Hey! I love the deck! (I'm running something very similar) I just have one question though. . . Spark trooper? odd choice i know, but with aurelia, your swinging twice unless your opponents throwing creatures to die by it, and then you can whip it back for a total of 4x the value! Its just an idea I thought of when looking at your deck. Once again, love the deck and good luck! (oh, and i find sin collector is funny against control. especially when you get to whip him.)
Hey! I like your deck! one thing I think you could add to it to make it scarier would be puresteel paladin though. once its on the field it makes your whole deck crazy. (combo him with Leonin Shikari for amazing results)Hope that helped and I really like the deck!
Running the white mana you are, you could consider adding in a blood baron of viskopa or two. There are plenty of decks where dropping that will guarantee you a win.
Yeah, The Hammer is mainly just for haste (the reason I only put one in). The golems may come in handy sometime, but i doubt it. Haste with all these guys (baron, deso demon, archangel etc.) looks like it would be pretty nice though. Thanks for the comment!
Thank you for your comment sir!What would you suggest I take out though? I have 2 archangels conveniently, and their counters help make everything else bigger, however they seemed to just be big targets for every removal spell when I played with them previously. I would love more fiendslayers, but I am limited to one at the moment. Also for removal, i thought doom blade and devour flesh are rather specific to be running in my deck. I currently have chained to the rocks, dread bore, hero's downfall, and warleader's helix, which can hit a much larger range or targets.
Burning-Tree can speed that up a turn on its own, and a funny card for this deck would probably be hammer of phuros, so that all your guys could come in with haste. now wouldn't that be scary with fire fist? but . . . i don't know. I'm not much of a fan of the card myself. but it would go pretty good with whats in your deck.
Well, not many of your guys actually have counters for kalonian hydra to benefit them save savage born (and scavenging ooze somewhat) so I say your beset options are to either drop 2 of each hydra for a set of fire fist strikers (if you want your deck to be faster), or to replace your satyr ramblers with them if you like your hydras and want them to do damage. Firefist is definitely nice over the rambler because while he does not have trample (which is not overly necessary on a 2/1) he can make your opponents worst threat not even be able to block which can let your guys get in a lot more damage.
Trading post seems to be a little overlooked here. It can not only gain you 4 life per worthless draw, but it can give you extra draw power from unnecessary artifacts, make a creature to block with if need be, and bring a wanted artifact back. the fact that its colorless makes it all the better.
Definitely consider fire fist striker as a creature to burning-tree into.
Yeah, the problem running this deck would be against a control deck though. When they can supreme without any chance of it being canceled with render silent. A card you should consider is Sin Collector even if he's just for a sideboard. Against any kind of control or midrange matchup you can play sin collector turn 3 and knock out whatever spell they planned to mess you up with turn 4. He is very good. Also are you playing this for causal play or more for FNM? (that will change how I can suggest things)As for planes walkers, I agree Ashiok would be nice, but don't over look either jace or elspeth. all 4 have great potential in a deck like yours.
Thanks for the suggestion! I'm adding some in, but I'm still keeping in 8 mountains to help chained to the rocks, unless you think i should forget about it. Prophetic prism will have to do the rest of the work.
Yeah, I definitely agree with that. one thing you definitely want to run if thats your game finisher is more draw. in your colors theirs tons of options to choose from, but it will help you get your supremes and obzedat a lot quicker.
Its interesting seeing an esper creature deck, so I really like it, however i do have a couple of questions. Why do you have quicken when the only sorcery you have is a single Supreme Verdict? You also do not have too many enchantments or instants so I feel like you might find auromancer and archeomancer to not be worth running.
If you have rageblood shawman, why not replace chandra's phionex with minoutar skull cleaver? 5/3 trample haste?
Two cards the deck is really missing are tide bender mage and night veil specter. those both add lots of devotion for your master of the waves, and are great on their own against a slew of decks. you may want to consider running another thassa because she's so good, and besides that I really like it. it looks nice.
One thing that I think would help this deck is exchanging the hammer for another Kragma Warcaller. The war caller is more expensive, however the benefit of them giving your minotaurs +2/+0 every time they attack is great with Rageblood Shawman. And if you do get more than one war caller out, then all your minotaurs get +4/+0! which in an aggressive deck is quite a lot. mmm, I will comment again in a few days when I'm more awake, and hopefully then I can give you some better insight.
Couple cards you could consider are asceticism, vigor, and cultivate. though cultivate may not be good in a deck without a turn 1 mana dork. but yeah, i really like the deck and its looking good!
I think one card that would be great in here, especially with Darien, is Worship. It basically keeps you from dying as long as you have both out.
I highly suggest dropping the selesnya key rune and Gideons for Elvish Mystic because that will allow you to play guys like loxodon and witch stalker on turn 2 with is great. another awesome card to think about is unflinching courage, because it lets you gain crazy advantage against other aggro decks. hope that helped.
Anytime, I hope it helped a bit.
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