I am now adding some Ad Nauseam to my deck. Nice card for this type of deck
Good luck finding them...
Big creatures and nasty effects. I like it. Still not playing Gruul though. I'll stick to Dimir and Rakdos
1) No, not all of the cards need the Guild Emblem but most should. This is a guild deck after all. Besides, I've never seen a deck made entirely out of guild cards2) No. Make it all rares if you wish3) No. The usual amount of 60 is recommended unless you play Battle of Wits
Not trying to ruin this whole budget-hate, but besides the added cost of the 200+ lands in here, this deck is a budget deck. However in saying that, any deck based arouns Treaure Hunt is because it contains 8-12 actual cardsAlso, if you're interested, I will make a not budget (or even very pricey) deck that is good and take back the hot page from budget decks!
Lets not go there.....
Vintage/Legacy. Modern deck.Good idea though
I know how you feel. Funny enough, decks like this that make it onto the hot page for me are SO INCREDIBLY STUPID even by my standards and people love them, yet a serious deck with great potential goes by unnoticed
Barrens came to mind before Chapel. They're also cheaper and gain lifeI know they aren't the best of lands but could be very useful in the deck
Give up and start a new game. I am only a casual player too, but I would recommend putting draw into the SB
Adding swamps sounds good for a deck like this but it doesn't help most of the cards. In fact it hiders them! However it sounds like a good idea. If I had some X cards, then I would be SBing them
Some days you simply need Healer of the Pride because you need to recover your life and if you have Warden/Attendant, your life total stays the same with Trading Post but with Healer you gain a life and have a 0/1 token. Not to mention that Warden/Attendant are only as useful as Suture Priest when they don't play any creatures. Decks without a lot of creatures are pretty common where I playHowever, if you want some in an SB then I would highly encourage it
This is based on my old standard deck that I want to convert into modern. Which is simply replace some of the cards for a better modern version e.g. Shock for Lightning Bolt
Ok...... I am now back from my 12 day tour of the Pacific!Thank you all for the help you have given me. For everyone who has commented about me needing Tutors for this deck, I am starting to agree with you. I am ...... was ...... in the middle of adding them into the SB in order to decide which ones to have mainboard but I went away and had no internet. Not that I wanted it...And to answer someone's question from earlier, this was originally a troll deck that I didn't think would go anywhere like this.
I didn't think of that.
You can normally tell by the card used as the deck's picture. E.g. This deck uses Nivix Cyclpos which is OBVIOUSLY not standard. This is when you use NinjaStyle612's solution
I am in the process of adding search cards into the SB sine so many people have told me to use them. If you could leave a list of Modern legal ones, then please do so I can add them
Zombie Infestation. You certainly did your homework, genius
It only adds the cost of the lands because there are 200 of them. The deck without most of them is about $30
The deck has been untouched for months now. Memnite has probably forgotten about it and I for one don't go and change tags very often. It's not like Kahns just came out and Ravnica went while the deck was still hotNo point whining, dude.
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