Note to self: could make this a (still terrible) 2-card combo: Dual Nature + Deathbellow War Cry to fetch out Fanatic of Mogis + one of the Changeling champions.There's almost nothing useful to find with the other two Minotaur-tutors. Graveshifter + a second champion lets you protect against a single removal spell but delays you by a turn. Unsettled Mariner and Morophon are both very minor protection effects.
It seems hard to cast your green spells in this deck, with only 5 forests. (Finding one of them with an Expedition Map sounds not ideal.)One option is to make the deck completely colorless, adding 4 glimmerpost and 1 vesuva instead of the forests, and replacing the green spells with colorless ramp cards like Everflowing Chalice, Coalition Relic, and Mind Stone (or even Dream Hedron).Another option is to replace the Cloudposts with Forests, and either leave it at that or replace some of your giant colorless cards with more green ramp. Overgrown Battlement / Axebane Guardian + Sylvan Caryatid makes some disgusting mana, for instance. Alternatively, cards like Nest Invader / Kozilek's Predator make it easier to cast the Hands, but I think that's probably the least reliable deck on this list.
So many treefolk would probably be good with a way to buff them all, like Door of Destinies, Coat of Arms, and Adapative Automaton. You'll probably get a few GWB toys to add once Khans comes out. :)
Try adding Ghost Quarter if you really want to be mean with Archive Trap! Works best / is funniest against people who haven't seen the deck before.
Welcome to Magic!I think 4 Scavenging Oozes are too many, since they're pretty bad when you draw more than one. (The first eats all the dead creatures, so the second one you draw has to stay tiny.) What about going down to 1 or 2 ooze and adding something else giant to do with all of your mana? Here are some ideas, pick your favorite:* Mistcutter Hydra is insane against blue decks, and can be ridiculous if you have a million mana from Nykthos*Hydra Broodmaster is even more ridiculous with Nykthos*Terra Stomper likes stomping and is fun at partiesSylvan Caryatid is a nice mana creature, since it's difficult for the opponent to kill, but I'm not experienced enough with the deck to tell whether it's better than Elvish Mystic or not.
I chose blue at the prerelease just so I had a better chance to open Polymorphist's Jest to add to my Frog / Peer Pressure deck. And it worked! I'm so happy. Webbed toe bump, mate.
Hello pretZ, thanks for the comment on my "Come Follow Follow Follow" deck! I'm a fan of mill decks and thought I'd point out something neat: the card Ghost Quarter makes your opponent search their library so you can cast Archive Trap for 0 mana. (They can choose not to search, but then at least you killed their land.) If you get incredibly lucky and draw all 4 Archive Traps a Ghost quarter can win on turn 1. ;)I would probably cut the 4 aqueous forms since most of your creatures have defender or flying, and put in maybe 2 ghost quarters instead.
This deck is Standard legal, so none of the win conditions are as good as Oona. :)
Thank you!
Thanks, it is definitely slow. Here's another version which might be faster (tons of ramp, anyway): you have infinite mana you can activate Polukranos' monstrous ability to make it an 800/800 and kill all your opponent's creatures. It's worse in the combo than the other win conditions because you can't win through a removal spell, but it's much better by itself than Duskmantle or Torturer.
Decklist should now match physical deck. (Too cheap to buy "expensive" Rhystic Study and Command Tower.) Also going to remove some bad ramp and mediocre cards soon and put in more cards with counters & ways to deal with artifacts. Whispersilk Cloak is definitely the Lightning Greaves auto-include equipment of this format, and both my opponents had the ability to Transmute for it.
