
134 Decks, 667 Comments, 82 Reputation

You know as I think about this deck I could replace some stuff for more efficient cards and provide other
alternative win conditions.

Squirrel mob could replace Hellkite Hatchling. 3 mana istead of 4 mana
Goblin Bombardment could replace Bogardan Hellkite. Infinite damage versus 20 points is a no brainer.
Blood Artist. Infinite damage and infinite life gain another no brainer. Thanks DedWards.
Sterling Grove and Aura shards could be good utility cards
and finally, Nemata, Grove Guardian one of my cards to use with infinite mana to make Infinite Tokens
Altar of Dementia is always a good alternative way to win with infinite creature tokens.

Now I just have to hope opponents won't be able to use a Reins of Power against me ;-))

Posted 29 June 2012 at 18:18 as a comment on 150th Deck Celebration



Thanks for the suggestion. Like Urabrask the Hidden adding haste too bad it doesn't tap all opponent's creatures already in play.

and Crazy Fox,

Thanks for the suggestion. The Craterhoof Behemoth is a very nice useful addition.


Thanks for the the suggestion. I especially like it because in group games opponent's sort of like having Concordant Crossroads out and tend not to remove it. Just like if you played a howling mine.


Nice try,
The pennon blade is cute but it only affects one creature. Could get same general effect for less mana by
using Squirrel mob or possibly Sadistic Glee. And the Coat of Arms buffs all the creatures better.
Feel free to suggest something else.

Posted 29 June 2012 at 17:41 in reply to #269068 on 150th Deck Celebration


Hi Flyingpiggies,

Well obviously you've never use infinite mana with Nemata, Grove Guardian to make infinite-1 saprolings with infinite-1 powerfuland infinite -1 toughnes. But sure why not adding 1 Coat of Arms just for the fun it. If you'd like to suggest a creatureto replace a rat would look forward to your suggestion.

Posted 29 June 2012 at 07:16 in reply to #269024 on 150th Deck Celebration


Took out 4 Autumn's Veil so more Vault members may suggest additional creatures to replace Relentless Rats. So suggest away!!!

Posted 28 June 2012 at 20:53 in reply to #268727 on 150th Deck Celebration


Hi Chewrida,

I'd like to put your advise into action by I'm a little confused. You say add 4 selective memories and then say distant memory all the other cards. I think you meant to say selective memories again. Anyway thanks for the advise I'll implement them.

Posted 28 June 2012 at 20:24 in reply to #268874 on Mulligan till you win


Very nice deck.

Have to wonder is Noxious Revival really better than Snapcaster if you also add unsummon into the mix? Would want to test.

I see Negate in the sideboard so I got to wonder why no mana leak in the mainboard maybe because you don't care since you can Devastation Tide or Terminus all your troubles away.

The more I look at this deck the more I realize miracle abuse may be is the future of Magic.

There is little I can suggest in improvements perhaps add a few Revoke Existence over a couple Paraselene. Artifacts seem more of a danger than enchantments in the current metagame.

Posted 28 June 2012 at 20:06 as a comment on Havenfire


Yeah, the red requirement for the Hatchling made me modify the mana base by adding Fertile Ground and taking out Culling the Weak. This may slow my ability to cast Mass Polymorph on turn 4 or 5 but it does have the advantage of smoothing my color base and providing an infinite color mana combo with earthcraft + squirrel nest turn 5 or 6 ;-))

Posted 28 June 2012 at 17:19 in reply to #268727 on 150th Deck Celebration


Hi CrazyFox,

You have a nice idea. Think Twice and Jace's Archivist might be useful cards in the deck. Unlike Jace's erase which I don't think has any utility in the deck as you don't seem to have an card drawing cards in your deck. You probably confused revealing cards to mill into graveyard as drawing cards. Revealing cards does not count as drawing cards. Some broken card drawing cards are Windfill and Tolarian Winds and Jace's Archivist.

