
134 Decks, 667 Comments, 82 Reputation

Hi Daggerback5423,

Ok. I'll take your bait again. Yes, any card can be bad if it is the wrong area of play. Especially, if card is put in the exile area (or out of game area) and their is no way to bring it back ;-).

Yes, I agree Mudhole would be good against a molten vortex deck that is sporting some weird combo like Fastbond Crucible of Worlds and Zuran Orb. But just how likely are you to go against such a deck? More importantly wouldn't Planar Void, Tormod's crypt, Leyline of the Void, and Relic of Progenitus be more likely cards to be used for graveyard hate?

I'm sorry I'm not familiar with ingest mill decks I looked up an example (
and I don't see how Mudhole would either help or really hurt this particular ingest mill deck.
Please explain how mudhole could hurt an ingest mill deck.

"Scorching spear is great in a burn deck. " Ok, now I'm pretty sure your pulling my leg.
I'm sure I've never seen a scorching spear in any worthy burn deck. Even in a Beginner's Starter deck you'd be better off with a 1/1 goblin for 1 mana.

Again ask (you avoided answering).

I dare you to do suggest worst cards for the same mana cost.

Posted 14 December 2015 at 04:33 in reply to #570014 on Worst Crappiest Deck Ever


Hi Daggerback5423. Thanks for the comment.

Ok. I'll take your bait. You're right they aren't complete shit they are just mostly (99.99999%) shit.

But really, can you name any white or red cards that are worst for as little mana?
And I'd love to know when is it good idea to remove just land from a graveyard?

I dare you to do suggest worst cards for the same mana cost.

Posted 13 December 2015 at 22:09 in reply to #570014 on Worst Crappiest Deck Ever


Hi visno,

Nice deck. Reminds me of a fun deck that a friend of mind made along time ago. Had deck full of cards like psychic Venom, Contaminated Ground, Pooling Venom, Corrupted Roots and Mana Barbs and all his mana was made with artifacts and mana creatures.

May you always make your own good luck.


Posted 12 December 2015 at 06:04 as a comment on Mana Tax: How to annoy anyone.



Can't really see anything really wrong with your deck. You've got your search cards. You've got your counterspell cards.
Your combo is a classic. The only thing I see is I'm not sure about the Dark Rituals. It might be better if they were some discard card like Thoughtseize to help protect your combo. I don't know may be add a few Gitaxian probe it seems a popular card in combo decks to check if it safe to cast your combo.

I'm not an expert in legacy but I found an article by a guy that claims to be an expert in Legacy and has a Painter Servant deck he is proud of. Here's the link to his article on his deck maybe you can learn something from it.

Hey if you like Legacy maybe you can do me a favor could you look at a Legacy deck of mine and let me know if the basic concept seems sound. Here's the link

May you always make your own good luck.


Posted 12 December 2015 at 05:16 as a comment on Paint it Black


Hi zeroSteel,

Nice deck, wasn't familiar with Master of Cruelties may have to get me some. Not much I'd change in the deck except using Urza's Rage or Exquisite Firecraft over Lava Axe which will help with your deck's easilycountered problem.

May you always make your own good luck.


Posted 11 December 2015 at 15:15 as a comment on fall to the demon


Hi ST13GE,

I find it so much easier to bring out the big guys with Show and Tell or Sneak Attack in Legacy ;-)

Any way nice Modern Tron deck. I'm not a Modern Tron expert but I found a nice article by someone who claims he is.
May it can help.

Here a brief discussion about how to cheat out planeswalkers if you get tired of ramping

May you always make your own good luck.


Posted 11 December 2015 at 07:27 as a comment on R/G Tron


Hi Mazelord,

I'm nuts about squirrels.

If you don't care if you're legal Earthcraft and Squirrel Nest is a great combo to make squirrels.

One my favorite way to make lots of squirrels legally (at least in Vintage) is
Squirrel Wrangler + Crucible of Worlds + fastbond + zuran orb + 2 forest
Crucible of Worlds + Fastbond + Zuran orb + 2 forest can make infinite mana, infinite life to power out infinite squirrels of infinite size

but if you want both Legacy and Vintage Legal then
Argothian Elder + Maze of Ith + Squirrel Nest = for infinite squirrels

For my 150th deck celebration I used Squirrels to set a Masspolymorph for the win.

