Also, I can't see your deck. Do you have to make it public?
There are 20 cards in the deck that produce tokens. But, only 4 in the main that populate if that's what you mean. I do like Sublime Angel here and agree it needs some cards to fnish the game. So, I've been considering options...Sublime AngelGavony RidersOrdicetc...IDK - Adding 2 Sublime might be the best choice....Also, there's a lot of "4 - of" in this deck. I might drop to 3 in some of the slots and put in some utility. Like, instead of 4 Doomed Traveler - go with 3 and put in the UlvenWald Tracker in that slot. I actually had a lot more populate, etc originally but decided that instead of ramping into a 4 or 5 drop card that I'd try to keep it 3 cmc or less and drop land count instead.Appreciate the comments!
Nice job. Gotta love the trefolk! Here's my version:
Interesting. I tried something similar and at it's a little more aggro, but the flashback spells keep the snipe and talrand firing away. There's also good card advantage with wager and think twice.
Intended to be a fun deck for FNMs, etc.
Love the deck price! Plated Geopede and Smoldering Spires is a lot of fun! Might take a look at Searing Blaze too.
Actually, I like the consistency of having 4 talrands. So at least for now - if I had to drop anything, it would be the Burning Vengeance and the Vexing Devil. But, you might be able to talk me into a talrands invocation for one or two of those slots! I also agree that it will probably need several counter spells in the main to protect itself. Finally, I think Sleep is very powerful and I'd probably use that to stop aggro decks.
Yeah, great card! Probably great vs Zombies, etc too!
Yeah, it takes a few turns to get going and the combos are based upon creatures which are easy targets for removal. So, yeah I was thinking I'd start with this and playtest. Then, if I need to add counter spells or whatever - then do so. I did switch the vapor sag out for unsummon. So, thanks for pointing that out.
This is probably more like what you guys are looking for. Seemed like adding black made more sense than white.
Yeah, I have a tendency to be creature heavy. I really feel more comfortable playing aggro or aggro/control style decks. I was seeing the vexing devil and pillar of flame as my early answers to the faster aggro decks like zombies. I suppose we could do this: -4 Vexing Devils +4 Vapor Snag (Azorious Charm seems even better) I've also thought about dropping Burning Vengeance too and splashing white. That would give me access to Azorious Charm, Detention Sphere, and Terminus. But, if I do that and start dropping the creatures for control like mizzum mortars - then this deck starts to look a lot like Todd Anderson's RWU control that recently won in Cincinatti and I was really hoping this build could be something more original (like abusing the snipe, taland, or vengeance). However, winning is also fun and I do appreciate the comments guys. That gives me a lot to think about.
Nice deck, but a bit pricey for me. Love the removal though. Slaghter Games.... No doubt this card is nice. But, it's not Surgical Extraction so it's more difficult to cast. Try -2 Slaughter Games and +1 Bonfire of the Dammed and +1 Rakdos's Return. Damage to face (with benefits) is always good! I also agree with some of the previous commentors. 4 of Vraska is probably too much. Maybe -1 Vraska and +1 Farseek. You should always start with 24 land for this type of deck (where you've got several cards at 4 cmc and 5 cmc). So, +4 Farseek might be -2 total land. But, it doesn't mean you can drop 3 total land. You'll probably have a higher chance of mana screw. I'd look to get back up to 22 land with 4 farseek. Vampire Nighthawk / Rancor / Tragic Slip? These cards are pretty good and a little lower on the mana curve. Might see how your deck plays and keep these in mind if you need to speed it up.
Yeah, nice job. Stuffy doll is one of those cards that needs to be abused to be good, and looks like you've found a way to do just that! Nettling Imp, Sirens Call, or Deadly Allure might be fun. Also, the mana base seems off here. 14 land + 4 mana dorks + 3 Rampant growth = mana screw as far as I can see. Search the internet for this article title. It's an old post, but it's probably the single best article ever on how to develop a solid mana base. Mmmmmmmmmana...Five Rules For Avoiding Mana-Screw
Appreciate the comments! I like the Cathars Crusade, but its 5 cmc and then u likely still have to wait until the following turn to cast a creatrue. I want to be faster! I have the same problem with the Gavony Township. But, I'm more likely to try it. Especially, if we add more green humans like the mayor. I'm thinking about dropping the champion for 4 lawkeepers and dropping 2 fiend hunters for 2 silverblade. So, here's my best case sceanrio: T1 = lawkeeper or dagger T2 = honor or the inquisitor T3 = silverblade or crusader T4 = equip or angel I'm thinking that leads me to a T6 - T8 kill. Assume the opponent kills a creature or two, board wipes, etc. This is where a +2 and haste on a DS creature can really make a difference. The reason for Vault is if i run VS another aggro deck - which is quite common in my area - I'm thinking I can clear the board / trade and gain life so I can sustain long enough to get past their swarm. Let me know what you think.
At 7 cmc, she's a little pricey - but may be an option to bring all the humans back Angel of Glory's Rise
I've been messing around with a GW humans that uses Silver Inlaid Dagger and Gavony Township. Still working out the kinks on my version... so it's nice to see what others are doing and how well it works.
Very nice. I like V2 just the way it is!
Love the creatures! I've always wanted to make a treefolk deck and have been collecting when I can, but still don't have all the parts yet.
Really appreciate the feedback! It does look a little slow. I have friend who did something like this but used Vexing Devils and Infernal Plunge to ramp early. I'll see if I can put another list together that is quicker! Here's his list by the way:
Well, there's no doubt in my mind that Rancor is an all star. I'm also a huge fan of the legionairre. He will take down nearly every other 2 drop available. Don't see ambush viper played much anymore. He's also a nice surpise to have in your hand.
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