Hey! looks nice! not sure why your using Kiora's follower though. (seems like sylvan caryatid would work better) The deck I'm posting is one I made for my friend, you should check it out because I'm using a couple different cards to maximize Ephara/Kamentara's potential.http://www.mtgvault.com/somesoggytacos/decks/bng-flash-shinanigans/
Puresteel Paladin. Gives you draw power and free equip cost.
Urban Evolution could help you with draw and getting your land out.
http://www.mtgvault.com/somesoggytacos/decks/janky-white-weenie/heres a deck I placed first with a few times. I guess I was running a lot more weenies than you though, which is what made devour flesh a dead card. Oh! and Elspeth also wrecks R/G's whole world between her +1 and -3, only stormbreath dragon can get anything on her edgewise. Lastly Imposing sovereign can just give you such great tempo its astonishing.My comments may not actually be the most helpful now since BotG came out and I abandoned the idea (due to drown in sorrow and Bile Blight, they just made my deck obsolete) but assuming not too much changes in the format, they should be alright. Hope it helps! good luck!
Hey! looks pretty good! I have been running a VERY similar deck myself recently with tons of success. One suggesting I have is to switch out a couple desecration demons for more blood barons, while this may seem dumb, It will really help your mono black and aggro match ups. You can then also take out dark betrayal from your sideboard for more doom blades against R/G devotion. I realize you have dark betrayal in there to replace doom blade against black, but blood baron is so infinitely more problematic to W/B decks than deso is when you have weenies to back it up that you should be able to do fine with slightly less removal.Hope that helps, good luck!
Satyr Wayfinder is a pretty good card for decks like these. Lets you get a land in your hand and some other guys in your graveyard.
Magma Jet.Scry and do damage? I say its worth it.
Yeah. . . Haha, thats your job! I couldn't tell you even if I wanted to!
For this deck I would probably suggest it being in the main since it can definitely help you win game 1 in match ups. and vs. imposing sovereign, for this deck blind obedience is much better because while there is removal for it, theres a lot less than there is for a 2/1 body. and your deck is slow enough that the extort is worth more than the weenie.(also what do you mean by the traction with obzedats? like you want to put more in?)
Blind Obedience may not seem like much at first. But its truly an amazing card for this format. I would suggest running at least 2 somewhere. Uses include:-red aggro haste-tribute creatures-Opposing Obzedats-Slowing Xenagos-Creature tempo-Extort is an easy way to tilt games in your favor.
oh that makes sense. thanks for explaining! do you get to cast both halves of hide/seek with isochron at once?
This may seem like a waste of time, but could you explain how this deck works? I am about to get into modern and this is the color scheme I'm looking at. I get that this deck has land destruction elements and control elements, but what role does discard have in this deck? theres lots of cards to make both you and your opponents discard and that seems non synergetic with ensnaring bridge. path to exile also goes against the land destruction your working on. Lastly, what would be the preferred cards to isochron scepter? cards like silence or smallpox?
run the curse sideboard* main board its totally uncecessary.
This deck isn't standard though. Even last standard deso saw no play because it "simply is not good enough" some pro's words, not mine. Outside of the weak meta where mono black devotion is on top, cards like Phyrexian obliterator are immensely better. I personally would suggest dropping a 1 or 2 demons for lillana of the veils so that you can force the sacrifice at a lower mana cost. You may also want to run a curse of death's hold that way cards like lingering souls don't slow down your sac power.
Have you considered just "Indestructibility" over Gift of Immortality?
Well, Since foundry is a 1 drop you would want to replace one of your other one drops with him. my first glance goes towards fire drinker satyr, since you should never have open mana when he is still good and he gets very bad (for you) very fast. 4 legion loyalist does seem like over kill though. maybe the best way to try it is to run 3s of each 1 drop and see which ones you like more than others. running 3s instead of 4s also protects you somewhat from bile blight.As for thunderous might, ummm. I would personally use maybe 1 or 2 of them over titan's strength, but thats completely up to whoever runs the deck.Hope that helped and good luck!
Worldspine Wurm! Master of Waves! dumb but fun ideas! do it!Edit: really don't do the Master of waves since you hardly have any blue devotion, but Worldspine would be really interesting as a 1 or 2 of.
With the amount of mana acceleration you have why not throw in a worldspine wurm or two? you can get them out, and when they are taken care of by anything but exile, you get 3 5/5s. just a wacky idea.
With the land situation as it is you probably won't be able to be as aggressive as the rest of your deck looks. I would suggest cutting down on the amount of lands that come in tapped and replace them with mountains. (since almost all your cards can be casted with red)4 legions initiative seems like a bit much since it can't actually help you push damage through (even though it has nice synergy with purphoros.Over all I would say that you should try to streamline the deck mana cost wise to get it as close to mono colored (or just heavy in two colors) as you can. that way it can still be as fast as possible.ps. good aggro cards in your colors include spike jester, chandra's phionex, since they are able to push damage through the turn they come out.hope that helps!
Another way to go about it is always to use slaughter games, memoricide, surgical extraction. those are harder to pull off in some cases, but much more permanent than can't be cast permanents.
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