For $9,000 one would think you could use You're/Your properly.
Hamlet Captain?
cuz it's a cool deck
Honestly, I had never considered Mox Diamond, but it seems like a good fit. I really appreciate you taking the time to leave good, insightful comments.
I really like Obliterator. In this deck, he's never difficult to cast, especially if I make the changes you suggested to my mana base. He needs to be answered by a StP immediately or I gain tremendous tempo/card advantage. You're right about Elspeth, though. Too often do I tap out for her, make a token, and have her die once I pass the turn. I'll throw in the Ports and Tombs.
Hey, thanks for the advice! I agree with you on the fact that SoWaP isn't as good as SoFaI, but I had it in there to compensate for the life loss. After a few rounds of playtesting (Against Esper Stoneblade fml) I realize the life loss is pretty insignificant. I'll throw in the SoFaI.
That's true. Aggro is kind of a problem for this deck. Luckily, they aren't very prevalent in legacy. If I run up against Goblins are elves, I'll side in Perish and/or Engineered Plague.
I wasn't so much bashing your deck, as much as the overall quality of decks making front page. Front page decks are typically very well thought out, unlike this one.
I have yet to see a legacy deck run shatter, crush, manic vandal, or torch fiend. O-ring has seen one-of play, however ancient grudge actually sees play. Regardless, artifact destruction is not the bane of my deck. For instance, Batterskull can be bounced in response to the spell. Even if one of my three main-deck artifacts are destroyed, that still leaves a suite of threats such as Lingering Souls, Bob, Obliterator, or Elspeth. Of course, this is assuming that they still have their artifact removal after 11 hand disruption spells.
I suppose it's too much to assume you'd notice the deck was only at 50 cards when you commented. Clearly, I was reconsidering my threats. And yes, I'm only running 3 equipment. However, I'm running 4 Stoneforge Mystic, so it's like I'm running 7 equipment. Please explain to me how I'll be screwed when people sideboard after game 1?
Yes, the aggro deck with 16 3 drops, 2 6 drops, and 22 lands would annihilate a legacy disruption deck. YUP.
How the fuck did this make front page? Awful.
Cool deck! Maybe a R Splash for Galvanic Blast and Shrapnel Blast so you have larger reach.
Necromancer's Covenant is a pretty good fit. But it's 6 mana, so I think it's good sideboard versus control.
Grand Architect. Myr Superion. Treasure Mage. Less 'Turn to Frog's. That card is terrible and doesn't do shit for your gameplan.
Take out the Farseeks for more Fetches. This is obviously not a budget list so there is no reason not to run more fetches. Path to Exile > Dismember. Stirring Wildwood is not worth it. It wasn't even good in Standard, much less Modern. Thoughtseize should be mainboard. Check out my Modern List:
Seems like a cool idea, but I don't know why Liliana is in here. You have 2 x Think Twice and 1 x Forbidden Alchemy to synergize with her, but that's about it. I'd prolly just drop her in favor of Think Twice or Tezzeret cux he's a two turn clock with Inkmoth Nexus.
seems like a really cool deck idea. I'd suggest cutting the Ghost Quarters. If you're not control, then I don't think it's worth it to risk your own manabase to try to cut down the opponents manabase. I'd trade a SoWaP for a SoFaF. Maybe try to mainboard an Ancient Grudge or two cuz swords are gonna be nasty in the post rotation. I really like the deck idea.
I would definitely recommend Think Twice and/or Forbidden Alchemy. They are really good for finding answers, great synergy with Snapcaster Mage, and helps you set up Stonehorn/Venser combo. I really like this deck mainly because I love pure control. Nice job! Here's my recent modern list (Also pretty heavy control):
I like the deck. I've had similar ideas, but ended up straight UB Flash Control. Mystic Teachings is another good way to go, though, because of the recent bannings. I would take the pact of negation out. It's really only good at protecting combos for combo decks. When you would need it in a control deck, you probably won't be able to pay the upkeek cost anyways. 2 more cryptics is a must imo. One last thing, Rune Snag>Mana Leak. Other than that, it looks good. Check out my Modern List:
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