
206 Decks, 265 Comments, 20 Reputation

I'd REALLY like to see this deck with a Stronghold Overseer or 4!

Posted 20 August 2010 at 08:46 as a comment on Shadows of the Past


Emeria, the Sky Ruin is useless in this deck as you only have 6 plains! LOL

I like the idea of Sun Titan and bringing back the Vamps, it just needs more definition. Maybe try Grim Discovery in case you don't have the Titan out? You'll like having it in there as a backup I think.. cause waiting til turn 6 or more to drop Sun Titan is pretty slow to get your creatures back..

And maybe try Virulent Swipe? And I prefer Hideous End to smother for only 1 mana more, you get what you pay for out of it..

I think that Landbind Ritual is too expensive for this deck and will only be truly useful if you had more plains... you can just stay consistent and add in 2 more Ajani's Mantra and Ajani's Pridemate to maximize that effect in your deck.. there's a few more things but I hope this can at least give some help =)

Posted 20 August 2010 at 08:31 as a comment on Vamp + Sun titan


Looks good to me.. only other thing I can think of is Knight of the White Orchid...?

Posted 18 August 2010 at 10:33 as a comment on Standard Knight Deck


Looks pretty tough and fast. l like it a lot!

I love the Knight Exemplar card.

The only suggestion I have is Honor of the Pure. It's +1/+1 to all your creatures and will stack nicely with the exemplar abilities.

Posted 18 August 2010 at 10:30 as a comment on White exemplars


Any suggestions? Comments?

Posted 18 August 2010 at 09:53 as a comment on Splintering Titan Burn


I like it. Great mana curve! You have removal. You have a way to tap opponent's creatures and most of all all your knights will be indestructible! Gotta love this kind of build.

Posted 17 August 2010 at 14:58 as a comment on knight's tale


Love it! Niiii!!

It actually looks pretty damn good.. but I'd replace the 3x Time of Heroes with a Sun Titan and two Coat of Arms since you already have Honor of the Pure. Coat of Arms would really make this deck sick!

Posted 17 August 2010 at 14:49 as a comment on The Knights who say Ni!


Devin Townshend reference??

Posted 17 August 2010 at 14:21 as a comment on Vampira


Valakut is what he's doing all his damage with tho.. it's in the title of the deck...... so i'm pretty sure that card IS the main concept..

Posted 17 August 2010 at 13:58 in reply to #81045 on Rite of Valakut


Good Vamp deck man..

Posted 12 August 2010 at 09:21 as a comment on Vampiric Control


Cool Ideas guys. I was already thinking of Novablast Wurm but figured Day of Judgment was a cheaper way to go.. but it is such a cool card with this deck.. hmm..

Posted 06 August 2010 at 13:35 as a comment on Holy-Green Knights Batman!!


Ok some changes made. Thanks. Only 3 more cards to kick out of there.. what to do..?

Posted 06 August 2010 at 10:04 as a comment on Holy-Green Knights Batman!!


Great idea on your spell selection with the Isochron Scepter man! I love the deck!

Posted 05 August 2010 at 15:40 as a comment on Knight of the Throne!


Dude.. I love the deck. It's got the best of both "RWB Planeswalkers" and "Mythic Conscription" plus a little added flavor. How does this deck play?! I'm STRONGLY considering creating it.. 9.5 Rating!

Posted 07 July 2010 at 12:28 as a comment on cunning conscription


I do have a Mirari. I'll throw it in there in the place of "Cast Through Time" and see how it works.

Posted 06 July 2010 at 14:35 in reply to #72387 on Infinite Zap! Copy! Control!


True. Very true. I'll cut it.

Posted 06 July 2010 at 11:18 in reply to #72212 on Infinite Zap! Copy! Control!


This is a damn good starter deck. Your friend should win a lot of games with this.

Only suggestion: +1 Avenger of Zendikar -1 Pelakka Wurm and find a way to add in +2 Khalni Garden to compliment Avenger =D

Posted 02 July 2010 at 15:25 as a comment on Mono Green (Yeah, again)


I think you could benefit from adding in more Terramorphic Expanse/Evolving Wilds so you can get the lands you need faster. Aside from that, it SEEMS as though it would play ok. With 3 colors and only 2 fetchlands and only 1 dual land, you need more ways to get the land you need. I'd up your fetch lands to at least 4 total or add in more dual lands.

Posted 02 July 2010 at 15:17 as a comment on My Missionaries in a Foreign Field


Not bad, but I think this deck would greatly appreciate some removal (Oblivion Ring/Path to Exile) or fog (Safe Passage) spells to keep your allies alive long enough to bring the pain with Clarion Ultimatum.

Maybe add some low mana defender creatures too You have 27 ally creatures. That's more than enough so it wouldn't hurt to add a few defenders and remove a couple allies... Wall of Denial, Wall of Omens, and Wall of Reverence can really be a sound defense even if you only have one of them in play.

Posted 02 July 2010 at 15:13 as a comment on Bant Allies


Sanguine Bond + Blood Tribute?

Posted 02 July 2010 at 14:11 as a comment on Type 2 Vampire Aggro (M11 involved)


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