Is there a reason you're using Dream Twist instead of Jace's Erasure? It seems like you'd get a lot more mileage out of Jace's Erasure, and it would have great synergy with Rites of Flourishing.
What, no Wellwishers? :P
I don't know if it would work well or not, but have you considered Chalice of Life as an alternate win condition?
No kidding about it being brutal! The eternal formats are so scary... I like staying in standard where my turn 5 wins are nice and strong. :P So question - I can see via the sim that some hands just don't draw out right. How far down do you mulligan?
Sir, you deserve a medal for that deck name. I'm sitting here looking through the cards... I've heard of squirrel decks, but I can't believe all these cards exist without tappin the "un" sets! I'd love to play or play against this deck sometime :D I'd appreciate any feedback on my GW humans, if you could take a look! Thanks!
I may look into that as an alternative to Angel of Jubilation. Unfortunately, it creates Soldier tokens, not Humans. It would help Lambholdt, but not Parish, and most of my lords wouldn't affect them. The Battle Cry does help that, but that's only +1 power and only when I attack. Jubilation gives her bonus constantly and has evasion for herself. The other downsides include the higher price and the fact that it's rotating out at the end of summer. That may be a lame excuse, but I don't have any Hero of Bladehold myself, and it doesn't seem like the best investment atm. :P
Druid's familiar is too expensive for its effect, but seeing the bear made me think of Uvenwald Tracker. THAT would be a great card, it's a cheap human, and would serve as reusable removal via Fight.
Thanks for stopping by! Yeah, I agree that the deck is vulnerable to removal. Thalia is honestly not important, but she's a great distraction for luring out a mana leak. The Champions getting axed does hurt. The good thing is that depending on how much removal they use, I can quickly get a new Champion up. It's board wipes that worry me. Faith's Shield might work in a pinch. Asceticism would protect, but has a huge CMC. I'm not so worried about fliers since I can consistently kill around turn 4-5. Even spirits full of Lingering Souls + captains would have trouble racing it via flying.
I have to admit, I've always wanted to see a Chalice deck work! I do hope you can get the manabase right. The Evolving Wilds is a good budget way to do so, and fixing 3 colors is a bit of a pain. Maybe Birds of Paradise would work since you have a green presence? They could be extra stallers as chumps while you hit your target life. I'd like any feedback on my GW humans, if you could take a look! Thanks!
I do have some thoughts on this deck. What support do you have for Saint Traft? Without some sort of evasion, he's going to die very easily in one shot unless you spend a bunch of turns buffing him with captains. Even a Runechanter's Pike would give him first strike to make him harder to block. (and would fit with your spells) Without any support I think he's a pricey card not helping this deck. No dual lands? You should at least be running Glacial Fortress - they're not expensive and will be essential to landing your turn 3 plays. Consider one or two Moorland Haunts to get extra use out of dead creatures, as well as spawning extra Spirits to pair with those captains. If you're running Lingering Souls, consider running a Swamp and two Evolving Wilds. This will give you reasonable odds of hitting that black mana to flash everything back. Alternatively, there are UB and WB dual lands, and a handful would help land the extra power. I'd love feedback on my GW humans deck, if you could take a look! Thanks!
Thanks for the comments! Gavony is limited in order to ensure I get my colored mana. I'd rather have a single copy in there instead of trying to put in a Mikaeus, simply because it's harder to get rid of and gives me an option if I don't have a play. (maybe I'm a white short of Angel of Jubilation) I thought about Mentor of the Meek, and it's certainly possible. However in playtesting I haven't had much trouble with card draw. I have trouble deciding between Mentor and Triumph of Ferocity - Do you know if anthems would render Mentor useless? Creatues would enter the battlefield boosted already, right? Meanwhile, Triumph will kick in quickly no matter what creatures I'm playing.
You have four 7 CMC angels with only 16 lands in the deck? You really need to work on that curve. I also think it could do with less equipment. I'd like any feedback on my GW Humans, if you could take a look! Thanks!
I don't really see how this is an ETB deck. Kemba is cool, but I think you're better off using token generators that don't rely on equipment. Thraben Doomsayer is the same cost and doesn't need gear to spawn creatures. Is there a reason for Stormfront Pegasus? It feels like you could do a lot better, unless you have something in mind. If you're going Tokens, consider Parallel Lives. Any reason why Champion of the Parish isn't included? Or any dual lands for that matter? (if this is a budget deck, though, you did pretty good for such a low cost - it feels great to teach the value of combos to a new player) I'd love any feedback on my GW Humans, if you could take a look! Thanks!
Is there a reason for no Cloudshift? It seems to me it would go great to combo with Kessig Malcontents and turn Fiend Hunter into permanent removal. It could even be used post-combat to give an existing Stormblood Berserker his Bloodthirst. I even see Zealous Conscripts in the SB - nothing is more perfect for them than Cloudshift. Either make a stolen creature yours for good, or spam its ETB to steal a bunch of permanents. This is one RW humans where I'm not feeling it for Thatcher Revolt. It really only pumps Champion of the Parish (mana of using that AND Kessig Malcontents feels too high for red), and the three humans die at the end of the turn. I'd love any feedback on my GW Humans deck, if you could take a look! Thanks!
If you're going with Kessig malcontents, why not run Cloudshift? Otherwise it seems to me that Hellrider would be more useful in the long run. Kessig might go off once for decent damage, but only if you already have a board. Hellrider has a repeatable effect, or Cloudshift would at least let you abuse its ETB (as well as Blade Splicer) You'll have to be careful with Manic Vandal so you don't blow up your own swords! I think he's better off as a sideboard card vs artifact heavy decks, or replaced by Ancient Grudge/Divine Offering. I'd appreciate any feedback on my GW Humans, if you could take a look! Thanks!
No need to drop big money on lands, but investing in the core set dual lands is generally a good choice. Since they seem to keep getting reprinted, they'll last quite a while and be useful in years to come. Bonds of Faith is a good choice considering the humans. Not sure about the need for four Fiend Hunters and four O-rings. Sure, some of each, but it seems overkill. Since you have such a low curve, I'd want to see more creatures out instead of spending my mana on (removable) removal. I'd say lay off the hunters since you have Bonds of Faith as creature hindering, and put in another supportive human. If it turns out you're playing another human deck, you can always side out the Bonds for something more universal, like hunters.
No dual lands to fix your manabase at all? I see humans to pump Champion of the Parish, but I'm not sure what else is going on. There aren't many supporting cards, just a bunch of creatures. Do you have a particular strategy? I'd appreciate any feedback on my own GW Humans, if you could! :)
Hmm, the only issue is Herald of War would largely be irrelevant by the time she hits the board. If I have 5 mana, I can play 2 creatures a turn already, and I won't have many left in hand to play to pump the Herald anymore. Ratchet's there to blow tokens out of the water. Spirits would be a pain since I have almost no flying here, and ratchet would buy me a lot of time. Good thought about Grand Abolisher, though. I'll have to playtest this more, but replacing some Hamlet Captains might be a solid move.
Nice, my buddy was just thinking about a way to make this same kind of deck. I think the main difference is he wanted to have a couple Kessig Cagebreakers in there as finishers, but I think yours is pretty sufficient! Nice touch with the Dawntreader Elk - it finds your island and fuels your graveyard at the same time! (and at the same time makes sure your islands don't get pitched) Have you considered an Alchemist's Refuge? It would be great for dropping a Ghoultree or Splinterfright at the end of their turn. I'd appreciate any feedback on my GW humans, if you could take a look. Thanks!
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