
15 Decks, 49 Comments, 3 Reputation

I like your take on the G/W humans build. I have been running one that has been running over or giveing every 1 deck a run for their money. in the past 3 weeks went 24-0-5 in tournaments.
I am playing around with various R/G aggro builds naya pod decks but this deck seems to be more stable aganst a variety of matchups.

Posted 20 June 2012 at 02:27 as a comment on Humans taking the win!V2


well putting the creatures I have out pumps her, hero of bladehold pumps her they mayor (if she is already out ) double pumps her and any of the equitments I have work well on her aswell. Putting her out is like mayor they eather kill it right then and there or leave it and usually get hit hard for the loss. The best thing I think about this deck is almost every creature is a huge threat so alot of games my opponent uses most their removel early to stall the deck out.

Posted 06 June 2012 at 23:00 as a comment on G/W Humans Beatdown PTQ


I like the list you might want to think about adding some equtments I.E. swords or Angelic destiny. I have a similar deck build =. Take a look and tell me what you think

Posted 06 June 2012 at 04:20 as a comment on G/W Standard Humans


The mayor is a verry nice 2 drop which makes for a good mana curve. The +1/+1 is great on alot of creatures I.E. double strike ones. plus if you do not remove it and it flips I get the tokens so eather side is a plus. It just makes for 1 more creature they have to remove. I use naturalise in the SB for Swords mainly plus alot of other hard hitting things but mainly to stall out R/G aggro.

Posted 06 June 2012 at 03:45 as a comment on G/W Humans Beatdown PTQ


Love this deck. I have been playing with a UW ctrl for awile and it has been killing everyone playing it. That being said there is alot of black decks out there and i am sick of them (lol). You might want to try Sword OFAF. love the batterskull in there!!!! I hate to say i am stealing some of your ideas here for the new standard UW but you have a good deck going.

Posted 29 September 2011 at 16:59 as a comment on The New White-Blue


I would take out Ardent Recruit and put in Hero of Bladehold the are a perfect mid to late game win condition. I also have been toying around with contested warzones in place of inkmoth nexus. Take a look at my verson it might give you some ideas.

Posted 29 June 2011 at 01:34 as a comment on WW Tempered Steel


Blazing Archon , Boros Garrison

Posted 19 June 2011 at 04:40 as a comment on Game 2:Post Your Card


Ohh and my thoughts on kor skyfisher or Squadron Hawk would be hawk because of the possibility of adding creatures to your hand if you happen to run out of gas creature wise plus works wonders when your useing SOWAP.
I have been toying around with Sun Titan in my Boros with the same idea you have eathan of grabbing a fetch land from the graveyard. Sun Titan is seeming to me more and more appealing you can get a sword that was DOed back a crusader that was killed and haveing another creature in the deck with vigalence gives you kinda a wall to work with later game post fetches. I will continue to bounce in and out of my SB just like bouncing 2 then 4 of kor firewalkers.
I have been following you and shurewhynot sence I started playing magic and love the decks and dicussions y`all have. :D

Posted 14 June 2011 at 04:57 as a comment on New Boros


I like it alot!!! I play a deck just about the same as this one minus 1 crusader and add some geopedes and have been doing quite well at my local FNM. People are still arguing that batterskull is not good in boros but I went 4-1 last friday and won 1 vital match because of it.
@ Deidrick hero of oxid ridge is in there rather than bladehold because of 3 things Haste in the main reason, Battle cry we all love and any wall you might have to face is useless because of its 3rd ability.
lastly Boros is not DEAD untill zendikar rotates look at the GP Singapore top 8 for example.

Posted 14 June 2011 at 02:36 as a comment on New Boros


I like it!! But have some suggestions/ideas for ya. First off I love knights and have made alot of varients of the concept that being said here are some ideas.... Sun Titan because if you get stuck late game He is a devestating drop and bringking back an exemplar is always nice. Darksteel plate I like with the exact idea you have in mind but sence you have Elspeth in there try out Eldrazi Monumnet. Honor the Pure is a nice add, Condemn and Jpourney to nowhere I have in my MB to clear out those creatures you dont want to kill because it will devestate you like phyrexian oblirator plus if someone hits you with
Gideion and they make the mistake of turning him into a solider to hit you use condemn and you will leave them cussing. Putting in some Leonin skyhunter is not a bad idea with all the flying out there.

