Fluxcharger is really nice with flying and 5 toughness, however flipping his power and toughness leaves him much more open to all other forms of instant burn such as searing spear and izzet charm, and it also it does not play as well off of casting multiple instants on the same turn which would make Nivix Cyclops much larger power wise and still keep him relatively safe toughness wise, i will listen to what you say though and try them both. and mizzium mortars.
Nice, the blasphemous acts could definitely screw you up though if your opponents running reckoners (or stuffy dolls). even then I really like the deck. good job.
So for cards to take out (I forgot to mention this) I would replace the champions, elites, odric, front lines, and legion loyalist with the sideboard. does that sound reasonable?
One thing i found out is that pilgrim and rally the peasants actually won me (in combination with silver blade paladin) 3 of my matches against other aggro decks. turn 3 have 2 2/2 double strike lifelink blockers, turn 4 swing with them, if they say they will take 8, rally so it turns into 16 and you gain that much life. (plus at instant speed with a flashback it can come out of nowhere.) I do think you guys are pretty right about odric for this deck though, without lightning mauler in the deck he's too easy to deal with. I just need a little while to think which guy to replace him with.
Why is game 3 destined to be bad? I mean thats when you sideboard to whatever you know will work best, so you should be doing pretty swell with your deck. And bonfire is a great idea, thanks i always forget that one.
So Deadbridge is definitely a card more suited for the longer match ups against midrange and control (thank you for play testing this by the way) and would need to be side boarded out for aggro match ups. I realize geralf's messenger is probably a bad card for a tri color deck, so do you think throwing in some avacyn's pilgrims would be a good for helping to jump to the higher drops faster or do you have a better idea/card? (such as dredge mangler?)Thank you so much for all your help.
Glimpse the Unthinkable and Traumatize are definitely worth putting in. If you like mirko then i would consider taking out mind crank, and adding in something that makes mirko unblockable or hexproof such as whispersilk cloak. If you really want to make them mad you could probably put in a Haunting Echoes as a near finisher.
Hmm. I like that idea, but may I ask what specifically you have in mind?
Maybe a creature to top off your curve? Angel of Serenity, Craterhoof Behemoth, or a Deadbridge chant?
Mmmm one major problem with taking them out besides the fact that Those cards are half the point of the deck would be how badly that would screw up my mana situation. Having black purely for 6 removal cards hardly seems like its worth it, If i take those cards out well then, this is just like any other boring resto/thragtusk deck. Deadbridge chant is superior in this deck to armada warm or angel of serenity in that it gives you card advantage and can make threats come back over and over which is nice. Varolz pairs really nicely with cards such as luxodon smitter, and VoR, just letting you continuously make threats out of things your opponents would otherwise stop worrying about. I agree the cards you mentioned would be nice for a deck like this, however the specific style and twist of gameplay this deck has when your opponent is playing it for the first time make it better in my opinion. P.S. wednesday you said this deck was awesome! why the change of heart?And thanks for your comment!
A suggestion I have for the deck is to try and cut down on the Brindle Boars Timberpack Wolves, and Bountiful Harvests to try and get in more of the other creatures you already have in here like primordial hydra and dungrove elder. You may also want to consider adding in more mana ramp cards such as additional cultivates, rampant growths, and lanowar elves. Lastly replace the non forest lands with forests because thats all this deck really needs.hope those suggestions helped a little!
This is what a forest really is supposed to say: http://www.mtgmintcard.com/images/products/91/MAGIC-THE-GATHERING-ALPHA-FOREST-ALPC076.jpg
What it means is that it can either act as a forest or a mountain. once its on the field it will just add a green mana to your mana pool like a forest but it comes in tapped.
I would actually consider taking out the green entirely as you only have 2 creatures that need it, and its making your mana situation hard. take the bond beetle and the Slitherhead out and you can have a 60 card 2 color deck that would work a lot better.
Well if you do make one, just send me a link and I will check it out!
Thanks! its great to hear that from you!
Really? Most of the cards in here have a mana cost from 3-5, which with rampant growth, cultivate, and the elves is usually extremely easy to get.
Ah thanks for your comment and suggestions! I only have one question though, as the Voice has a nice 2 drop creature role in my deck, are there any other 2 drop creatures I could replace him with if I was to sideboard him? I can't really main board Skylasher as he's really only good against the blue decks.
Nice, I don't see why you only have 2 archive traps though. with Maralen you could search for an archive trap and play it for free on their turn 4 turns in a row to mill 52 cards which should be a game winner.
What is your plan against aggro?
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