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Lolol this is an awesome deck. Untap, Upkeep, I win. Serum Powder could be really good in this deck. Other than that, there isn't much to say. Check out my Modern list:
Maybe splash blue for Distortion Strike, Blighted Agent, and Preordain? For sure you could use Inkmoth Nexus. Seems like a cool deck even though I'm not a fan of all-in "decks"... Check out my Modern list:
Lol, in order to make the deck more "Tolerable" you turn it into a 12Post deck. That's just mean. I like the deck. Check out my Modern list:
I like the idea of this deck. You might consider running a Trinket Mage package including Everflowing Chalice and, more importantly, Voltaic Key. Voltaic Key is pretty nuts with Lux Cannon. You also NEED to run 4 x Preordain. It's the best spell in standard by far and any deck that runs blue needs to run a playset. Check out my Modern list:
Bitterblossom + Teysa is awesome lol Bitterblossom + Basic lands is awesome Jokes aside, I've always been a big fan of BW and this deck looks really sweet. Unmake would be a really sweet addition to this deck and maybe Tidehollow Sculler? Check out my modern list:
Random tribes FTW! Door of Destinies may be good in this deck, but it looks like you have things pretty well figured out as it is. Check out my Modern list:
This deck is freakin awesome! I love random tribes. Maybe Adaptive Automaton would be good in this deck? idk it seems really sweet as it is. Check out my Modern list:
Nice, I love me some EDH. Ur list could prolly run Green Sun's Zenith or Chord of Calling over like a Lightning Bolt and a Violent Outburst or something. Check out my new modern list:
I really like this deck. The only suggestions I have are Ball Lightning, Fulminator Mage, and Hellspark Elemental. If this were my deck, I'd prolly take out Fling, Soul's Fire, and Volcanic Fallout. They are all very conditional cards and Volcanic Fallout seems like it'd hurt you most of the time. Anyways, really cool deck. Check out my modern list:
Hmm, how about Mental Misstep? It has won so many counter wars for me and I think it definitely deserves consideration for this deck. You also might try some shatter effects to get rid of Torpor Orb and Spellskite. Actually, you could run a one-of twisted image main for Spellskite and then a shatter or two for Torpor Orb/ Phyrexian Negater. Check out my Modern list:
Seems really interesting. I understand the concept, but as I was drawing sample hands I found that 2/3 of the hands didn't have enough mana sources. You should think of running some more. Check out my modern deck:
Looks like a cool deck idea, but you may consider running either M10 Duals or something to replace those Forsake Cities and Crosis's Catacombs. Deck Link:
If you're already running 4 Selective Memory, you might consider running 1 Treasure Hunt as another win con. I'm also building around a blue creature from Innistrad. Check out my Snapcaster Mage deck.
This deck looks really cool, the only suggestion I have is Goblin Guide over Kor Duelist. I understand that Kor Duelist is frickin sweet with adventuring gear and several landfalls, but without Stoneforge to maintain that consitency I'd reccomend Goblin Guide. I'm also trying to build a Modern list that isn't Combo, Zoo, or 12Post. Check it out!
I see you have 8 Moxes in there. Good luck with that.
K, The Sword of War and Peace seems like a good idea. I'll throw that in there. I thought I had a couple GFTT"s in there, guess not. I have a better list now, though. I'll update this now.
The quote is from Obliivion when a guard tries to arrest you. Cool deck.
Eh, I've never been a fan of Ajani's Mantra. It's not a creature, so it can't attack or block. Otherwise known as a dead card. Besides, the lifeloss from Phyrexian Arena is negligible. It puts me on a twenty-turn-clock. The lifegain from Jitte, Batterskull, and Vampire Nighthawk should be fine.
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