Lightning Reaver FTW!! Looks like a very powerful deck in casual. Only one thing missing though... Blightning.
I'd suggest x2 Hederon Field Purists for a little more defense? Looks good all that aside tho. Very strong and tricky too.
Maybe add Lightmine Field for Gideon's +2 ability? Make all opponent's creatures attack, Lightmine fields eats them alive =D
Very cool deck. And Sunforger!? Damn that's good. I've never seen that card. Love it.
Kiki rules! This is very well put together and fits a nice theme.
Thanks Soccerpro! I'll definitely take that into consideration =D That's a good card.
I'm trying to get this to 60 cards.. but it's tough because everything works so well together the way I have it set up. Suggestions welcome =D
No Ophidian Eye combo?
You could add in a few "Rings of Brighthearth" to duplicate planeswalker abilities? no?
You should use spreading seas so your Halimar Wavewatch can Islandwalk no matter what deck you play against.. =) Plus it really screws your opponents colored mana/ non basic lands no matter what.
No Jace?
Try crawlspace for defense? Only allows opponents to attack with 2 creatures on their turn. Cheap and easy =)
Cool theme deck!
Very cool. Seems like it works well just by looking at it.
I'm a fan of Dragons so this seems like it would be very fun =)
I like! I like!
Not bad, but you'd GREATLY improve the playability of this deck with a few Training Grounds added in..
Thanks! That's gonna be a good read and a lot of help. I really like the ROE set a LOT.
It's funny you mention that, bc I am using Elvish Piper and Sneak attack in a Green/Red deck based PURELY around getting Edrazi into play quickly. This Deck is an experiment to see if you can have a deck that works good, that has a secret weapon if you can pull it off kind of as a coup de grace =D Not only that, cheating the big guys into play doesn't warrant you their "extra turn" or "draw cards" abilities. That only works if you actually CAST them into play. which is what the Sire does =)
Don't NEED the rings in play to do it, they just make it easier. There are a lot of mana gainers in this deck. That's why so many different elves. Diversity. I tried building this deck so that even without the spawnsire ability, it might stand a chance. Getting the 20 Spawnsire ability off is just a bonus =) I may be wrong and this deck might just suck. I'm gonna have to do a lot of playtesting/editing I think. Good call on the Edrazi monument. I didn't even think of that card!
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