ManiacalManiac, thanks for suggestions. Have move Bontu's Last Reckoning to sideboard. Replaced Yahenni's with 2 Torment Hailfire. Put in one more Fatal Push to maindeck. I'm leaving Midnight Entourage as its needed for support of transformational sideboard concept. Midnight Entourage provides replacement for the card draw lost when switching out Arguel's Blood Fast and it pumps Gifted Aetherborn to be a greater threat. Added 2 Duress to sideboard for counterspell heavy decks.
Thanks for head up. Fixed deck. Hope you like it.
Well designed deck just needs a sideboard. I especially like the use of Telepathy & Peek to support use of Nevermore and Gideon's intervention.
Interesting Idea. Decided to go with more common Fatal Push and Vraska's Contempt.
Oh wow! This deck brings back memories of one of the early decks I made on for this site. Kudos for adding in Laboratory Maniac for the win (wasn't available at time of my deck). You can check out my deck at what's up with all your Nigga Name decks? Hope you're just trollin because I don't want to be thinkin you a honky;-)
hmm bit too many cards. I've seen and made a couple blue Phyrexian Dreadnought decks in MTG Vault maybe you can use some ideas from them if you want a really outside the normal I recently made a black Phyrexian Dreadnought deck
This is a very well built deck in concept. I especially like the relatively low mana cost of your infinite combo.I can't help but feel though that the deck is not focused enough your putting in land destruct and creature removal detracts from your ability to win quickly with our your combo. A few counterspells and some lightning bolts would go a long way to making this deck more consistent. Still I really admire your creativity.Here is a link to a budget focused Izzet deck. it will give you ideas.
Ok, but cost jumps $200 dollars. I've added a sideboard too that turns deck into a Grindstone + Painter's Servant deck.
Made my version of your deck at added Paradox Engine and substituted True-Name Nemesis for Morphling and some land and removed a few Nucklavee (almost replaced it with Snapcaster Mage, but decided against it, will need to test to see if it really should be in deck). Again thanks for idea. Looking forward to play testing it.
This deck with Isochron Scepter could be amazing especially if Isochron could be untapped repeatedly.Will be making deck soon. Thanks for the idea.
Hey ShayHeath, thanks for the heads up. I went and looked up a guide about using Scrap Trawler and have put in my own words a description of how to use Scrap Trawler into the description. Hope that helps.
Nice Dino Deck, very nice card cost, brilliant dino quotation.
Ok Anon88, I'm not a MTG Judge but this is what I have read about Super Natural Staminiataken from, the way this reads and correct me if i'm wrong. but can i sac a creature with this effect (Super Natural Stimina) to carrion feeder repeatedly? or does the effect go away after it dies once?Filipe_AguiarAzorius I think that the creature that returns from graveyard is another instance. So, no you can't. Once the creature returns to the battlefield it's a different creature. So you can't do this forever.Another reading from the MTG Wiki rules a permanent with persist is put into a graveyard and then returns to the battlefield, it becomes a new object with no memory of its previous existence. It has "summoning sickness."I'm pretty sure I'm correct. Feel free to check with MTG rules people on site.Also if Supernatural Stamina did do this you would see it played a lot more than Rancor at competitive level as Dark ritual + Bile Urchin + Supernatural Stamina + Vecera Seer would be a turn 1 win and I have never seen any discussion of a turn 1 win with Supernatural Stamina.
Ok, so how about I take out 1 Bant Panorama and put in 1 Ghost Quarter.
Bile urchin and Supernatural Stamina Stamina may not be as good as think.1. Bile urchin enchanted with Supernatural Stamina 2. Sacrifice Bile Urchin do 1 point damage to opponent3. Super Natural returns Bile urchin to play tapped and +2 in power4. Sacrifice Bile Urchin again and do 1 point damage to opponent5. Bile Urchin goes to graveyard and stays there as it no longer enchanted by Supernatural Stamina it lost that ability when it was resurrected from graveyard at step 3. Can't infinitely resurrect Bile Urchin. But perhaps that was not the intent. Maybe you just wanted a 3/1 tapped creature for 2 mana but the +2 is only until end of turn so I really don't see the point other than you can do 2 points damage and have a creature die twice for 2 mana and the creatures death might be use to fuel various death triggers with Blood Artist and Zulaport Cutthroat. But you know all this because you already have made such a deck at And while I'll grant you Bile Urchin and Supernatural Stamina is a stupid combo I like really powerful stupid combos where I can infinity sacrifice a creature like 2 gravecrawlers + Phyrexian Altar or 2myr retrievers + Ashnod's Altar, 2 myr retrievers + heartless summoning and goblin bombardment + Saber Ants + sadistic glee. Hmmm, that reminds me its been awhile since I abused Saber Ants and I'm sure pretty sure I can make better and faster deck now that Broodhatch Nantuko have become available. Thanks for inspiring my next Stupid Combo deck!!!
Glad you like the deck. Cost isn't so bad if you play casual and with lots of proxies ;-)).This site provides a very nice Poxy this deck link under Deck Options.Any deck you'd like me to look at?
Anon, think you are wrong, please examine the steps below, only need two zombies.1. two Gravecrawlers in play (Label them Gravecrawler A and Gravecrawler B) 1 Phyrexian Altar in play2. sacrifice Gravecrawler A to Phyrexian altar make 1 black mana floating (Now have Gravecrawler B in play and Gravecrawler A in graveyard)3. use floating 1 Black mana to cast Gravecrawler A in graveyard because Gravecrawler B is still in play)4. Now have returned board state at step 1 and may repeat steps 2 and 3 indefinitely
Oh dear, forgot Near-Death experience triggers on next turn's upkeep. The solution isn't pretty. I've put in 2 Claws of Gix and took out 2 Petrified Fields. An even better solution would be to put in Flash, but I'm trying to keep the deck Legacy Legal.
Hmmm, deck really wasn't built with destroying opponent's land in mind. It was built with destroying the Glacial Chasm and bringing it back into play using Crucible of Worlds so as to create a pillow forest; stopping most damage and thus stopping one of the more popular ways opponent tries to kill me. Along with Angel's Grace or Orim's Chant on Isochron Scepter I've should of locked my opponent from killing me. Still your idea has merit. I'll trying putting in two Wastelands and reducing Adanto Vanguard and Isochron Scepter to 3 each.
Was expecting a deck of Eldrazi, instead found a clever deck that uses Liches mirror to prevent loss of game, nice.The Demon pictures do have the fearful aspect of a HP Lovecraft tale.
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