
69 Decks, 131 Comments, 17 Reputation

Wow I hadn't thought of Ob Nixilis... great sideboard cards (especially against fetch lands). I plan on reducing the overall creature removal and leaning on Banishing Light, Hero's Downfall, Despise, and Thoughtseize to get rid of pesky walkers. I have a feeling that will be enough. Only one way to find out! I'm not completely sure if Rabblemaster is where I want to be, however Ob Nixilis could very well be what I want. I'll have to see how the first few FNM's go. Thanks for the input!

Posted 25 September 2014 at 01:51 in reply to #506178 on No-Creature Control


Thanks for the feedback! I have it set this way to see what works and what doesn't. I'm planning on seeing a lot of Jund walkers, big creatures, and some quick small creatures (Rabblemaster) the next few weeks. I will probably remove some of the creature-only removal, or possibly the Banishing Lights to the sideboard in favor of more threats. 4 winning threats in the main and 2 more in the sideboard seems good enough for control with this much removal. I'm hesitant to use a creature as a winner unless it has some serious evasion. Planeswalkers give me much more utility as a threat/board clearer imo.

Posted 20 September 2014 at 22:06 in reply to #504882 on No-Creature Control



Posted 17 September 2014 at 06:27 in reply to #503731 on Abzan Monsters


Correct sir! I didn't have time to write down placeholders for cards like end hostilities and murderous cut.

Posted 15 September 2014 at 21:19 in reply to #503114 on Esper Deck Wins


I'm using Sarkhan, Dragonspeaker and Elspeth, Sun's Champion as my win conditions. Also Lilliana Vess is good in match ups where you want a specific answer. Check it out...

Also keep in mind that your deck is legal for about one more week.

Posted 15 September 2014 at 05:59 in reply to #503020 on Dega/Mardu Midrange!!


I am Groot!

Posted 09 September 2014 at 05:47 as a comment on B/G Midrange


I am Groot?

Posted 09 September 2014 at 05:47 as a comment on B/R Midrange


I am Groot.

Posted 09 September 2014 at 05:46 as a comment on BUG Midrange


Clan Defiance! Oh how I wish I thought of this sooner. I've been having some troubles with a few match ups, and that card can totally go over the top and win a few games! Thanks for the inspiration. Here's my Gruul-Devotion if you want to take a gander...

Posted 18 August 2014 at 03:27 as a comment on Green Red Devotion


I prefer Blood over Bones... the scry is great, but that 1 extra mana can be really costly, especially if you're searching for a 2 drop removal spell / creature. I think you're right, Pack Rat isn't natural in this deck, however this type of deck tends to have a lot of dead cards in certain match ups, which works really well for Pack Rat. I think my opponent never had less than 3 cards sitting in his hand the whole time... with a creature like Pack Rat he could have done a lot more. Chandra, on the other hand, she's amazing! Being able to stop my opponents from blocking while simultaneously bringing the game in a little closer each turn... excellent. Plus being able to have virtual card advantage with her 0 ability is quite useful in a deck without a lot of scry.

Ultimately I think this deck is nifty, just not great... probably why we don't see it too often in tournament play.

Posted 15 August 2014 at 04:41 in reply to #494095 on Fire and death


Ahhh sneaky combo! I didn't see it at first. It's a good mana dump, however I would still try to focus down the deck to a few synergies. I personally prefer having more consistent draws.

Posted 15 August 2014 at 04:33 in reply to #494600 on Ephara, Mother of Dragons


No offense, but your deck isn't very good at all. Too high of a mana curve and some dead draws when you can't push through.

Posted 15 August 2014 at 04:31 in reply to #494801 on Mono Red Goblins!


I would drop the Crucible to 1. Drawing 1 is great, having 2 isn't as fun. Consider reducing the variety of your cards to smooth out your draws. In this type of deck I would want to be consistently drawing cards like Ethereal Armor, Madcap Skills, Eidolon of Countless Battles, and cards like Mogis's Warhound instead of Triton Fortune Hunter.

Here's a heroic trigger deck I made. Tons of fun with combat tricks.

Posted 14 August 2014 at 08:24 as a comment on Ephara, Mother of Dragons


Made some changes, including dropping the Phoenix, thanks for the suggestion.

Posted 14 August 2014 at 08:08 in reply to #494095 on Fire and death


Updated with Worldspine Wurm. I found in my matches that control was the toughest. Answering 1 for 1 threats against this deck wasn't a problem at all (Mono Black, Jund, etc.) however board sweepers are tough sometimes. It's quick to reload, but without haste can just fizzle out against multiple sweeping answers. Having cards like Wurm & Doom Engine give me some benefit for those sweepers.

Posted 05 August 2014 at 06:25 as a comment on The Green Monty


Burning-Tree Emissary is the lynchpin of the whole operation. It provides free devotion for nykthos in addition to using it for Convoke on Chord of Calling. I'm really hoping it gets reprinted in Khans. Especially with Voyaging Satyr it can provide 4+ mana per turn... all for free! This deck is more designed to be aggressive than having blockers, Reverent Hunter is a great low-cost target for Chord of Calling (only 6 mana) that can come down huge with devotion. I've had him come down as a 9/9 or even higher! He doesn't have cool tricks like Polukranos or Genesys Hydra, but he's cheap and has a big body to smash with. Couple with a Nylea and he's got great value. I've considered Mainboarding 1 Mistcutter, probably if the Doom Engine doesn't work out. Mistcutter's big upside in all match ups (not just blue) is Haste. Since I can Chord of Calling at instant speed it isn't as much of an issue, resulting in diminished value.

Thanks for the advice! I'll be sure to look at your deck.

Posted 19 July 2014 at 21:06 in reply to #485029 on The Green Monty


I was thinking about taking out Ajani. I love having Xenagos as my main 4 drop, he's so versatile, and having 3x Elspeth turns out great, I can play her pretty early with so many ways to get mana... she's won me so many games.

Posted 30 June 2014 at 06:15 in reply to #477273 on Naya Swarm


My deck is built a little differently, but I run 1 Banishing Light, 1 Chained to the Rocks, 2 Deicide, 3 Mizzium Mortars, 4 Mistcutter Hydras, and 4 Polis Crushers. Seeing as you already have Mortars in the main, I would consider cards like Boros Charm or Selesnya Charm.

Posted 25 June 2014 at 18:26 in reply to #476020 on F**k you Jund!


I run 2 banishing light, 1 chained to the rocks in my Naya main, with 1 extra of each in the sideboard. Having a 1CMC answer to a big creature like Desecration Demon, Archangel of Thune, heck even something annoying like Master of Waves is too good to pass up.

Posted 25 June 2014 at 18:23 in reply to #475909 on F**k you Jund!


Because with Mystic + Caryatid you can T1 Forest/Shock/Confluence into Mystic, and T2 Caryatid + Scry Land into T3 with 4 mana available + another land to play that turn (possible 5-drop on T3). Also being 3CMC instead of 1 is a big deal, by the time we can cast 3, we can usually cast a 4 drop. Additionally, would you rather have a Courser of Kruphix, Brimaz, or maybe a Smiter instead of another mana dork?

I like that you brought up Axebane Guardian, it's an interesting card. I can already see a defender style deck with Doran, the Siege Tower. Heck there's even a few walls in M15 leaked already!

Posted 23 June 2014 at 06:02 in reply to #475310 on F**k you Jund!


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