Out of the 15 Reaper King decks I've looked at, I like this one the best. Need to get a Riptide Replicator and the Descendent's Path and Lurking Predators is a good add. The only card I think is questionable is Xenograft. Xenograft only effects creatures already in play, it doesn't allow your Beasts from Garruk or your other 3-4 creatures to enter the battlefield as scarecrows. Xenocraft is a great card, but seeing how it only marginally effects like 5 cards in your 100 card deck, I'd replace it with something else.
even though blazing shoal is banned in modern you can still achieve a turn 2 win by, turn one breeding pool simic spirit guide blighted agent, turn 2 forest might of old krosia, might of old krosia, mutagenic growth.
cool, I'd still be on the look out to see if you need to cut more burn for more goblins, but with Hell Raiser Goblin some burn is good.
Krenko really likes goblins... thus this deck needs more goblins! I'd put in 2 more Foundry street denizens for sure, take out the dragon claws... life gain in red? why? you only need to play life gain in slow decks... Goblins aren't supposed to be slow. I'd probably also cut 6-7 burn spells and put in more... you guessed it! Goblins!!
I like this deck.
This deck is extremely stupid... 12 land, more than 30 spells that cost 6 CMC or more come on! Who posts these things?!
Pretty cool deck, ever think of running 2-3 Sygg, River Cutthroats as an addition or replacement of Dark Confidant?
Thank you for your interest in helping with this deck, I've updated the deck's description so that you have some idea of what I'm trying to do with this deck. This deck isn't trying to be consistent, in fact it's purposely inconsistent to avoid meta-games such as players trying to count top deck probabilities. If you have any ideas about how to improve the deck, I'd love to hear your suggestions. Thx again.
As a casual deck, yes it works. By turn 5 I've usually drawn 2 or more of the following cards : Gilded Lotus, Wrath of God, Culling Scales, Expedition Map, Glimmerpost, Cloudpost, an Angel with CMC less than 5. The deck does better in multiplayer environments for which I built it. The deck will not survive something like Jund, Boros, Mono-Red, unless I get a Wrath of God or a Culling Scales. But the deck has enough mana accell that getting to 6-7 mana isn't a problem. Thx for the question and the comment.
Just so you are aware, copies of spells are not considered to be played or cast instead copies are placed on the stack. Storm will not count the copies of spells generated by Ink-Treader. Storm only counts the number of spells played/cast, storm does not count the number of spells on the stack.
Hmm, I hadn't seen that... that is interesting :P
Might I suggest Guilty Conscience...
Kira would be great in this deck.. My cursecatchers are in my rogue deck I think. Aether Vial is a good suggestion too, I'll have to think about it. Good suggestions, thx for commenting.
I'm ranting today.... EVERYONE that builds decks with 20 land or less... PAY ATTENTION! If you going to do it, it has to look similar to this build. Look at this deck 14 first turn 1 mana elves, 8 of which generate mana. Turn 1! Turn 2, your going to play Priestess of Titania, or your going to play 2 elves activating Heritage Druid. Turn 3, if you didn't play a Priestess of Titania turn 2, you might pay 3 for it on a Green Suns Zenith and never have to worry about mana again. So for all of you that are building decks with 20 land or less. Stop it! Don't do it, unless you have a consistent plan. I am so sick and tired of seeing completely pointless and implausible deck builds due to this fantasy that you'll just draw the land you need. Unless your going to play Goblin Lackey, Memnite/Ornithopter, or mana elves such as this deck does PUT MORE THAN 20 LAND INTO YOUR DECK! This has been an educational message... and I thank Blackfire Phoenix for giving us the opportunity to show everyone what a deck with less than 20 land needs to look like.
This deck is questionable, at 20 land your not going to be playing Growing Ranks turn 4 and playing one on turn 6 is pretty much pointless with the aggressive nature of the rest of the deck. Same can be said for Falkenrath Noble. Speaking of the aggressive nature of the deck Blood Reckoning becomes a questionable addition, possibly a sideboard card for zombies or other spirit matches. Finally you don't need 5 Divine Deflections in any deck, since that sorta breaks the rules of the game, so might want to take out one from your sideboard. And getting back to the 20 land, your never going to have land to make the most out of Divine Deflection as a combat trick. 3 would be the minimum to deflect a Pillar of Flame, and your always going to want to play something else turn 2, 3, 4, or 5, which means it's a pretty useless card, early game... and this deck doesn't really have a late game. Your simply not going to be able to Divine Deflection your way out of a matchup against Thragtusk.
um how about 4 forests!!! 16 land? When are you planning on playing Crucible of Worlds turn 6? Have you even played this deck? Seriously, you should gold fish this deck, and count the number of games you actually could play a Crucible on turn 3. Fucking Limited Decks.... 40 card decks, play 16-17 land and they have 20 less cards. I'm so sick and tired of all these fantasy decks that are not even plausible because of their land count!!! Play the god damn deck!!!
Time for me to go and buy another play set of Dark Withering. :P Liked, gave me some ideas of what I want to do.
It will automatically kill any opponent, yes. Whether or not it wins the game depends on how many opponents you have.
hmm interesting suggestion, it would help to build up the counters... means I'd have to make it 5C.... which I suppose wouldn't be a big deal for one card. I'll have to think about, good suggestion, and an interesting take on modular. Liked your deck, thx for commenting.
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