Thanks!Regal is a bit costly, but I put it into sideboard to play with =)
Those are all great suggestions, I'll keep those cards in mind and play around with them. I don't know about removing underworld... It's good draw to keep things in hand to trigger counselor and grim. And you are right about the sanctum, but it's easily swapped out for other lands if I want to run modern.
Mistcutter Hydra would be a good critter to look into.
I tapped it into sideboard to play around with. Unsure about taking out anything for it when Endless and Colossus are the only token makers currently. Thanks for the suggestion!
I like it but with shroud it means I cant enchant my own creatures as well.
Any particular cards in mind?
Boros Elite would be a good common to teach them the Battalion effect.
Bound* my love, not bond. Lol
Blood Artist or Zulaport cutthroat could cut down their life. Also Grave Pact would be fun with this, keep their field clear.
I'd take out a couple wild guess actually.
Madam, actually, but I'll take the compliment. lol.
I was going to suggest Vorel of the Hull Clad when I thought you ran green. Might be worth it if you wanted to splash a few dual lands, he doubles counters.
Goblin Arsonist might be a good one drop for some early pinging.
Door to destiny might be fun in this.
Hm. Yes... I was intending to sac the spawns mostly, but it would be good to have a backup plan. Thanks!
Grave Pact or Butcher
Worldspine Worm could be fun if you want a big guy with trample.
No problem! One of my good friends built a scary mill deck back when Return to Rav was standard, and it kicked butt, so I'm familiar with alot of good mill cards lol.
This is built for the crowd I usually fight against, at my local FNM. I dont usually need a ton of removal if I can hit the player in the face with the 'burn' spells. But if you found yourself facing a different crowd, it could easily be changed up. =D
@Manray Brimstone doesnt just work for my creatures, though. If I pop one of their critters, I can also use it. And if I dont draw it, its not a huge deal... I have plenty more burn. I dont want a ton of critters in this deck, because it kills the flow. I've actually -removed- creatures from what this deck once was to make it run smoother. And it does surprisingly well, even against rush decks. My fiance runs Rakdos, lots of low drop hasters and such to run people over, and I've beaten him with this deck. Torch fiend is something to consider for SB though, I forgot about him. Thanks for the suggestions!@mtgbI use those for combos, which is the best way to run this deck as I have found it. Especially if you have a Guttersnipe on board. Read my description for more info on some of the combos I've pulled off. You'd be surprised at the damage you can stack up!
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