Vorel sounds cool... I will have to work him into this deck...
Haha, it's alright.I thought the same for the longest time too!
Thank you!I really like specters! :D
I have commented on your deck! :)
I like this deck!Why not use some more card draw?Also, if you take out Ponder, you would have a perfectly fine Modern deck!Boomerang is also a favorite that can go well in this deck!
Haha, go ahead!This one was based off of NothernWarlord's to begin with...
Yeah it's great in this deck but it's not modern legal :(
I know that I use U.P. in my sac deck; however, it is mainly based around Bloodghast. It works amazingly with Bloodghasts though, guaranteed sac and return every turn isn't something your opponent can just scoff off.
What about Undiscovered Paradise for Bloodghast? Then you can also throw in Naturalize in the SB to deal with gravehate?
But I won't be able to sacrifice anything to activate it's ability...How about some defenders?
yeah, I've actually built a budget version of this before... This deck actually surprises a lot of people :D
My only problem with Krasis is that I don't have enough creatures large enough to trigger it. Omnibian can turn my Krasis into a 3/3 which gives it more chance to trigger evolve even if it has already been evolved many times.I agree Mana Leak is good, but this deck should focus less on control and more on creatures.Thanks for the critique, I will consider them for future changes!
It is this one... it's budget toohttp://www.mtgvault.com/suitangi/decks/budget-lifelink/
I really like the idea of life gain... but I think I did a much better job with my lifelink deck than this one...
That's cool. Budget decks are awesome :DI'm still unhappy with this deck... I'll probably revisit it soon and like either revise it or completely redo it.
These were some nice suggestions! However, the Arcbound modular only works with artifact creatures :(But loved Bred for the Hunt. Thanks!
Yeah, so I put it in the Sideboard, for anyone that looks at this deck.
Thanks for the suggestion!A playset would at over $5 though :(
Thanks!Yeah it's quite a fun deck to play, and it sometimes throws your opponent off guard, not thinking that color could matter that much.Scrapbasket is not as good as Transguild Courier, but still very good.
What about other things i can donate? :3
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