thanks for the idea but i doubt i'll ever have 5 mana for that. this deck is way too suicidal if i dont win quickly, i will have lost too much life with Griselbrand, Reanimate and the Shock and Fetch lands.
oh and as you are running Sheoldred: have you thought of It that Betrays? ;) Some time ago i ran Buried Alive, Sheoldred, It that Betrays and Malfegor... which is brutal if you have the mana for buried alive and a renanimation spell!
interesting concept with red instead of blue. Faithless Looting gives you the same draw/discard potential as Careful Study - actually it's even better because of the flashback. I can also see why you can run the Phyrexian Obliterators as you've clearly got more black mana than i do in my reanimator deck you've commented on. I still think that Elesh Norn and Blazing Archon are better choices vs weenie / aggro decks than Balefire Dragon.
I somehow find it hard to imagine that one could get four black mana (unless with dark ritual of course) for Obliterator before the end of the game. I used to run Putrid Imps but replaced them with Hapless Researcher to increase the amount of blue cards i could exile for Force of Will. However, i used to run 4 Putrid Imps and have only 2 Hapless Researchers in here, so that might prove to be not enough you're right
Thanks for the input. Had thought of Dark Ritual, but apparently underestimated it's neccessity. Chalice of the Void seems like a solid choice but it doesnt help you if your opponent starts with Leyline in play. In addition you cant really use it vs Planar Void because that would disable at least half of your spells as well. Ingot Chewer looks like a neat card as well but shouldnt be neccessary unless i drop Disenchant. I dont see the advantage of Balefire Dragon over Elesh Norn though. Oh yeah, almost forgot the Griselbrand / Jin-Gitaxias situation: I see your point but Griselbrand let's you use his ability even if he's instantly destroyed and i'm quite afraid that will happen more often than i'd like I'll definitely consider dropping Duress for Dark Ritual, thanks!
according to your suggestions, i've added howling mine and swarmyard still thinking about Nezumi Shortfang instead of Well of Torture, especially now with swarmyard
just one word: true!
Hey, apologies for the belated response. To be honest i dont think this deck needs a tutor for six mana... By that time the game is over ;)
Havent been on this website for about half a year and am quite surprised to see that at least two of my decks made it on the front page in the meantime... well that's quite a pleasant surprise
Hey, apologies for the late response, i had forgotten about mtgvault for a while ;) I'm not sure i understand the idea behind adding Underworld Dreams. That would just be one damage for each opponent each turn, i doubt that would make a huge difference and would justify 3 mana and the card spot in the deck. However, if i'd follow SavagetheCabbage's advice and add Howling Mine, it would be worth reconsidering adding Underworld Dreams as well as that would essentially double it's effectiveness
Hey, apologies for the late response, havent checked on this website for a while. I think i put duress in to get rid of counters / creature hate, given that this is for multiplayer, it's quite likely you will face at least one deck which is trying to kill your poor little guys. However, i have in fact never actually set up this deck and tried it, so i'm not sure it's even necessary to protect them and i agree Howling Mine would go very well with the general concept!
Hey, apologies for the late response, havent checked on mtgvault for about 6 months... I agree you can replace Wheel of Torture with Nezumi Shortfang, they both have their advantages compared to one another. Not sure which one i prefer for the moment. However, i think one should go with one of them, not both
though i'm a little bit surprised that this deck is that much more popular than the similar R/U one with Illusions of Grandeur that i personally prefer :(
yeah this deck can be slow but it's more for casual fun play anyway - especially in multiplayer this goes crazy. dont like jester's cap that much, as this is a black deck i'd rather go for sadistic sacrament but removing three cards usually doesnt help you that much and you cant pull it off twice usually
actually i havent been around since yesterday and i was really weirded out when scrolling down the frontpage and seeing this deck... well what a nice surprise ;)
in an 80 card deck - especially with this manacurve - it might help a lot to have more than 20 lands and 4 dark rituals
sure you can reanimate Akroma with Sheoldred, Reanimate, Dread Return and Exhume - just not with Animate Dead or any other entchantments (such as Dance of the Dead, Necromancy or Diabolic Servitude) as i said,i would add 2 more Exhume for 2 Dread Return and probably 2 Victimize for the other two as Putird Imps are always a welcome target for Victimize as soon as they've done their job and furthermore you never need more than one of them out on the battlefield
instants and sorceries work as she doesnt have protection in other zones than the battlefield. however, the protection will remove the enchantment and thereby directly killing her if she was reanimated with animate dead (or similar enchantments). i've only mentioned it because of the 4 animate dead in here - 4 out of 14 reanimator spells that wont work on her
i love akroma myself, though i assume there was a reason they didnt put her but the sphinx into graveborn: akroma cant be ressurected with animate dead :( also, i never understood what people see in dread return. 4 mana is quite expensive and sacrificing 3 creatures in a reanimation deck is hilariously expensive... hence i'd rather add 2 exhume for 2 dread return.
i agree. considering that you may have taken some damage before you get it out, it may even kill you the third round it's out. everything apart from aggro decks will just sit back and wait till you cant afford the upkeep anymore and the decks that cant afford that are likely to have damaged you already before you got glacial chasm out leaving you 2 or 3 rounds to finish them off - probably one more because of your life gain. if you want to sit back and ignore their creatures you might want to consider adding white and peacekeeper or at least using one of those cards like norn's annex, crawl space etc. finally, i think 6 cards (including tutors) of such a necessary card isnt sufficient, you will end up taking mulligans way too often
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