
8 Decks, 58 Comments, 3 Reputation

Hey Overbeing,
I love the deck! It looks like it has a lot of potential, but there are a few things that'd I'd change if it were mine.

Dismember is great, but not so much in mono black. I mean sure, 1 mana for -5/-5 is great and all, but i'd rather pay an extra B for Doom Blade or GFTT. The main reason Dismember is so great is because non-black or splash black decks can play it eastily. I would reccomend taking 2 Dismembers out for 2 Doom Blades.

In this format, Inquisition is a four-of. No questions asked. It takes : Sword of BnM, Sword of FnF, Sword of WnP, Deciever Exarch, Mana Leak, Stoneforge Mystic, Squadron Hawk, Lotus Cobra, and basically all the removal in the set. I'd recommend -2 despise, +2 Inquisition.

That's all I have. The deck looks great and I can't wait to see how mono black does in this format.
If you could take a look at my deck which is kind of similar, I'd really appreciate it!

Posted 18 May 2011 at 01:59 as a comment on Mono B Obliteration


Lolsky! You mentioned me! Anyways, I really like this deck and have always thought that Bant is pretty good in the meta. As far as the land base goes, an aggressive deck like this would like to run 4x Rasorforge Thicket, methinks. I mean, the extra two manlands are fine, but you already have 4 collonades. If you find yourself animating stirring wildwood, it's either to desperately chump-block or to try to catch up with a planeswalker. Personally i'd run the thickets. Other than that i feel like the deck is a little bottom heavy. Maybe Sun Titan could show up for a six-drop and bring back 16 of your nonland permanents plus fetchlands. All in all, a pretty sweet deck.

Posted 01 May 2011 at 19:13 in reply to #156225 on Bant!


Oh, I see. It's just that most vampire decks run four in the main board because he typically wins the game.

Posted 02 January 2011 at 11:03 in reply to #101314 on Vampire rush


Oh, my bad!

Posted 01 January 2011 at 23:35 in reply to #109202 on Vampires of Malakir


Kalastria Highborn + Bloodghast is a sweet combo. I'd suggest trying it out.

Posted 25 December 2010 at 09:34 as a comment on Vampires of Malakir


Obviously, Elspeth opens up 1 spot,. If a trinket mage can fetch up an effigy, one of the Journeys or condemns could be swapped. And i've never really been a huge fan of small Jace, considering how many planeswalkers you're already running. So after all of those you have 4 open spots, if you take out 1 preordain or wall of omens (probably a wall, since trinky is a creature that cantrips too) you'd have 5 open spots, which is enough for 2 trinket mages plus 1 Chalice, 1 Effigy, and 1 Elixir. Just my opinion.

Posted 23 November 2010 at 18:44 in reply to #101468 on UW Control Updated


I'm not sure if the format is aggro enough to justify running 4 Wall of Omens. Also, if you do run wall of omens, the preordains definitely aren't neccesary, or Vice versa. Like Reece said, Elspeth doesn't really fit here, since she kills most of your stuff too. In my opinion, a Trinket mage package is great in U/W, since it doesn't have the class A removal, Brittle Effigy is very welcome. Voltaic Key to uber power ratchet bomb? Everflowing Chalice? Elixir of Immortality pretty much kills red. (and we all know how you hate red lol) Overall, a nice control deck.


Posted 22 November 2010 at 15:58 as a comment on UW Control Updated


Why are the Vampire Nocturnus's in Sideboard?

Posted 21 November 2010 at 18:36 as a comment on Vampire rush


Abyssal persecutor is amazing with the vat and can get bounced by ur aether adept or Jace. Not so sure about the scroll thiefs, if you want to draw an extra card each turn, just use a small jace. Maybe trinket mage to fetch an everfowing chalice or a voltaic key. If you can get those two down with a mimic vat, it's game over. All in all, a cool deck.

Posted 02 November 2010 at 19:05 as a comment on Tempo Vat


Really cool deck. I'm not really a fan of Inferno Titan unless you're also running Basilisk Collar, which you're not. I think that running 4 Primeval Titans is a much safer bet if you have them. I like the Ruin Blasters, they're really underrated right now but I think they fit with the deck quite nicely. I think a Back to Nature or two in the sideboard wouldn't hurt. And I honeslty think the Ratchet Bomb will hurt more than help you in most situations. Other than that it is all in all a great deck.

Posted 16 October 2010 at 15:25 as a comment on Destructive Force


Interesting concept... What's your win condition?

Posted 09 October 2010 at 22:03 as a comment on U/W Planeswalker Control /w Venser


Blood Ghast is a pro in Vampires. Also, maybe consider Captivating Vampires.

Posted 07 October 2010 at 19:22 as a comment on Strigoi


Really cool deck. I really like oust, it's very effective against ramp. The only questionable card i see is Linvala. I could see her being a sideboard card against Fauna Shaman decks or something. But i guess it depends on your areas metagame.

Posted 06 October 2010 at 18:08 as a comment on U/W Tapout


Cool deck, although i don't see why the ratchet bomb is a one-of. It can't be fetched by trinket mage.

Posted 06 October 2010 at 17:39 as a comment on Trinket Bolt


Take out the Reckless Scholar, there are more efficient methods of card drawing and he doesn't help you if you're topdecking.

Also, you're running alot of creatures. I'd run 4 wall of omens, maybe a couple of tidehollow scullers, and 3 or 4 sphinx of jwar isle/ baneslayer angel.

Path to exile is definitely a four-of. You need some board sweepers like Day of Judgment or Consume the Meek.

Get rid of Excommunicate, Crystallization, Flashfreeze and Celestial Purge. Excommunicate is very inneficient, crystallization is easily replacable by Condemn or others like it. Flashfreeze and Celestial Purge are great sideboard cards, however, they're dead cards in many situations.

Posted 24 August 2010 at 11:05 as a comment on Esper Control (need help)


If you're running any sort of white control, you run at least two baneslayers.

Posted 24 August 2010 at 10:56 as a comment on esper control


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