Pretty sweet deck. A disgusting addition (would require you to splash green, though) would be doubling season--kick an RoR on an undead warchief, with a noxious ghoul out--you just gave all opponents creatures -10/-10, and all yours +20/+10...a lot of mana, but geez!
Interesting deck. I have one that doesn't necessarily focus on Wirewood Lodge, but uses the mess out of it-- --It's particularly nasty to use it to untap an Immaculate Magistrate, to either beef up a Joraga Warcaller or give Devoted Druid with a Presence of Gond more counter fodder to make a bunch of elf tokens. As for this deck, another you might consider is Wirewood Channeler. Another interesting addition would be Argothian Elder, which gives you an infinte loop to work with: tap a forest and wirewood lodge to untap AE, tap AE to untap WL and forest. If that forest is enchanted with Elvish Guidance, that gives you infinite mana.
I think the advantage of distortion strike in this deck is that the opponent is less likely to expect to have to deal with an exalted unblockable.
Righteous Cause might also be an interesting addition to this deck.
White is terrible for mana accel. A personal fav of mine to help with this is Extraplanar lens. If you are playing a multiplayer game, Luminarch Ascension could definitely help you early game. Sigil of the Empty Throne might not be a terrible idea, either, if you go the route of adding more enchantments. Your other option for early damage is either a) prevention instants or b) some more life gain, to keep it closer to even until your deck can take off. Not bad, over all.
Gotta love it. My favorite is a timberwatch/taunting elf combo early game to constantly kill off all of my opponents creatures. Gotta say I favor Immaculate Magistrate over Elvish Archdruid, especially when you already have x4 Priests of Titania. I run a similar deck that also focuses on putting out elf tokens to maximize timberwatch elf/wellwisher, etc-- .
Some cards you might consider are Reckless One, Voracious Dragon, Empty the Warrens and Brightstone Ritual.
I really like Bloodchief Ascension in decks like these, and also cards with a transmute keyword, since half the deck has 3cmc.
I run a similar deck, some cards you may want to look at: Canopy Crawler Garruk's Packleader (card draw) Totem Speaker (life gain) Garruk himself might not be a bad idea, either.
I also like to use Primitive etchings alongside Words of Wilding--in a creature heavy deck, you get a fair number of bears out.
The answer to this is that you can't run a bear deck and NOT include Grizzly Bear.
Also, Wellwisher might be better than Oracle of Nectars, since I am assuming you're tapping Priest of Titania for OoN's ability. Also, Elvish Guidance works awesomely if they kill off your Priests.
If you want to run coat of arms, you might as well use devoted druid + presence of Gond, which = infinite elves. I really dig just playing elves for fun, since there are a billion different ways to do it, so in casual, I don't see 65-70 as being a huge hinderance, since the entire point is that you DON'T want to get the exact same play out of it every time. Here's my elf deck: One combo I have in there you may want to look into is Immaculate Magistrate. Say you have six elves out, and you tap Immaculate Magistrate to give Joraga Warcaller +6/+6--now all six of your elves have +6/+6. Awesome combo.
Tapping Noble Hierarchs, i would assume.
Defensive Maneuvers comes to mind. Also, Lignify would be an interesting combo--the creature wouldn't die, but if it took zero damage, it would die...interesting.
For a deck with a lot of artifacts, I always like to run Arcbound Crusher. Another you might consider would be Arcum Daggson, he's great for deck searching, or I've also seen a Venser/Trinket Mage combo used for the same purpose. Also for your thopter foundry, I'd highly recommend Myr Servitor. Great for sac'ing, because as long as you leave one alive, you get all of them back next turn.
Also if you want to move it out of m11, Sprouting Phytohydra would be good addition. It creates tokens that will stay around after elspeth's third ability, but also creatures with defender for overwhelming battlements.
And if you're going out of type II with Rhys, I'd look into doubling season, too. Rhys + Doubling season quadruples all of your tokens for 6cmc mana.
Seton, Krosan Protector is good in a deck like this--you can drop a druid, then tap it for a weenie, then tap that for another weenie, etc.
Seton's text is an inactive tap ability, so the saprolings can tap the turn they come in. Summoning sickness only affects activated tap abilities; i.e., anything with a tap symbol, or that has been errata'd to have one.
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