Hardened Scales is going in, can't believe I forgot that card. I would put Doubling Season as well, but It's just too expensive for me. And about Contested Cliffs, I'm not too sure about it. It's been working pretty well with just Marath for me as a reusable removal spell. Thanks for the feedback!
Treefolk Harbinger fucking op 420 blaze it.
Top tier deck, Riot Devils are actually overpowered so nice job being ahead of the metagame back in the day.
Yeah, In no way is this meant to be a competetive deck. If I were to build Talrand it would look nothing like this. This is just a silly idea for a deck filled with counterspells. Only reason Talrand is here over someone like Ertai, who obviously suits the theme better, is to have a proper wincon. Thanks for the suggestions though! Also, this deck is meant to gather hate.
True that man! Blue can have some ridiculous stuff!
Well done, Jacques le Swag deserves his spot.
Naya without Jacques le Vert? I recommend him, very overpowered and wins games on his own. Other than that seems like a legit Mayael beatdown deck.
It's a bug, this site has all sorts of issues.
Deadeye Navigator + Mystic Snake = Swag
10/10 deck, has counterspells!
You may or may have not played against this monstrosity.
lel get spooked
Needs more countermagic, more boardwipes, more draw, more countermagic, less creatures, OH, and dont forget more countermagic! And of course in the tradition of blue, you should have countermagic. Hope these tips were very helpful, you might also want to add countermagic. ;)
I am a confirmed asshole
There are two, TWO, cards in the game that produce skeleton tokens! Do correct me if I am wrong though. One day skeleton tokens might become a reality.
shikhardhawan and his comments seem to be causing this. His comments seem to have some property which sends you to a movie site.
Surely Ruhan is better than Lightning Angel, why only run 1 of him? Jeskai midrange is a cool idea, someone has to make it work.
Thank you for the very informative and inspirational reply, which is very on topic might I add.
This most certainly is my latest plan for Daretti! My apologies.
Augury Owl doesn't look nearly as cool as Sage Owl though!
141-160 of 217 items