Oooh! Teferi's Puzzle Box is an interesting card. Very lovely especially for a fun deck haha.I guess my recipe relies a lot on draw speed and some control before the Mizzet lands!
Giv'em the Ring of Valkas, Dwarves loves Rings. :D
haha! Thanks!I haven't got a edh deck in physical copy yet! It's kinda sad haha!Now I'm seeing the joy in Edh crafting.Oh! More Fungi? I was thinking that Savage Thallid would be quite the difficult one to maintain... and the rest, I don't know them well haha! I have a Physical Copy of a Fungus deck and I really love it! It's in my deck list called 'Tonight! We dine on Saproling!'
To add on to the Steal and SlaughterYou could add in Fling! :D
Yo yo!Lost Auramancer FTW!! Haha!Overlooked that guy! But if he dies without the criteria met... :(I've added him to my recipe too! THANKS FOR THE SUGGESTION! :D
I'd wanna look deeper into counter measures for aggro enemies...Bouncing and cancelling won't work >.<Sigh.. haha! (TF2 Medic: "I HAVE NO IDEA! :D"
Hehe! True haha!!I need something like... hmm... Dissipation field? :)
Hey there!Thanks for your appreciation!
thank you for your suggestion my friend!Added :)
hey hey there!Paradox Haze would only benefit Darksteel Reactor. So I left it out, I prefer maximized synergies.Check out my other recipe for maximum Paradox Haze output! (Budget)http://mtgvault.com/rosverde/decks/paraparaparadox/
A little research and I found a card that would fit that category as well as the deck's flavor.Time EbbThanks for the suggestion though :D
Steel overseer is cool! :DBut he can't oversee something flying above its head xDOh, I suppose Proliferate and Energy Chamber would help the Clockwork creatures greatly. Meanwhile Vorrac can tap twice if combat doesn't require him (with Unwinding clock :D)
Heehee!So long as there is peace and respect, I suppose great minds do think alike :D
With the blessing of nature itself. Life shall flourish.In the most intimate way as possible."Swarms of single men and women clawed at Thraben's gates! Do you still deny our mating season?!"
Nah, it has to be humans. All for the flavor my brother!I can't have spirits mating with the humans! LOL
PLAY ALL THE CHEAP CARDS! :DBudget to the people!!!
Hey hey!I've been making decks that is primarily consisting of ladies too! (But sometimes a few non-humanoid creature that aren't male/masculine)Besides their crunchy crunchy bad girl flavor, I am worried about but one issue, their combat.Perhaps Curse of Thirst would hurt more than Oblivion?Btw do you mind if I change my Feminine decks' titles to something along the line of yours? Like say a Prefix before their name? I suppose the name 'Sex Appeal' does draw more viewers xD
Painting The canvas with Sap since 2011.
Hey there Fellow budget builder!I've a card to suggest!Wild Defiance :D
141-160 of 211 items