May you always make your own good luck.


Posted 11 December 2015 at 07:14 as a comment on Completely Nuts!


Hi Ultrakill145,

Got to love Dragon EDH decks. All that power for few just a little mana.
Some cards you might want to add:
Instead of Sarkhan's Triumph may be Worldly tutor
Sneak Attack
Quick Silver Amulet

As I am not a EDH expert here is nice link for EDH deck advise in general

May you always make your own good luck.


Posted 11 December 2015 at 06:44 as a comment on Atarka EDH


Hi SteelSpike,

Like the theme of sacrifice. Here are a few auto include cards I would put in ( I leave it to you to decide what to take out)
Abrupt Decay - Can't be countered removal
Pure and Simple - Destroy Multicolor Permanent or Destroy all auras and equipment (Pure and Simple its more for the Multicolor removal than the destroy stuff effect as you don't have much removal for planeswalkers other than Garruk, Apex Predator and combat damage to opponent unless I'm missing some way to repeatly hit with one of your pingers)

I was sort of suprised you didn't include
Scarland Thrinax
Scarland Thrinax
they seem to go well with your sacrifice theme and color theme.

May you always make your own good luck.


Posted 11 December 2015 at 06:19 as a comment on Sac All the Things!


Hi DedWards,

Nice sligh deck. With all those goblins may add 1 or 2 goblin gernades? Or may be add the artifact land, Great Furnace to help power your Kuldotha Rebirth and possibly add 1 or two Shrapnel Blast?

May you always make your own good luck.


Posted 10 December 2015 at 15:45 as a comment on Goblin Sligh


Hi AntiVenom,

Nice hardened scales deck obviously needs a sideboard. I'm no Standard Expert but here's a some ideas for sideboard take from a top 8 hardened scales deck.
1 Feat of Resistance
4 Surge of Righteousness
2 Hidden Dragonslayer
1 Winds of Qal Sisma
1 Inspiring Call
2 Arashin Cleric
1 Display of Dominance
1 Erase
2 Evolutionary Leap

May you always make your own good luck.


Posted 10 December 2015 at 15:34 as a comment on Hardened Retreat



I forgot to share with you a Modern werewolf deck I made a long time ago. Most of the deck is still relevant.

A couple years ago a werewolf deck won a legacy tournament. Here is an interesting article about the deck maybe it will give some ideas of how to abuse werewolves in Modern.

May you always make your own good luck.


Posted 10 December 2015 at 06:21 as a comment on Where are the Wolves


Hi snapcastingbolts,

Really like this deck. Especially the clever use fetch lands to work around Back to Basics.
About the only thing I can say is maybe consider fitting in Muddle the Mixture so you can have either a counterspell or a potential search spell to help find Umezawa's Jitte, Snap Caster Mage, or Jace, Vryn's Prodigy.

May always make your own good luck,


Posted 10 December 2015 at 02:38 as a comment on Mono blue delver legacy


Hi Umm,

Hooooowl! Nice start to a werewolf deck. Obviously needs a sideboard. Obviously could become more efficient if it used fetch lands or dual land I'll assume you want to keep it Modern. I can remember when I tried to make a good Werewolf deck and it seemed it was always lacking that extra ummph to push to Tier 1 Stasis in Standard.

For sideboard put is some stuff to kill artifacts and put in some stuff to shut down graveyard and put in a few cards that screw white and blue, and maybe a few cards to take control of a creature for a turn, something to kill tokens. Maybe use a few of the following: Ingot chewer, tormod's crypt or Relic of Progenitus or Grafdigger's Cage, Rending Volley, Mark of Mutiny , pyroclasm.

For lands try
8x Forest
4x Kessig Wolf Run
8x Mountain
4x Rootbound Crag

Your mix of werewolf's is ok but your deck really does need some removal spells. 4 Lightening Bolts at the least.
You also might consider using Hanweir Watchkeep since your maindecking Blood Moon and you might get lucky and your opponent can't cast stuff due to non-basic lands are mountains.

