unfortunately, I don't have the modern Glissa's otherwise I'd probably do that. I actually took out the affinity because I had built the deck poorly with my mana curve being way to high. That being said, I do plan to use the affin' going to try to revamp it into it's own theme, not sure if add any modular too it. Thx for the suggest, and for commenting!
mrpod, I think your right Stonghold would cost to much with only 20 land in the deck. That being said I think you should probably move up to 22 land, that way you'd have more chance to play 2 Dauthi Cutthroat (or similiar) cards on turn 4, or be able to drop a Dauthi Marauder and play a Kiku's Shadow on turn 5. If you went up to 22 you also might be able to add 1 copy of Stronghold Overseer.
Gotta love Hatred in this deck.
Very cool, I was thinking about doing EDH kitty tribal. What do you think of perhaps adding Remember the Fallen?
Looking through some old cards and just saw that Grinning Ignus was and elemental... then I came up with the same idea. Just wanted to know if someone had seen it too. Cool deck, the additional of dragon's claw makes me giggle since normally I hate that card.
Hurray! for a straight up Near-death Experience deck!
If you hid a Soulgorger under Butcher and then blinked the Butcher out, during your upkeep, while having Near-Death Experience in play you'd win the game.
Wow, Gravepact. That's so nasty, I just get giggles! Great suggestion!
Black Green Mill, gotta love it!
very cool best use of Dream Stalkers + Familiar's Ruse ever! Just got 4 Jester's Scepters looking to build a tempo-control deck.
Honestly, I think the Dissipation Fields are a bit too slow for this deck. Plus with 20 land getting the deck down to 60 cards would be a real bonus.
hmm, I think I prefer infinite mana, or in the case of Clock infinite untaps.
I was thinking about building a deck like this. I thought the card Griffin Protector would work pretty well as it would get +3/+3 everytime you played a Captain, or Captain's Call. And if you were to play an Increasing Devotion... Bam! Surprise, a 7/8 Flyer coming at your face!
I died to this combo just the other day... it was painful. :P
Hmm, not sure what I would take out to make room for it though. And then I'd have to ponder about adding Turnabout, or just adding another Unwinding Clock.
I actually have a deck that makes use of Scornful Egotist. I use him with cards like Kaboom, Erratic Explosion and Riddle of Lightning. I also use him with Energy tap to play and use cards like Bosh, Iron Golem, or Rush of Knowledge.
I have to agree with Matt on this one. Although I understand why you'd use proxies even if you did own the real cards, it's not even legal in vintage! I mean come on they allow almost anything vintage, you could at least make it vintage legal, that wouldn't be hard, and all the turn 2 combo's would still work.
You need to drop the main to 60 cards for it to be tournament quality. Small decks increase deck efficiency, card consistency, and up card quality (because you be drawing your best cards more often). Your not playing any white, green or red spells, take out the shrines. Getting one counter per turn, is too slow for a tournament.
Awesome, I love that you use Plague of Vermin! The only thing I don't like is Dry Spell killing your Blood Artist.
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