I have assembled a physical copy of this now, or pretty close to it anyway! Played a trio of games versus Inkfathom Witch and Fusion Elemental. All three decks were fun and scary, and each claimed one victory.This deck's greatest accompishment involved Gilder Bairn, Viridian Longbow, and a Pheres-Band Tromper. 9 mana: kill 4 toughness of blockers, add 35 +1/+1 counters to the Tromper, attack for lethal. :)
Performed quite consistently to win both games of a 1v1 match (30 life starting total), despite playing against another deck with a lot of lifegain (Parasitic Thrull). Had some difficulty hitting land drops, but given how it performed and how low the curve is I don't really want to add lands. Only thing I'm considering changing at the moment is some of the graveyard->hand spells: Dead Reckoning, Death's Duet, Disturbed Burial, Grim Harvest, and Death Denied are all value recursion, but they definitely slowed me down compared to cheaper options. I will probably end up with a mix (and definitely keep all the creatures that recur), but I want to play a game with >2 players first, since in that scenario I will have to play more of an attrition game (since Blood Artist only drains one player).If anyone is wondering if Falkenrath Noble is a better general: Blood Artist's cheaper cost was vital for winning me both games I played, allowing you to start the drainage right out of the gates and set up again more easily if he dies. However, in a game with more players, a higher curve with more staying power and a way to win with general damage in the air might be better. (Normal EDH requires 21 general damage, but I like the suggestion of 16 which I found online for this less beefy format... hm, now I want to abuse Soul's Fire though...)All right, a couple changes:- Go for the Throat (oops, that's an illegal uncommon!)- Tortured Existence+ Vendetta+ Terror
Thanks for your comment!I'm still skeptical that a singleton Wheel and Deal is worthwhile. It only works once you have Shared Fate, but once you've tapped out for Shared Fate, you've given them a turn to cast their remaining cards in hand anyway. And if the deck works right, you will catch up and overtake them on the number of relevant cards quite quickly (and you still have Memory Lapse and Abeyance to interfere with them).I think you could get some more deckspace by cutting some tutors/shared fates as well – I doubt you need 11 copies plus 8 very effective digging cantrips. I would consider something like -3 Idyllic Tutor, -1 Wheel and Deal, -2 Shared Fate, +2 Sterling Grove, +4 Remand or Condescend (which hinder your opponent while helping you dig for Shared Fate). Hinder (the card) is also worth considering just because it's so fun with Shared Fate. :)
Here's an attempt at an update. You could definitely push things into a more controlling, interactive direction, but I would splash another color to do so, since a tapout UG deck isn't likely to be successful in that area. Alternatively, I think I'll add more acceleration and simply try to speed up enough to live through your opponent's plan. Even so I'll take your advice and use Beast Within, and Fog Bank as well (not interactive, but good at keeping you alive).Perhaps:-2 Wall of Mulch-1 Jungle Barrier-3 Psychic Barrier-1 Eternal Dominion-2 Muddle the Mixture-4 Rite of Replication-1 Blue Sun's Zenith-3 Ponder+3 Axebane Guardian+2 Phantasmal Image+2 Doorkeeper [alternate win condition]+4 Wall of Roots+4 Beast Within+2 Fog BankAlong with a real sideboard that included tree of redemption and more doorkeepers.There are a lot of neat alterations you could make to the win condition. It could easily become an Enduring Ideal deck that screwed them over by fetching Hive Mind; a Primal Surge deck with a win con like Biovisionary (and some clones) or Laboratory Maniac + Bonded Fetch; a Vent Sentinel deck; or some combination therein!
Defeated Nath of the Gilt-Leaf & Progenitus enchantment combo.
I can't figure out what the Wheel and Deal is for.Fellwar stone fits the goal/theme and give you more acceleration (which seems vital). This could go hand in hand with replacing Undiscovered Paradise, since it slows you down and you have plenty of fixing already.Sterling Grove might be good here (a slow Enlightened Tutor or protection for your Shared Fate).If anyone else is interested in this idea, check out Bribery, Acquire, Grinning Totem, Knowledge Exploitation, Praetor's Grasp, and Eternal Dominion. I've built a silly deck using the last card as the only win condition here:
Thanks! This is the first deck I've built in the format and I have yet to play a game, but hopefully I'll get to see how it works tonight.I came here to make a couple changes before that:+ Viridian Longbow+ Leonin Bola- Dream's Grip- Crafty Pathmage
Yeah, if you want this idea to work you'll need to have 4xmox opal and some "Spirit Guide" creatures and well. But sadly I don't think it has any advantage over an affinity list that runs lands (especially considering nexus lands and artifact lands are good even when you flood).
Intangible Virtue makes all 3 Muraganda Petroglyphs dead cards -- pick your favourite and stick to that one. Nice deck otherwise. =)
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