Wow Druid's Repository is OP. And I will probably avoid Grave Pact like effects cuz yeah I'm not that type of player. Great suggestion, I'll have to go see if I have that card!
cool, I'm looking forward to it. It's great to see some of your other decks posted too.
:) hey happy to see you on!
The worst case I've ever seen of things going on the stack was Norin, the wary + Confusion in the Ranks. If you're trying to build a deck that adds stacks onto the stack, give Norin a try.
yeah I have at least a couple Knight's of Glory hanging out in my WB exalted deck. If I end up buying Sublime Archangel, I might splash for Rafiq and try building a 5 color EDH exalted... cuz that sounds fun. Up till then I'll probably just let this deck hang out. It definitely needs some more attention with color fixing.
lol :) :) :)
Hmm, well the card is a lot cheaper than it used to be. Typically I don't spend more than $2 on a rare, but Sublime Angel is f*#kin' awesome and maybe worth it.An excellent suggestion, I'll have to think about spending the cash. Thx
So I'm guessing this is not a real deck? 23 land? Most of which do not tap for color....
Yeah your right Solemn is the BEST Golem. But it's never going to happen as all my real Sad Robots are pulling EDH duty and I'd need to buy like 10 more of them for all the decks I'd want to put them in. I wanted to use up some of my artifacts so that's what happened. I'm holding out hope that a Beast of Burden+Precursor Golem+Cackling Counterpart combo will happen. Ghostly flicker is an idea but I think shelter is better for the CMC and card draw.Your not wrong, thanks for comment.
I currently have only one copy of shelter available but I should buy more. Your absolutely right. I'd probably run 4 of it.
Yeah trying to keep it on theme with Plague Beetle and Bog Raiders is going to be tough against the many better decks out there... It'll be a challenge build.I'm glad you like it though. Thank you for taking the time to comment, I really appreciate it.
Well they are reprinting fetches... so you got your wish. Amazing.
congrats on your first deck upload!
Apparently Expedition Map needs to be reprinted too. Sorry about all these one-of's I'm building decks and keep finding them.
Building a deck and found another $4 uncommon I want reprinted. Baleful Strix.
I could do without broken. The prices on fetch lands are a bit ridiculous though.
I'm fine with foils costing $$. If you want your deck all pimped out then yeah, sure, whatever. Foils are basically more rare than rare, so I'd expect a play set to cost money. But for playability I don't want my budget decks to avoid commons and uncommons. Caress... not a super card. I'm not sure it's seen constructed play past the kitchen table. Which means it's price is inflated because there's a lot of kitchen players out there... Which means wizards should pay attention to build around me reprints like caress, tribal lords, etc.
Liliana's Caress, and Gitaxian probe.... Because uncommons and commons shouldn't cost 2-3 dollars a piece.50 cents tops.
interesting format, I'll have to check it out more
You could probably afford to take out a Kederekt Parasite. ;)
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