I never thought of useing deathless Angel and love that idea and putting in a Basilisk Collar is not a bad idea makeing an indestructible knight have lifelink and deaththouch is amazing.

Posted 03 June 2011 at 21:49 as a comment on DAMN IT!!


Deffinatly add Journey to nowhere, and try out Hero of the Bladehold it has worked well for me with my standerd knights deck. Day of Judgement is a deffinate add. For the sideboard Celestial purge, Kor Firewalker, white knight, condemn, Brave the elements, Leyline of sanctity should work. Divine offerong is good depending on the meta game your up aganst. I agree with sahav on dropping some artifacts like all the darksteel axe`s org cleaver silverskin armor and dropp 2 accorders sheild if your worried about the metalcraft put in Blade splicer it is a 2 for 1 for 3 mana and great in my mind

Posted 03 June 2011 at 02:08 as a comment on STANDARD Knights 1.0


It is an ok deck. I would dropp some cards to make it alot better. Drop Darksteel Relic, Accorder Shield, and memnites for Signal Pest, the goblin wardriver for eather Goblin guide or Student of warfare, and the darksteel and Accorder`s for another sword and or a batterskull. Spellkite could be nice and if you had them some Stoneforge Mystic it would make this not only the threat of indestructability but equpping the swords to a creature. One more card to think about is Leonin Skyhunter for the flying and it is a knight.
(just my thoughts if it is any help)

Posted 02 June 2011 at 03:48 as a comment on Knights of the round table


I agree on your Vamps statement but like this deck now if MTG would only make a card that stated ''creatures you control are knights in addition to there other abilitys'' that would rilly make knights a danger in legacy. only ideas i would throw your way is Elspeth for her -2 or sun titan for the graveyard ability.

Posted 02 June 2011 at 00:44 as a comment on who said chivalry is dead?


I would add some red burn spells and mabye journey to nowhere for some control when you cant get the combo off fast enough

Posted 01 June 2011 at 13:50 as a comment on Quest for the Holy Battle Cry


Lol good one i give you an A for creativity

Posted 01 June 2011 at 13:46 as a comment on If /b/ had a MTG Deck


I like it!! simple but effective way to incorporate B-cry and knight exemplar. I was playing a Battle cry like this at FNM after i was getting beat with my knights (untill I started playing stoneforge) I would say if you can get ahold of some stoneforge mystic and the swords it will make it even better . I like journey to nowhere rather than the Galvantic blast just a personal preferance though.

Posted 19 May 2011 at 04:33 as a comment on Red Knights Battle Cry


That is so aggrosentric it is scary love it!!! I would love to see this deck play one of the common B/G poison and see their face in disbelief when you kill them off t2. (even if they have the perfect poisen hand going) I heard some of the better players at FNM bashing the kuldotha idea saying it would show back up but they could easely shut it down with sideboard cards and it would die off again but..... I see this deck winning way more than not even with a good sideboard for a aggro red.

Posted 15 May 2011 at 04:16 as a comment on Kuldotha Rust


Great idea but I would put in some kind of mana ramp to make shure you have 6 mana to use to tap Soul Conduit even when you think you have 1 more turn before you ''would die'' other than that LOVE the idea

Posted 15 May 2011 at 03:59 as a comment on I can't Lose. No Plat Angel


I would deffinatly add some kuldotha rebirth to add more 1/1 blockers to get past turn 4 so you can unleash hell with the Hellkite- caged sun- pyretic ritual/geosurge combo. Some food for thought with those combos aswell Skitter of lizards kicked, Red Sun zenith, Fireball, all great cards you can have to use with the added mana combo. One more card to pounder on is Slagstorm great add if your opponent has powerfull creatures out before you can get your Hellkite out (whipe the board then next turn unleash hell) other than that I love this idea!!!

Posted 12 May 2011 at 04:24 as a comment on Geosurge/Red Ramp


I have a Battle cry deck with alot of that in it (that was before I got ahold of Stoneforge and the swords) but always ran into the 2 dropps of the same color problem with the mana never being balanced. I had contested warzone`s in it lastweek and it could not get them to work to my advantage they just went back and forth from me to my apponent`s. I am thinking of dropping the land fall idea alltogether but still want a winning deck I.E 3 Signal pests 3 Memnites and 3 Kukdotha rebirths and fitting in some eather Arc Trail or Burst lightning. What do you think??

Posted 12 May 2011 at 00:34 in reply to #161669 on My FNM Deck!!!


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