You have to speed it up. I just repeatedly crushed this deck in playtesting against my R/G bloodthirst deck And that deck is almost pauper. You need a way of dealing with a small horde of medium sized creatures. Maybe Mutilate?
If you "welcome" mutilate, why not just add 2 into the deck? ditch two of the murders...
I love these blue turbo blitz deck. Why not add Ideas Unbound? I built a blue turbo blitz deck with that card in mind:
Haven't played it in legacy. I just play casually with friends, usually multiplayer games where a deck like this gets trounced. By the way I like your Heartless Ramp deck.
Hmm. This deck is really powerful. My criticism is that it looks like it takes a while to get going. You have tons of things to drop 2nd and 3rd turn, but no good first turn drops. If you are running spirits and humans, you'll get lots of mileage out of x4 Doomed travelers, especially if you drop a 2nd turn Honor of the Pure. Also, Ghostform is not a bad card, but I like Spirit Mantle better, especially with the hexproof Geists. I made a somewhat similar deck recently, and could use comments, deck is called: Geist of Long-Forgotten Gohei.
This looks very annoying and effective. I bet it is fun to play. I revisited the arcane spells recently to put together a U/W spirit deck, I love Tallowisp: Geist of Long-Forgotten Gohei.
I added 2 swords to plowshares.
My spirit deck is now up, I'd like thoughts if you have any. Name of deck is Geist of Long-Forgotten Gohei.
That's right, redirect does not "deflect" the targeting from happening in the first place. Curfew is great, except lots of deck run cards like Gatekeeper which really keeps you from playing curfew.
Cool. I love these new spirit decks. I don't like Battleground Geist -- just not a fan. I noticed that it is your only non-white creature. If you took both out, you would have room to add 2 Honor of the Pure that would boost all of your creatures. I just constructed a spirit deck, kind of a hybrid of the new stuff with some old Vintage Spirit/Arcane cards: the deck is called: Geist of Long-Forgotten Gohei
I love these Delver decks. I have a U/W delver but with humans, and these decks are so fun to play. My instinct is to ditch the Gut Shot and Vapor Snags and replace them with 4 Path to Exile or if you play Vintage Swords to Plowshares. They just get the job done so much better. I just made a W/U/B Spirit deck, but a Vintage version with Long-Forgotten Gohei and Tallowisp, would you comment? Deck is called Geist of Long-Forgotten Gohei.
I was getting bored with the standard Jon Finkel variation, and Long-Forgotten Gohei seems powerful now with the great new Spirit cards.
Only 2 huge weaknesses as I see it. Most decks will kill you before you can play will have to mulligan a bunch to make sure you get it. Secondly, there are about 300 cards which can remove Lost, and then you die.
Sweet. ninjitzu is awesome in this deck. And the serendibs are way over powered
maybe add skullclamp instead of infiltration lense
Fastbond is restricted. You can only have 1 in your deck.
You now need a card that returns sorceries (repeatedly) from the grave and you have an infinite turn combo with Open the Vaults...
Awesome. Love to see vintage. Need help on my deck Underworld Djinn. Thumbs up.
Deck needs a way to deal more damage. Needs some mean creatures. Serra angel is always good. White night is good and quick. Eye for an Eye deals good damage. Maybe Juggernaut.
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