Here's deck link to a recent deck I made that really abuses Liliana's Caress
Deck link:

I know you think your deck is pretty fast but in reality Legacy combo decks most often are ready to kill on turn 2 or 3 and typically either have lots of counterspells or use fast discard like Duress and Cabal Therapy to help protect their casting of their combos. But if this deck is just for casual play its fine.

here is a turn 1 mill kill deck I made a few days ago
Deck link:
and even this deck I consider too inconsistent slow to be tourney worthy

the classic mill kill deck uses painter's servant and grindstone
here's a tourney build I made a while ago
Painter's Grind Deck

4 Gindstone
4 Painter's Servant
4 Sensei's Divining Top
4 Aether Vial
4 Force of Will
4 Daze
4 Standstill
4 Counterbalance
4 Reshape
4 Sword to Plowshare
4 Tundra
4 Flooded Strand
4 Seat of the Synod
4 Mishra's Factory
4 Island

another combo is bloodchief ascension and mindcrank here's a casual build I made a long time ago
Deck link:

Hope I given you some useful comments and suggestions.

May always make your own good luck,


Posted 28 June 2012 at 17:06 as a comment on Exile the graveyard



Don't think its the spelling. I tried partial wording like Vela, Night, Clad, and even misspelling Vala and Vele, Night Clad, etc.... and nothing seems to work.

Posted 28 June 2012 at 15:55 in reply to #268619 on 150th Deck Celebration


Hi DedWards,

I like the Bogardan Hellkite idea. It reminds me of another Hellkite that would be good, Hellkite Hatchling, which could come into play without aid from Mass Polymorph or Show and Tell and still be
mega powerful and tough after swallowing a couple gazillion squirrel tokens;-))

Thanks for the suggestions and why don't you post your elf deck idea and I'll give comments and suggestions!?! ;-]]

Posted 28 June 2012 at 15:28 in reply to #268727 on 150th Deck Celebration



Thanks for the suggestion. If you ever want me to take a look at one of your decks and give comments and suggestions post the deck link here.

Posted 28 June 2012 at 04:56 in reply to #268646 on 150th Deck Celebration


Hi CrazyFox,

Welcome to the Vault.

I realize you are new to the Vault (6 posts is the give away). You also must be a fairly new player
otherwise you'd know Earthcraft + Squirrel's Nest combo is capable of making infinite tokens on turn 3.
I don't really need double infinite tokens. So please suggest the biggest and meanest creature you can think of that hasn't already been suggested to replace Relentless Rats.

I look forward to your suggestion,


Posted 28 June 2012 at 03:59 in reply to #268646 on 150th Deck Celebration



For some unknown reason can't add Vela the Night-Clad through either the add card or mass import.

Mass Import gives this messsage
Could not parse / find card on row: 1 with details 1 Vela the Night-Clad , please add manually.

Perhaps Planeschase cards need to be added to the database?

Posted 28 June 2012 at 03:30 in reply to #268619 on 150th Deck Celebration


Thanks surewhynot,

It was your 100th and One Fiddy Celebration! that spurred me on to create my own big list of decks.

I'll switch in your suggestions.

Posted 28 June 2012 at 03:17 in reply to #268619 on 150th Deck Celebration


Hi Follower,

Help me celebrate my 150th deck by suggesting creatures to bring into the battlefield using mass polymorph.

Deck link:

Look forward to your suggestions,


Posted 28 June 2012 at 03:05 as a comment on Suicide is Painless


Hi Follower,

Help me celebrate my 150th deck by suggesting creatures to bring into the battlefield using mass polymorph.

Deck link:

Look forward to your suggestions,


Posted 28 June 2012 at 03:01 as a comment on HumansU


Hi Follower,

Help me celebrate my 150th deck by suggesting creatures to bring into the battlefield using mass polymorph.

Deck link:

Look forward to your suggestions,


Posted 28 June 2012 at 02:58 as a comment on Machine Gun Joe


Hi Follower,

Help me celebrate my 150th deck by suggesting creatures to bring into the battlefield using mass polymorph.

Deck link:

Look forward to your suggestions,


Posted 28 June 2012 at 02:56 as a comment on U/G cloudpost


Hi Follower,

Help me celebrate my 150th deck by suggesting creatures to bring into the battlefield using mass polymorph.

Deck link:

Look forward to your suggestions,


Posted 28 June 2012 at 02:55 as a comment on Anti-Creature Deck


Hi Follower,

Help me celebrate my 150th deck by suggesting creatures to bring into the battlefield using mass polymorph.

Deck link:

Look forward to your suggestions,


Posted 28 June 2012 at 02:54 as a comment on how would u fix these deck?(vampire deck)


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