Would put it in if it were not for the high casting cost. I like it, but I feel like if you were to cast it, you had already won anyways. Probably god-tier in a multiplayer game though.
But it's so delicious, they can't do anything! Muahahahaha!
I don't understand Drown in Sorrow in this deck, it just kills 2/3 of your creatures. I mean sure it might be good later in the game when you have a big beatstick out, but this is aggro, why would you need to invest in lategame? Sorry for the somewhat harsh criticism, but I just find it odd that Drown in Sorrow would be in an aggro deck.
As much as I do like both of the cards, I feel they are too slow for this deck.
I have no idea if this deck is any good, but rakdos heroic is the new meta.
KedeREKT Creeper, This deck can't lose.
Of course it is, just take out a swamp! But damn son, it raises the price by a whopping 0.25$.
10/10 for using Calcium Man.
Bitterblossom reported for costing 45$
I see, well if you want to make your deck more viable or consistent I do suggest running playsets of cards to ensure a high chance of drawing into that specific card. But if you cannot obtain multiple copies of cards and you're not really playing in a competetive environment then honestly I see no problem. Sure a deck with only singles isn't competetive enough to beat tournament decks, but you can still have fun playing with your friends. There are many ways of playing Magic, find your way and have fun.
I just gotta ask, why so many 1 ofs of cards? I'd understand if this was a singleton deck, but nowhere have you mentioned that this is one. Just a bit confused.
While I do appreciate the advice, splashing another colour to help with defense doesn't feel right to me. This deck is obviously a very casual deck and meant for a bit of fun. So the gameplan is to either kill yourself or to barely kill your enemy without losing yourself.As for your suggestion on murder, it really depends on your local meta. If people run zombies, vampires and werewolves then maybe it isn't the best removal, but otherwise it's really good. So I think it's more of a "meta call" on which removal you'd rather use.Thanks for the advice, even if they don't really fit the deck in my opinion. I do agree that the deck needs more defensive options to make it viable, but like I said, casual deck.
If I may make a suggestion, do you think Genju of the realm has a place in this deck? Other than that it's a pretty cool deck, I like the usage of the "Ultimatum-like" cards. And even if I don't exactly know what Cromat is, he looks alright.
Elspeth Sun's Champion is a balanced card in a token strategy and Brutal Hordechief is, well, brutal...Mardu ascendancy is nice, but it not triggering only off nontoken creatures is a bummer (Imagine an infinite loop, balanced).
The whole deck was just a silly idea that came to me while thinking of deck ideas. I am a fairly new player, but I do know some things, but Myr Cruel Ultimatum just sounded so stupid to me that I had to do it. Thanks for the tip on Myr Galvaniser though, he can help with ramping a lot and I didn't even know such a card existed. This by no means is supposed to be an actual viable Cruel Ultimatum deck and is meant to be something silly.
Me attack with big scary giant. Giant smash face of enemy, is good strategy. I is approve of deck, who need fancy spell when you have giant!
LOL What the fuck is going on here?
Glad you like it! I hate the idea of taking away the absolutely essential swamps away from the sideboard, but I guess it isn't completely game losing.
I can imagine he'd do pretty well in the sideboard against deck which stall the game out, swapped out the Ogre Battledrivers for two of him. I don't know if he's mainboard playable because of his high casting cost with this being an aggro deck, but I really appreciate the advice. He'd definetely be in the mainboard if he had the bloodrush ability.
Ghostfire blade synergy with morph tokens is pretty sexy. Morph is pretty cool in general, playing mindgames with your opponent. I can almost feel my opponent writhe in agony trying to play around morph tokens. Simply delicious.
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