requiring mana. What do you think? I'd appreciate any comments you might have on my deck: Underworld Djinn.
Wow, Abundance is such a great card. VERY nice combo with the puzzle box. Very clever. Also very nice combo with the Transmuter and Colossus. Check out my puzzle box deck: Underworld Djinn
Nice deck! The Lobotomist is such a great card, and Nemesis of Reason of course. I'm worried about creature control though. Does it get overrun by weenie decks? Maybe try something like Control Magic if it's a problem? Please comment on my Blue/Black deck: Underworld Djinn.
Get rid of Krakens, take way too long to get out. Focus on more middle size creatures that don't take too long to get out. Phantom Warrior is pretty good. Hunted Phantasm is NOT. Remember, you can always use the old-school card "Invisibility" and then use whatever creatures you want. Here's a strategy idea: ditch the walls and huge creatures. Add some counter-magic. Use countermagic first to counter apponent's creatures and break possible combos. Then play middle size creatures.
Cool. An inexpensive way to get infinite turns. Nice discovery. One small piece of advice. Given that you are using Demonic Tutor, you should also add Mystical Tutor. This is because if you draw the Mystical Tutor, you can always use it to get at your Demonic Tutor -- almost as good as simply adding another (illegal) Demonic Tutors, since either you get Demonic, or else you can get it in 1 turn if you get Mystic. Dknight27, please comment on my deck "Vintage Efreet,Djinn Denial."
Nice deck....why not use Mana Flare? Or Fork? Or Furnace of Rath? Please rate my deck: Vintage Efreet,Djinn Denial
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