This deck's name and premise just made me burst out laughing. You made my day, thank you! XD
I took searing spear over abrupt in the main as spear is more versatile. I do side in Abrupt against enchantments, Liliana, and certain creatures, but all in all, abrupt is not worth maindecking. Deathrite is not in as a win condition. It was either him or diregraf ghouls, and I felt my deathrites provided a lot more utility. They're also great hate cards which eat up removal. Plus, I only own three :PLiliana in here would be pretty nifty, though. The discard isn't so bad on my end, and the sacrifice is free removal.
Not sure what your budget goals are, but it seems to me that Cavern of Souls would be a nice addition to smooth out mana if you're playing all elementals.
Bant Hexproof for Ravnica standard
No Izzet Charms? I'm kind of surprised, is there a reason you're leaving them out? By the way, the red-blue dual is in MTGVault already, Steam Vents is just a reprint from Guildpact, so you can put it in without a proxy. Feedback on my Bant Hexproof would be sweet
Hey, thanks for commenting on my deck! Haha, I actually thought about brewing up one like this before - Rhox Faithmender as a tool to get Chalice of Death off sounds like a blast. :D I'd actually suggest stocking up on more Fog effects - there are 3-4 cheap instants that prevent all combat damage for a turn, and they'd help stall while you get your combo off. I'm not sure what Restoration Angel is doing for you in this deck, either - I don't see any comes-into-battlefield effects for her to take advantage of. It might just be more efficient to focus on stalling. Fog Bank is a great wall to frustrate your opponents while you keep stocking up life.
Ground Seal is a great card, but it really doesn't help vs zombies. It only stops graveyard cards from being targeted, but it doesn't stop Undying and doesn't stop Gravecrawler from coming back. You'd need Grafdigger's Cage for that. On the other hand, Ground Seal shuts down Snapcaster Mage hard.
Forgot to add - 4 Disciple of Bolas might be a little high, considering he's on the expensive side of the mana curve. However, if what you have is working, keep it up! If you could take a look at my Bant Hexproof, I'd like any opinions on it. Thanks :)
Great deck! It's very similar in principle to the U/B zombies I run. I do think limiting the Mutilates in there and putting in a Killing Wave or two would be an improvement. It's a cheaper mana cost that still lets you sacrifice your board to blood artists (even if X is played for 0), and has the added upside of making the opponent lose life. Either they pay to keep creatures and you surprise them by wiping your board for lethal blood artist, or their guys die and your blood artist goes off anyway. And hell, then you can pay the life you just gained to keep your own guys alive if it works out better. In short, Mutilate is a great board wipe, but Killing Wave can give you a lot more choices if you're running a sacrifice/blood artist strategy.
Great advice. Right now I'm working on a new deck for Ravnica standard, and I'm following these same principles. Bant Hexproof is easy - play cheap effective threats (Geist of Saint Traft, Invisible Stalker) and buff them with cards like Spectral Flight, Wolfir Silverheart, and Increasing Savagry. Add a little card draw, mana fixing, and tricks, and you've got a deck!
Thanks for the suggestions - you're right that the Triumphs aren't doing much. This deck is always being shifted around a little bit, so I think Mikaeus is already out. I think I really do need to get some maindeck Oblivion Rings, though.
Ah, forgot one thing - if you do add black, the B/W version of Sorin is a great token planeswalker :D
Hi there, returning the comment you left! I've seen some killer token decks, but this one does not feel focused yet. There are a lot of different cards, but it will not be very consistent. I would cut Conjurer's Closet, Akroma's Memorial, and Touch of the Eternal. More of Intangible Virtue and Cathars' Crusade would be good. The human subtheme doesn't seem to be doing you much good here. Only Champion of the Parish and Riders of Gavony are getting anything out of it. Try focusing less on Humans and more on tokens. Using Lingering Souls for the spirit route works wonders. W/B lands make the flashback easy enough, and the G/B lands in Ravnica help you keep the green aspect in for Gavony/green splash. Elite Inquisitor can go if we're cutting humans for tokens, and Angel of Glory's Rise starts to feel more like a great sideboard vs Zombies instead of a main deck card. Ajani and Silverblade are both cool, but neither one helps you get tokens out (minus the ultimate), and Ajani only buffs one thing at a time. I would add Doomed Traveler for sure. They help make Champion of the Parish worth keeping, and they turn into flying tokens, which are awesome. If you do add black to the mix, Vault of the Archangel is a great trump card. Captain of the Watch is cool, but she's expensive to cast, and I think better options will open up when Ravnica comes. Support cards like Rootborn Defenses will be amazing with a deck like this, and might be a good card to replace her with. Wow, guess I had a lot to say XD
Hey there, returning the comment. :) Honestly, this deck is pretty solid. You've got the necessary white Human cards in Thalia, Champion, Silverblade, and Bladehold. Anthems instead of lords, haste instead of mana accel, and swords instead of Rancor, it's set up shoulder to shoulder with G/W. I'd agree that another bonfire in there would rock most opponents' boards, as long as Thalia doesn't get in your way. The sweeping is necessary since you don't have the trample (or evasion via Lambholt), and since most value creatures in standard are small, you should be able to make a good opening.
Golgari and Izzet look to me my favorite colors right now. However, I REALLY want to see a Wolf Run Ramp deck featuring Nivmagus Elemental and Wild Defiance. Think about it - target the elemental with a one-drop spell and exile it for +5/+5. Activate Wolf Run for the trample, and go nuts. Guttersnipe could go off each time, too.
You know that Ground Seal doesn't protect anyone from Tormod's Crypt, right? The Crypt targets a player, but Ground Seal only stops individual cards from being targeted. Witchbane Orb would technicaly protect you from Crypt.
Quick question: Why no Rancor?
Eh, in all honesty, you probably won't be hitting your "win" until turn 3 upkeep, which means your opponent has a chance to draw any number of 1-2 mana enchantment busters. That aside, I love the devious combo nature of this deck :D
Sure, why not? Standard GW Humans here. It will only be losing 2-3 cards come rotation.
Turbofog is an archetype coming from old Fog builds that were designed to stall the opponent. Turbofog accelerates their demise by actively milling them at the same time.
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