Father and son giant tribal
rubinia soulSIGNer :facepalm:
Good budget replacement is maybe [[Greatsword]] ?
Waiting for the unannounced duel deck for this: Delightfully Devilish.
Love it
Please let us know how it goes!
I doubt anyone would kill you for proxying scheme cards.
I've brewed a Toggo deck in the past and found [[Reality Scramble]] on a rock to be something worth considering. [[Indomitable Creativity]] too, but that's probably not a budget card anymore. Something fun to consider at least.Maybe the newer card [[Audacious Reshapers]] ? Not sure if this stuff is on theme, but trading out a rock for a key equipment could be nice.
If you feel like you're missing some card draw [[Dragon's Hoard]] [[Reckless Impulse]] [[Imposing Grandeur]] [[Knollspine Dragon]] .You could also consider [[Terror of Mount Velus]] and [[Sarkhan's Unsealing]] .
[[Dryad's Revival]] over [[Recollect]] ?
I think the bask guy was banned and everything is hidden by gary, if you check out his profile he still has comments but you can't view them. They weren't deleted by him...
Personally think Zada is quite a boring commander to pilot and the gameplan of the deck in always so linear, rarely with a lot of nuance. Not hating on your deck or anything, but the style of play is quite a bore to me and to top it all off most Zada decks are utterly useless without her.What's your opinion?
You sure you're fine with only 25 lands?
Gary has disabled downvotes affecting reputation. Literally nobody can have their rep go down. Go test it out yourself. I found this out when you talked about finally going positive, wondering how the hell. And despite what you say, people downvoting you are hardly trolls anymore. Lots of people sick of your shit by this point.
[[Mire in misery]] [[Necrotic Hex]] [[Thieving Amalgam]] [[Banshee of the Dread Choir]] [[Massacre Girl]] [[Tribute to Horobi]] [[Bad Deal]] [[Hypnotic Specter]]Just a few fun cards to think about.
Could maybe revamp the deck by adding in [[Lavinia, Azorius Renegade]]. Or maybe add creature lands as a wincon? Like [[Faerie Conclave]]
I love sharks and it breaks my heart when I look at their population statistics. Hopefully one day people can learn to appreciate these magnificent creatures. Fun fact: Sharks weren't feared before their incorrect depictions in media as human hunting monsters and movies such as Jaws has contributed to people not giving a flying fuck about them. Thank you for helping bring more awareness to sharks, despite the trollish way you did it.Now I'll be off to munch on some bananas.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cB4dYfFgaMEPlay this when you're popping off with the deck
How the hell did you make this masterpiece for 32$? Also based public execution enjoyer.
5 color sisay (get her power to 5) > search tamiyos journal > search emeria. It's something. Also you will need to play more land search in general.
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