I originally had Keen Sense for draw power... then I realize that a playset would cost me $16 :(
I have Spirit Link instead of lifelink, as Spirit link allows me to "stack" it (multiple instances of lifelink is redundant), and enchant my opponent's creatures. Nice suggestion though!I am considering Aura Gnarlid, but it costs too much mana for this deck, and doesn't have hexproof :(
What would the top price be though? Some commander cost a good fortune just themselves.I would like to see an EDH series though, since I am a complete stranger to that format.
lol no problem NorthernWarlord :P
Those cards alone will rip up the budget tag...
Haha, I'm going to try splashing red to this deck. Maybe you can help me with it when I'm done :) Thanks
My bad on the Drudge Skeletons, for some reasons, I always thought it had a regen of {1}{B}. Oops.
Budget decks FTW :)
Interesting format! There's no banlist, but are legacy cards legal? Seems like all of your cards are modern legal... so I wasn't sure.A few suggestions:- Woolly Thoctar? (uncommon)- Flinthoof Boar (uncommon)- Naya Charm (uncommon)
I really like the Empire set, but never got around making a deck around them.I think you can stick in a few Wall of Bones for Drudge Skeleton, as you won't have to regenerate it as often, and the regen cost is 1 less (more mana for you to activate your artifacts)Instead of Disperse, I would try Clutch of the Undercity, as it can transmute for the Throne.Also, although it will bring up the deck cost, more Fabricate can't hurt.Nice job! Me likee
Congrats NorthernWarlord!I'd like to thank you too! You have inspired me to start making budget decks as well :) They're really fun to make and I can get them for a pretty cheap price! Keep up the good work! More budget decks :D
Well done! For the price it costs, this deck is amazing!
Thanks for the suggestion! I've added it to the SB
Instead of Selesnya Guildgate, try Graypelt Refuge
If you don't care for budget, then Cavern of Souls should be a four-of.
I'm glad you like it :) Happy Birthday
Those are both in the wrong colours though...
What about Shivan Wumpus for both land destruction and a damage win con?
I like this build of affinity!In my opinion, Myr Enforcer is pretty good. Another idea that has kind of been brought up is splashing white. It gives you access to Dispatch and also Steelshaper's Gift, which can get you your cranial plating faster, but I have no idea what to take out to splash for white. You seem to have all the basics down. Good job!Oh, and compare to the budget I have, $80 is pretty godly ^_^ Make more awesome modern decks! :)
Thanks for the suggestion! I have thought about Dimir Charm, but other cards kind of "out-ranked" it in this deck. I will look at your deck. :)
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