May you always make your own good luck.


Posted 09 December 2015 at 15:13 as a comment on Where are the Wolves


Hi Draco90 ,

I'm not much of a Boros expert so here are a couple posts about Modern Boros that might interest you.

The thing is most of the former tourney winning Boros decks seem to emphasis landfall not abusing the human token cards.
Now that there are prowess cards I think red burn mixed with prowess creatures might be a viable mixture in Modern.
Here's a report of someone that seems be using prowess and burn effectively.

Here's a report on a Boros token deck (but it does really use token much) at a pro tour.

Anyway, I like the theme of your deck. The main obvious problem with the deck is it currently has no way to handle artifacts and enchantments. Maybe you should add a sideboard to handle that problem.

May you always make your own good luck.


Posted 08 December 2015 at 15:14 as a comment on Crimson Light 2.0


Hi Gregorion,

Seems we share something in common. We both enjoy dark magic.
Your deck is a nice fun deck. Tourney black tends to be combo decks like Tendrils or Reanimator decks.

You've pick some nice cards but they aren't really working to make a killing machine.

Some ways to make your deck more of a threat. Use your graveyard. Much of the power of black is effective use of the graveyard.
The real power in black is reanimation, recursive zombies (bloodghast) for sacrificing to enchantments, or exiling key cards with Extirpate and Surgical Extration.

Yes black also has fast big creatures but what you really need to use is Dark Ritual or other mana enhances to really abuse them.

Here are some suggestions they could improve your deck without making it into a clone of another deck and keeping it Legacy legal.

I'm not a big fan of innocent blood except maybe side board. You might be better serve with Dark Ritual to bring out your fatties quicker or possibly a 2 Extirpate and 1 Hero's Downfall (if you are seeing alot of planeswalkers in your matches).

Gate Keeper either is an expense Diabolic Edict or a double black mana walking corpse. If instant speed sacrifice is important Geth's Verdict would be the better choice but if instant speed is not that important then Chainer's Edict might be better. If putting down a good 2 drop creature is important to use with your Jitte. Then Black Knight, Stromgald Crusader or even Bloodsoaked Champion might be a good substitution.

I don't know what to say about your Sensei's divining top. I'm so used to seeing it paired with counterbalance in Legacy. If you but it in for card draw. You'd likely be better off with Sign in Blood.

Bitterblossom is a very good card but you're not putting it to use. Maybe put in Demonlord of Ashmouth instead Phyrexian Obliterator.
Or maybe better still put in Vampiric Rites instead of Sensei's Divining Top.

Hope this helps.

May you always make your own good luck.


ps. Here's one of my Legacy black decks

Posted 08 December 2015 at 07:21 as a comment on The Gate.


Hi WombleJim,

I'm not much of a Standard expert, but I've found a couple articles that may be of help to you.

May you always make your own good luck,


Posted 08 December 2015 at 06:23 as a comment on Sultai Midrange


Hi mgreyrubin,

I'm not much of a EDH player, but I noticed that Narset is a pretty popular commander. Here are some good articles that discuss how to build a good Narset EDH deck. Hope they help.

May you always make your own good luck,


Posted 08 December 2015 at 06:05 as a comment on Narset, Pillowfort Master EDH


Hi TotalBoss666,

Nice Mardu deck. I'm not much of an expert at Standard so here's a link to a couple websites that talk about Mardu decks in Standard you might find what they have to say useful.

May you always make your own good luck.


Posted 08 December 2015 at 05:59 as a comment on Standard Budget-ish Mardu


Hi there mgreyrubin,

I know next to nothing about flicker decks. But I do know how to copy, paste and edit good stuff written about flicker decks. Here's some suggestions: try using Wingcrafter, Wolfir Silverheart, Trusted Forcemage, Vanishment. One other important card is Cloudshift, because it's cheap and efficient. Good to see Ghostly Flicker, Dead Eye Navigator, Nephalia Smuggler in your deck because they are particularly well suited to abuse it.

May you always make your own good luck,


Posted 18 November 2015 at 01:18 as a comment on Roon of the Hidden Realm EDH


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