
55 Decks, 592 Comments, 118 Reputation

On average, I'd say 15.
And since you're playing all creatures, you might put some creature destruction spell, or something.
Sign in blood could be nice, I get the feeling you end up with an empty hand very soon.

Posted 11 July 2012 at 01:22 as a comment on I have Rats


I like what you did with this deck. The fact you're using cards like meekstone and various protection cards (like mother of runes) make this a really solid deck.
I can't suggest anything actually, I like it the way it is. But if you're in doubt, Eladamri's call to fetch creatures you need.
BTW I'm adding you in my followings

Posted 11 July 2012 at 00:42 as a comment on ExaltedStoneâ„¢


Too many lands for a 40 card deck. And most of them cost 1 or 2. Narrow them down.

Posted 10 July 2012 at 01:42 as a comment on I have Rats


Using this to get an helix pinnacle win would be interesting

Posted 10 July 2012 at 01:40 as a comment on staff of titania


I've never seen a deck like this, I must say I'm amazed. I really really like it.
Bravo sir.

Posted 09 July 2012 at 00:12 as a comment on Arcane :DD


I happen to have made a saproling deck as well.

- Jade mage is awesome
- Verdant force add some punch to it AND makes saprolings
- Saproling burst is win if you know how to use it
- Some elves to ramp

That said, mycoloth is probably all you need to win in any deck like this. Hope that helps.

Posted 09 July 2012 at 00:09 as a comment on Saproling Stomp


The brood sliver to win is a great idea.
Personally I found out Green Sun's Zenith to be great in sliver decks since you can use it to pop the queen.
I'd put in those and remove the virulent slivers, you're not playing infect after all.
But it's fine like this as well.

Posted 09 July 2012 at 00:04 as a comment on Pointy things


Well now I feel kinda stupid having overlooked a card like Sinew Sliver. Great addition.
Added the caverns too, which I can't afford actually, but sky's the limit.
Thanks for the heads up!

Posted 08 July 2012 at 23:37 in reply to #271411 on Sliver Power


Hell yeah, battle of wits deck!
You don't see many of these boys around.

I'd slap in 4 diabolic revelation.
Props for this deck man.

Posted 08 July 2012 at 18:13 as a comment on Battle of Wits


I suggested rancor as a nice card to sacrifice with the stax, since it goes back to your hand.

But yeah, if you have some time to spare feel free to check out my decks and pick one to help me with, that would be great, thanks pal :)

Posted 08 July 2012 at 18:09 as a comment on Choking Fumes


Cards you may want to consider for this deck:
Nether Spirit
Academy Rector (goes well with the rancors)
Aspect cards (enchant creatures)
The deck is nice but it seems redundant. You've got plenty of stuff for destroying permanents, but they look way too many. 4 stax should be more than enough. If you feel uneasy, add some deck search cards like vampiric or demonic tutor, which are versatile.

Posted 07 July 2012 at 22:20 as a comment on Choking Fumes


Classy. I really enjoy this deck, the effects that return creatures to your hand really are well thought.

Bravo sir.

Posted 06 July 2012 at 20:21 as a comment on Rescue Pandemonium


Kindle. Definitely Kindle.

Posted 05 July 2012 at 22:50 as a comment on Meet the Pyro


slap in some academy rectors and greater auramancies for great results

plus other things like ghostly prison, or condemn, to further protect the combo and stall the opponent. pacifism could work as well

Posted 27 June 2012 at 23:02 as a comment on Your Lands Don't Like You!


Solid deck.

Posted 22 June 2012 at 00:36 as a comment on Sacrifice of one, death of many


Definitely not enough lands. Bring them up to AT LEAST 17.

Posted 14 June 2012 at 20:10 as a comment on Izzet on Fire


The deck is nice, but it's way too overkill for an average sliver deck. You could just stick with the plague slivers and watch your opponent die.
Plus, sliver decks are not that powerful. Best case scenario, you have your average 1/1 sliver with a muscle.

Posted 18 May 2012 at 10:18 as a comment on Anti-sliver


Maybe Urge to Feed

Posted 16 May 2012 at 13:59 as a comment on Evil Is Eternal -Sengir Vampire


Why street wraith? Looks like a random creature with cycling.
Great concept btw, I love it

Posted 14 May 2012 at 00:23 as a comment on False Cure


Just remove inviolability and add ghostly possession. Does the same things and prevents flying kicks in the balls.

Posted 13 May 2012 at 10:17 as a comment on Wall Life Gain


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