I have to admit I'm curious - why the Cackling Counterparts instead of a 4th Phantasmal Image? If the focus is copying your Drogskol, they should be nice and safe. Even if you're just copying a snapcaster for the effect, it's kind of a one-shot deal anyway. (or is it BECAUSE Snapcaster could flash it back on the cheap?) I'd love any feedback on my GW humans, if you could take a look! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=327300
Why Autumn's Veil in the SB? It seems to me that Grand Abolisher would fit better. It's another body, it doesn't have to wrestle Thalia, and the protection lasts longer. Midnight duelist also feels weak compared to the rest of the deck. What did you have in mind for him? Elite Inquisitor is quite a bit better, and you have the birds in there for mana fixing. Considering your curve, you're not in need of more one drops, and he's a straight upgrade. Otherwise it feels like there should be something with a lot more utility that could fit in. I'd appreciate any thoughts on my GW humans deck, if you could take a look. Thanks! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=327300
^This is how I found this deck earlier this morning. It went on "upcoming" soon after and shot off after that. Admittedly, "+1 for humans" is not that constructive or helpful. :P
Oh, instead of the Angel of Glory's Rise, why not have an Entreat the Angels or two? Seems like your ramp would benefit that a bunch, and I'd rather have a bunch of 4/4 fliers than a bunch of humans (unless they come back in a VERY large synergy all at once)
Looks like a more rampy version of the one I've been playing with. The extra ramp lets you get to bigger guys like Craterhoof Behemoth and non-miracle Revenge of the Hunted, but it really takes away from the Human tribal feel. Champion of the Parish won't get nearly as big, though Champion of Lambholt might still be worth it. Have you considered something like Gather the Townsfolk? Or with the Birds, splashing for Thatcher Revolt? Don't forget, M12 rotates at the same time as Scars. I'd like to hear your feedback on my own GW humans. Hearing enel39's comment is making me think about Thalia myself... http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=329995
Between those two, I would probably take Uncanny Speeds. Rush of Blood will rarely boost more than 4, yet still costs an extra mana and doesn't give haste. I think the haste works well with Undying as well - you can sac or survive removal in the first main phase, and still attack the same turn. It also lets you use the High Priest ability earlier than opponents might expect. I know you commented on my GW humans, but would you have any suggestions for the sideboard? It always tends to be my weakest part. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=327300
Can't actually get into Gatherer from work, but literally every source I've seen, from mtgsalvation to the Wizards forums, specifically states both creatures get both abilities. The combo lives!
Very interesting using Tropor Orb on your own guys! It takes away the opponent's ability to control how you use Vexing Devil (and their controlling Treacherous Pit-Dweller entirely), which is a big plus. Fling with the Skirsdag High Priest should be great, and undying makes it even sweeter! Good job not spamming Cavern of Souls too much considering all the non-creature spells. 3 orbs should be enough to guarantee + backup, and they'll be great against Soulbond/flicker decks!
That is... incredibly lame if that's true. I'll look into it later tonight. Thanks for the heads up, though! Even if that's the case, nightshade + Elite Inquisitor is nice and strong, and I may phase out some Silverblade Paladins for the +4/4 Wolfir
I don't know what format you're going for, but a couple moxen will get you close to that turn 1 master transmuter. Definitely maindeck the blightsteel, just find a way to make that combo work. I've been on the receiving end of that around turn 2-3 and it hurts. I'd also love feedback on my Standard GW humans for AVR if you could take a look! Thanks :) http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=327300
What's the point of Invisible Stalker in this deck? He doesn't have any swords or pikes to swing. Is he only there as a target for Dual Casting?
I like them, but they're slow.
I took a stab at modifying this deck into something I'd play. I really like the base it's built on, but I made some changes to speed the whole deck up and lower the mana curve. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=319552
Ah- should have added that many vampire lords like Alluring Vampire are not usable in Standard. Bloodline Keeper may have a bigger presence in Standard, which could explain why you heard he was so useful.
Why would you need Sol rings? You have a good, low mana curve, and enough land in there you should be good. You shouldn't really need the extra 2 colorless. As for Bloodline keeper, I imagine it has to do with the kind of vampire deck you're building. His big abilities are vamp tokens and the +2/+2. However, you have cheaper cards like Alluring Vampire for the buff, and you don't need a token generator with so many useful vampires. I think people are trying to lean you towards another useful vampire in Olivia, rather than doubling up on things you already have.
Tallyaeon suggested Falkenrath Aristocrats. Don't worry about its ability wanting humans to sacrifice - the fact it's a 4 power flying that can save itself is MUCH more important than the small boosts a human would give. Your captains/other vampire buffers will be more than enough.
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