
47 Decks, 146 Comments, 83 Reputation

"Probably doesn't work too well because of rites of flourishing" What do you mean?

I see you put a lot of stall cards in the deck. Are there any better cards you could be using to stall? Hero's Reunion might be better than Saruli Gatekeepers. You could keep the Gatekeepers, drop the Fog Banks instead. Simply heal through flying damage until you drop a Sphere of Safety. That should stall long enough for you to drop the Maze's End win condition.

Posted 15 July 2013 at 16:27 as a comment on Speed Maze's End


DragonWolf7, you think so loud, your hands throw themselves at your keyboard. <( >_<)>

Posted 15 July 2013 at 16:14 in reply to #377969 on Sliver Eldrazi Tag Team


I will defend myself and the plane I reside in, GyKx! Volrath's help will do you no good! My power to inflict poison is greater than yours!


Posted 15 July 2013 at 15:44 as a comment on SlINFECTive


Wouldn't it though? :P

Posted 15 July 2013 at 15:31 in reply to #378114 on SlINFECTive


Poisonous does not work like infect. Poisonous says if this creatures deals combat damage to a player, that player gets a poison counter.

There are different levels of Poisonous. I am not aware of whether or not it stacks, like if you have more than one Virulent Sliver, but The slivers will do only one poison counter regardless of its power.

Posted 15 July 2013 at 15:28 in reply to #378114 on SlINFECTive


I love that everyone sees Maze's End for its win condition and not its utility. I would play this deck thinking, "Cracking Perimeter is going to be my win condition. Maze's End is going to help me get there."

The question is not, "Will Maze's End get me the win," but "Will Maze's End effectively get me there?"

Come up with more ways to untap your guildgates.

Check out my deck:

It is not standard, but it provides an infinite combo that I think few people have come up with. I call it Blood Boil because that is essentially how I play my Blood Death Knight in World of Warcraft. How do I untap my runes more often to deal more damage to everyone?

Posted 15 July 2013 at 15:25 in reply to #377952 on Traps of Maze's End


There you go! He was looking for unblockable slivers. Lol.

Posted 15 July 2013 at 02:39 in reply to #377943 on SlINFECTive


Blood Artist.

Posted 15 July 2013 at 02:13 as a comment on Ripples of Clerics and Demons



Posted 15 July 2013 at 01:00 as a comment on Sliver Eldrazi Tag Team


He is keeping it legal in standard.

Posted 14 July 2013 at 23:51 in reply to #377901 on Flinging Hydras (M14)


Nice idea. What, no tutors? No Sign in Blood? No Altar's Reap? Where's the card advantage? :P

Posted 14 July 2013 at 22:49 as a comment on Intruder? Send Vampires!


I do not see the value of Diabolic Tutor too much in this deck. I feel like it could flow without it based on how hydras tend to work independently.

Corpsejack does ramp those +1/+1 counters, however, you need to ramp mana hard or that is not going to help until turn five. Primordial on his own can be dropped on turn three. By turn five, he is a 4/4. With Corpsejack down, dropping him on turn five makes him a 6/6.

There are other cards that can help ramp mana other than Axebane. And you cannot even Fling Axebane, or any of the other defenders for that matter, effectively.

I wanted to remake the deck, but I am deciding to lay off making new decks unless they will be legal in the next rotation. I am pretty sure that limits us to M14 and the Return to Ravnica block. I do not see Fling or Primordial in there.

Posted 14 July 2013 at 22:41 in reply to #377859 on Flinging Hydras (M14)


I really want to try to make this deck legal for M14. I think Arbor Elf and Maze of Ith are all that are keeping that from happening.

Posted 14 July 2013 at 22:31 as a comment on Blood Boil


I would try to stick with red/green as much as possible.

Savageborn Hydra?
Kalonian Hydra?

Posted 14 July 2013 at 22:28 as a comment on Flinging Hydras (M14)


Killing Wave? <(o_O)>?

Posted 13 July 2013 at 22:23 as a comment on Lambs to the Slaughter


Playing a game expecting not to win can mean only that you are going to lose.

Mutagenic Growth is totally not worth two life, though.

Posted 13 July 2013 at 22:17 in reply to #377465 on Infect, Unblockable +X/+X


He gets it from me. :P


Posted 13 July 2013 at 17:31 in reply to #376880 on Traps of Maze's End


Ha! Not currently standard. <( >_>)>

If you need me, I will be in my corner enjoying my small victory. hurray...

Posted 10 July 2013 at 02:12 in reply to #376067 on Unblockable Cruelty Grixis


Is M14 standard right now? I do not keep up with these things. Lol.

Posted 10 July 2013 at 02:05 in reply to #376067 on Unblockable Cruelty Grixis


Is this suppose to be standard for the next block? Doom Blade is not currently standard. Unless you are aware of all these cards remaining standard. I am certain you are.

Seems like a fun deck to play. Maybe roll some Sign in Blood?

Posted 10 July 2013 at 02:01 as a comment on Unblockable Cruelty Grixis


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