
15 Decks, 49 Comments, 3 Reputation

I like the idea for the ichorclaw myr`s. i just need 1 more inquisition and will make it 4 (untill it rotates out) i like the steel sabatoge there to kill off the equtments caw-blade and boros dropp sence there are alot of them where i play but love the advice :) PS if you want take a look at my Boros deck named my FNM deck and please give me some advie (I need it for that one)

Posted 11 May 2011 at 23:23 in reply to #161646 on Poison Please


I like this deck alot. That being said I have a love/ hate relationship with poison love being the poisoner not on the other end and it does tend to make people mad sometimes including me last FNM tourny but I was more peterved from the taunting ohh well. There was one idea I seen in his deck that struck me as a possible add you could try. He dropped a plague stinger (no big deal one of my squadron hawks will take that) but 2 things went wrong 1 never drew a hawk and 2 he dropped a Piston Sledge on Plague Stinger and then it was a real problem. So that is my 2 cents on the B/G poison again great deck.

Posted 11 May 2011 at 05:34 as a comment on The Poisonous Push (Standard)


I would add some contested warzones and take out some of the fetch lands. Here take a look at a battle cry deck I made that has been effective

Posted 11 May 2011 at 04:58 as a comment on Battle Cry


I rilly like this idea for standard. It is something different to add to the mix plus keep in mind the new living weapon add where you just dropp the attachment for a creature you can search for bonehoard with stoneforge and dropp it on the feild for a later game beatstick (if your playing an aggro that is killing creatures). Or when you get ahold of some of the new set Batterskull is another one that will be a nice beatstick. One more card I can think of that will work to your advantage well is Armored Ascension sence your playing mono white.

Posted 05 May 2011 at 16:02 as a comment on Armed to the teeth


Great idea for a Blightsteel combo
Could you do me a huge favor and take a look at a deck I am working on. I follow your decks and comments and they are always great advice and I need some advice being i started playing in december.

Posted 02 May 2011 at 18:24 as a comment on Little Chocolate Donuts


I just made another B-cry with better equp cards take a look and tell me what you think.

Posted 02 May 2011 at 18:15 as a comment on kuldotha purple


I have to agree with you on Goblin wardriver I had him in my Red White B-cry deck and for some reason i would always draw him with only 1 red mana in play and it would not work I did the same with Leonin Skyhunter and traded for Squadron Hawk. I was (at first) makeing a red white Battle cry with knights so I had the option of useing Knight Exemplar from the sideboard but still cant see a 2 color deck fast enough to put together with her in it ( I love my knights deck when i drop the 2nd Knight Exemplar and I am playing an expensive planeswalker deck they get pissed fast) If you have any Ideas for a 2 color knight Exemplar deck please gove me the advice

Posted 27 April 2011 at 17:58 as a comment on kuldotha purple


I have to agree with you on Goblin wardriver I had him in my Red White B-cry deck and for some reason i would always draw him with only 1 red mana in play and it would not work I did the same with Leonin Skyhunter and traded for Squadron Hawk. I was (at first) makeing a red white Battle cry with knights so I had the option of useing Knight Exemplar from the sideboard but still cant see a 2 color deck fast enough to put together with her in it ( I love my knights deck when i drop the 2nd Knight Exemplar and I am playing an expensive planeswalker deck they get pissed fast) If you have any Ideas for a 2 color knight Exemplar deck please gove me the advice

Posted 27 April 2011 at 16:42 as a comment on kuldotha purple


I would sideboard slagstorm for decks that pump out alot of creatures. Contested warzone is an idea to pounder on aswell, another idea is adding bonehoard instead of chimeric mass bonehoard has worked well for me in games I dont win by turn 4 last idea I have is add Goblin Wardriver for more battle cry.

Posted 27 April 2011 at 02:02 as a comment on kuldotha purple


I would love to put them in but at the moment i dont have them

Posted 23 April 2011 at 16:58 in reply to #156122 on T1 Battle Cry!!!!


I play a Battle Cry deck in standard that works quite well you can see it in my profile of you want for some ideas to tweek this deck to your likeing

Posted 23 April 2011 at 06:46 as a comment on Crying is Not For Whimps


Nice deck. I play a knights deck at FNM sometimes (to Magicthinker it works pritty good I usually go 2-2 better or worse depending on who I am matched aganst)... I would drop angels feather for 2 Eldrazi Monument because that with Elspeth does great, drop inspired charge and safe passage for some journey to nowhere and condemn if you want the + abilitys on all white creatures I would just use honor the pure and some accorder paladin for more battle cry. other than that nice deck (the advice is just my thought on it from playing aganst a verity of decks)

Posted 17 April 2011 at 18:50 as a comment on Standard Knights


Verry good Idea`s!! I had the signal pests in it but took them out (will add them back in now). I was thinking the same thing with takeing out the Burst Lightning for the condemn`s, I already added the scalding tarn`s but dident update it on here. I would love to do the Stoneforge Mistic/ Swords combo but rilly dont feel like droppin $100 just for 4 stoneforge and another 50 for the swords (but might just break down and do it ). I have a battlecry deck that is quite effective but just not effective enough.

Posted 13 April 2011 at 00:08 in reply to #152528 on Help!!!!


I love this idea. great deck

Posted 11 April 2011 at 01:33 as a comment on T2: Infinite Proliferate and others


I was thinking of dropping 2 lands for 2 of the signal pest for the main deck. The bonehoard seems to be a good mid game card because it is a 4 drop for a germ token with it attacked then you have to kill the token and i attach it to another creature afterwords.

Posted 10 April 2011 at 04:37 in reply to #151738 on Help!!!!


not bad I would add some journey to nowhere and some condemn

Posted 10 April 2011 at 04:15 as a comment on knights of annoyance


Not a bad Battle Cry deck .... Here is my take on Battle cry It might give you some ideas. Works well for me

Posted 10 April 2011 at 03:58 as a comment on Pheonix in Flames


personal choice but I would drop the white suns for some condemn

Posted 10 April 2011 at 03:30 as a comment on Knights of Body and Mind


I like it I would of been concentrating on takeing the vamps out and use up my counter spells ext not seeing that combo

Posted 10 April 2011 at 03:28 as a comment on NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM!!!!!!!!!


I would dropp the flayer husks for Skitter of lizzards

Posted 03 April 2011 at 23:06 as a comment on Kuldotha Red


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