That's a great suggestion! :)
It's not included because the point isn't really to make them discard, it's to cause them to have no hands.Shimian specter also doesn't discard, but exiles.
Lili of the veil is like over $100 now.... it's crazy
haha, don't worry about it. I appreciate your thought though!They use to be cheaper... but many pro decks have them Sideboarded now... so the prices went up.
Yeah, definitely is an amazing card. But not as suitable in a budget deck :(Thanks though!
But a single Surgical Extraction is half of my budget... :( ugh cards costs too much money
Thanks for looking at it :)
Umm... did you read the budget max in the deck description?
I was just thinking of adding some "destroy" effect to the deck :)Thanks for looking and the recommendation! I love it when decks bring back memories :D
What about Nevermore? It's a nice white enchantment.I think there can be another category such as Silence and Render Silent.All of these cards are really nice for a control deck.Some hard counters could be nice as well.Oh, Telepathy is also really nice, because you can see your opponents hand. I hope this helped!
Thanks for the kind words! I'll check out your deck challenge :)
This is a nice deck (expensive too 0_0), but why not switch out Liliana's Specter with something better like Hypnotic specter?
Liliana's Specter triggers only once, and all the other specters trigger every time they hit the opponent. Liliana's Caress is sadly, too expensive for this deck. A playset would cost around $6.25, which is 62% of my budget :(I will look at your deck :)
I really like Megrrim, but the point is for them to have no hands, so it might not work as well. I'll add it to the sideboard.Dark Ritual on the other hand is kinda expensive, and isn't Modern legal :(
Brainstorm is restricted in Vintage, and is not Modern legal...
I can't find any more of them :(
What about Noxious Revival instead of Nature's Spiral?
I really like this deck!I've always liked the empire cycle :DI think voltaic key would be nice here after you get all three artifacts out, as they all have a tap cost.I might attempt to build a version myself :) we'll see
haha, I wasn't saying Ponder was bad. It's really good, but I feel like making this deck modern would be great too.The only thing that I do not like about Dismember in this deck is the fact that you have to pay 4 life for it. From experience, 4 life is a lot, especially in a deck without life gain.
Yeah... maybe some blue "shields" that can protect me from attacks would be nice in this game.Any idea on how I would be able to get the trap out sooner?
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