
55 Decks, 592 Comments, 118 Reputation

From my experience, too many creatures in exalted decks are not worthy, because your point is to attack always with 1.
I'd make these changes:

+2 knight of glory
-4 servant of nefarox
+1 sublime archangel
-1 veilborn ghoul
-2 tormented soul
+4 condemn

If you could drop a comment here, I'd really appreciate that :)

Posted 28 July 2012 at 14:50 as a comment on Exalted


Add something to protect yourself. You have more than enough cards to mill, and not enough to cover.
Boomerang, more counters (check broken ambitions), the usual stuff.
And yes, traumatize.

Posted 28 July 2012 at 14:41 as a comment on Quick mill and kill (Help Needed)


Awesome deck, I like Vent Sentinel a lot. If you had black, wall of blood would've been good.
My only advice is to tune up lands, I guess you need much more forests than those.

If you could drop a comment here, I'd really appreciate that. Thankyou.

Posted 28 July 2012 at 14:12 as a comment on Defender


Evil presence (much like cont. ground) is nice to play against non-black decks.
Lingering Mirage, Spreading Seas and Sea's Claim are also good (each for it's own reason...)
Tainted well is nice if you don't have mana issues.

If you could drop a comment here I'd really appreciate that. Thankyou.

Posted 28 July 2012 at 14:02 as a comment on spoiled soil


I'm not sure. How do you plan to put the griffins in your graveyard?
I think you'd need something like careful study, so that you can discard them (then play ruinator and then playing the griffins again) and effectively speed up your own game.

I would adjust mana as well. 11 plains are a lot considering you don't have many whites.

If you've time please drop a comment here :)

Posted 28 July 2012 at 13:46 as a comment on MIsthollow Deck


I find the Ruby Medallion really useful when playing monored dragons. Just a thought

Posted 28 July 2012 at 01:15 as a comment on Red Dragon Wins


Lmao. I didn't expect an answer like this at all.
I quit.
But still this doesn't work. Deal with it. *sunglasses*

Posted 27 July 2012 at 23:46 in reply to #276365 on I broke magic forever.


Dude no, just... no. You should have checked before announcing yourself the new magic messiah, which is rendered ridiculous at this point.

8/15/2010: If you cast Redirect targeting a spell that targets a spell on the stack (like Cancel does, for example), you can't change that spell's target to itself. You can, however, change that spell's target to Redirect. If you do, that spell will be countered when it tries to resolve because Redirect will have left the stack by then.

Posted 27 July 2012 at 21:49 as a comment on I broke magic forever.


Isochron scepter could work well here. I also advise you to look for some spells with flashback.

Posted 27 July 2012 at 20:35 as a comment on Izzit Summoner


Looks quite slow... Mystical tutor for at least the spells might be a good idea.

Posted 22 July 2012 at 12:21 as a comment on Dingus Egg


Sure, I will be the first to agree that. Infect is overpowered, is a royal pain in the ass, it's unfair, but for all the reasons we all know, it will always be superior to wither. Playing wither is only a matter of fair play if you ask me. Should you ever play a tournament, would you be worried about infect being overkill? I don't think so.

That said, I give you props again for creating an effective and fun to play deck. Sorry I have no real suggestion to make, but the job here is done.

Posted 16 July 2012 at 17:10 in reply to #273317 on Wither > Infect


Sentences like "Wither is better" amuses the hell out of me. No it's not better. It's an infect without poison counters.
Nice deck. I like the possible combos with crumbling ashes.

Posted 16 July 2012 at 01:00 as a comment on Wither > Infect


I remember Apocalypse and Planeshift being expansions that revolved mainly on having different basic land types and such.

Draco is a nice card. Last stand is overkill as well.

Kodama's reach, cultivate, terramorphic expanse and evolving wilds may be useful to get the lands.

Posted 15 July 2012 at 15:32 as a comment on Lots of lands


Maybe add a little ramp (4 elves will do) and some big beasts. Any Hydra will do.

Posted 15 July 2012 at 15:24 as a comment on Green deck


I like this one better, I'd add a shivan meteor or 2.

Posted 15 July 2012 at 15:22 as a comment on Stuffy Goblins


It's not THAT bad of a combo actually. What's complicated, to me, is the discard phase.

You might want to try with one-turn creatures like ball lightning. They go to the graveyard by themselves.
Check out my "Tripping Balls" deck for other useful cards and leave a comment if you want :)


Posted 14 July 2012 at 00:57 as a comment on Corpse Lunge


My suggestion might sound unoriginal, but.

I think this deck works wonderful against most creatures. But it's not covering other areas.

For additional safety, I'd add some utility cards like disenchant or mana leak. You can never have too many. Also, Sunblast kinda ruins the combo for me. You don't want to destroy the opponent creatures because what's the point, you're tapping them (and thus making gideon avenger a BEAST).

Posted 13 July 2012 at 17:07 as a comment on Tap that


Thanks pal :)

Posted 12 July 2012 at 20:57 in reply to #272458 on P1 - Ride the Lightning


Really awesome. Personally I'd change vapor snag with the more versatile counterspell but that's just me.

Posted 11 July 2012 at 23:03 as a comment on Blue Wurm Burn


I just wanted to say, I love what you're doing, creating nice and competitive low budget decks. That's useful and helpful to players that use this site to buy cards, like me.
That's harder too. Anybody can make a deck with dual lands and such.
So, yeah. Thank you sir. Keep up the incredibly good work.

Posted 11 July 2012 at 01:27 as a comment on Splicers [Budget: $10]


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