
68 Decks, 131 Comments, 17 Reputation

Similar to my Naya deck, which beat 2 Jund deck this week :)

Check it out:

Posted 22 June 2014 at 20:18 as a comment on F**k you Jund!


Updated to reflect some changes. I added Thassa to the deck, her consistent scry not only ensures good draws, but can directly feed into Keranos's ability to ensure you get the effect you want.

Posted 17 June 2014 at 07:23 as a comment on Izzet my turn?


Well taking out Heliod, Dictate, and Advent lowers your curve, adding cards like Gnarled Scarhide and Herald of Torment give you something to go over the top. Think of them as game enders... bestow Scarhide on that annoying indestructible creature your opponent controls and attack for the win, or bestow Torment onto Fleecemane and swing in the air for those last 6 life points. They're just options to consider. Trading 1 life per turn in order to deal an extra 3 damage in the air (minimum) or stopping that annoying Stormbreath Dragon (which swings for 4) can be clutch. I imagine with this deck (having Athreos as a safety valve for creatures) won't do much blocking, but rather attacking with everything as often as possible in order to keep the pressure on your opponent.

Other options to consider might be Ethereal Armor and Eidolon of Countless Battles to take advantage of the creatures / enchantments / auras you have (especially Ethereal Armor). Archangel of Thune tends to win games whenever people cast it.. should work in just about any deck that has white mana.

Having Athreos is great, but spending 3 mana on something that is situationally dependent on your opponent choosing a course of action isn't always worth it. Turning Athreos on with devotion and swinging adds pressure to your opponent and value to your 3 CMC.

Posted 29 May 2014 at 07:32 in reply to #468062 on G/W AGGRO WITH ATHREOS


Interesting use of Athreos. I could see it going in 2 directions...

1. Scrap Athreos, and not worry about mana fixing for one black card. Scrap Heliod as well, and add in another Ajani / Elspeth for more consistent draws OR add in something like Elvish Mystic and make the deck incredibly fast.

2. Scrap Heliod, Dictate of Heliod, and Advent. Add in another Ahtreos, and lean on some fun black cards like Gnarled Scarhide (double duty aggressive or stop an annoying blocker), or Herald of Torment to play build your own battleship. How fun would a monstrous Fleecemane Lion paired with a bestowed Herald of Torment and Godsend be? Play build your own battleship and flood the board with creatures, then threaten with Athreos if they try to clear the board or use spot removal. Go REALLY crazy and bestow Herald of Torment on Athreos with Godsend, then you only need one more devotion on an indestructible God! The possibilities are endless!

Posted 27 May 2014 at 23:29 as a comment on G/W AGGRO WITH ATHREOS


The Banishing Light is really for random enchantments and such. Since any of my creatures should stack up against the field, I kept 2 in the sideboard to stay more aggressive, with the option to side in against a heavy walker deck or Stormbreath Dragon. Additionally the amount of creatures being produced with populate should be able to attack at anything on the board. Thanks for the LIKE, I'd be happy to check out your deck!

Posted 27 May 2014 at 23:14 in reply to #468013 on Ajani, Advent of Tokens


I don't think I need Elspeth with this many win conditions, plus I don't want to increase the curve any further if I don't have to. I do agree, however, that Deicide should probably be side boarded. Perhaps something in the 2 mana slot like the other 2 Lightning Strike, or even Fleecemane Lion... I'll have to think on it. Thanks for the suggestion!

Posted 21 May 2014 at 17:31 in reply to #466465 on Theros Block Naya


I sure am.

Posted 16 May 2014 at 02:20 in reply to #455804 on Borokens


In my meta Assemble the Legion would take a long time to be effective, and easily killed. I think maybe in a control shell it could be quite powerful. Thanks for the suggestion, though!

Posted 15 May 2014 at 17:07 in reply to #455804 on Borokens


Good suggestions. In order to keep the speed up I would consider using Mana Confluence. This deck is a little more aggro and a little less mid-range. I can lose a few life in order to end the game as quickly as possible.

Posted 07 May 2014 at 14:03 in reply to #462169 on Standard Minotaurs!


Phased out the extra Whip, Gray Merchant & Duress - put Connections, 1 Downfall, and 1 Thoughtseize in the SB in exchange for Banishing Light and Master of the Feast. I think it will give me more flexibility in maintaining board control against fringe decks.

Posted 07 May 2014 at 07:05 as a comment on Junk!


The Hedge Knight!

Posted 05 May 2014 at 20:29 in reply to #461460 on A game of Thrones


There's a card called Storm Crow from 9th edition

Posted 04 May 2014 at 22:22 in reply to #461460 on A game of Thrones


You forgot Storm Crow

Posted 04 May 2014 at 18:19 as a comment on A game of Thrones


Quite interesting. I would like to see it played and watch Gods turn each other online.

Posted 02 May 2014 at 03:42 as a comment on In the name of the Gods...


Oh my gosh, I was merely assuming Mogis's Marauders were mino's! Haha that's hilarious! I will have to change it. It looks so very minotaur!

Splashing white enables me to take on a lot of different deck types. I was playing a Rakdos aggro/devotion hybrid that was similar in feel to this, and it got stumped on occasion. Having Banishing light allows me to gain powerful spot removal for things like Master of Waves, Nightveil Specter, Desecration Demon, and of course planeswalkers, gods, and weapons. Going further Boros Charm saves my creatures from the inevitable Supreme Verdict or spot removal from my opponent, plus the added utility it provides. If I'm already splashing white... then Iroas can win me games turned on or even turned off. Spear of Heliod works devotion to turn on Iroas, and also allows my creatures to escape Anger of the Gods.

Thanks for the "LIKE"! please feel free to give feedback on this or any of my other decks!

Posted 02 May 2014 at 03:18 in reply to #460718 on Standard Minotaurs!


Ahhhh good ole Guttersnipe... our friend and ally. Play a card, and take a Shock my friend! If you guys have a spare minute, can you check out my Junk Midrange deck? It's been doing pretty well lately methinks. I'm not 100% on the sideboard. I have Athreos and Elspeth, but I feel like I could do something different.

Posted 29 April 2014 at 16:12 in reply to #459499 on Izzet my turn?


Gelectrode isn't Standard, but he looks mighty sweet. Blistercoil Weird is a solid choice. I really like Chimera because he benefits even if my spells are wasted on creatures or don't resolve, they still end up in the graveyard.

Posted 29 April 2014 at 08:32 in reply to #459499 on Izzet my turn?


Thank you very much! I can't use Cascade bluffs, as I am trying to keep it "Standard", however Temple of Epiphany does well here. Scry is a burn deck's best friend next to card draw. Spellheart Chimera does really well with this many instants... nothing like doing damage and having your creatures get bigger because of it. Flying + Trample don't hurt, either. Stormbreath Dragon does well against the Control decks I see. Immune to D-sphere and haste means I get maximum value, flying gets over the top.

Posted 29 April 2014 at 08:15 in reply to #459499 on Izzet my turn?


Side note: Ajani is SICK AWESOME!

Posted 28 April 2014 at 00:49 in reply to #457376 on Junk!


It did pretty well against Jund Monsters this weekend. It was difficult dealing with Xenagod, but I had enough spot removal to go 2-1 against it (most of the matches were quite down to the wire in terms of life total). I also played against Bant Superfriends... I found that I had the cards to go the distance, and focusing all my removal on Kiora, and my discard on Supreme Verdict was the key to victory. I went 1-2 against it, but one match I almost won even though they got a Kiora online and ultimate in less than 4 turns.

Posted 28 April 2014 at 00:47 in reply to #457376 on Junk!


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