Check that..*3 mana leaks, not 4. Does your deck do okay with 3 mana leaks?
Your success has motivated me to jump on the Liliana boat with my Solar Flare (despite several warnings to the contrary). Does your deck do okay with just 4 mana leaks? Do you draw into them early enough in the game w/ any consistency?
My favorite part is having the game wrapped up, and then a 0/0 germ grabs a SoFaF in one hand, an inquisitor's flail in the other, hops on the back of a Batterskull and THEN grows wings thanks to angelic destiny. That's right, I said a 10/10 flying, vigilant, lifelink, first strike, protection from black / green, double-damage-doing Germ Angel that makes you discard and untaps ALL your lands for you. A motherfucking Germ Angel. Who doesn't like losing 20 life while your opponent gains 20 life? This jam is real.
^This. I like this.
That'd turn his biggest opposition into himself by increasing his chances of being mana-screwed. 25 helps to guarantee he's dropping a land the first 5-6 turns (essential for creature dropping along the mana curve and popping angelic destiny / sword on anything.)
Also, mainboarding 1 frousand mythic rares never hurt :*(
And THAT's how you tighten up a deck. Well, I can't wait to playtest this... If I would change anything about this (and i don't know if if would), it would be to put 4 blade splicers in place of the parish champions. blades are never a bad draw, they're a 2-for-1 (so equipping is a cinch), and sun titan likes them, too. opponents had better kill you before turn 4 starts.
Tight, man. I like it. Burn 'em early, break 'em late. +1
i like your list, man. this list -- as you probably know by now -- is slow as ____. so, adding wurmcoil doesn't slow it down a bit. in fact, it's turn 6 that you first want to start playing threats. turns 2-5 you control your opp., force their hand, and then come at them when they're out of answers. if you can afford it, get wurmcoil. honestly, i'd drop liliana for a wurmcoil or another forbidden alchemy. she taps you out turn 3, allowing for them to play their threats unchecked. your untapped mana on their turn (even w/o a mana leak in your hand) is enough to make them play around the idea of the leak. this deck is based around forbidden alchemy. your graveyard is an extension of your hand. put stuff in it. if you're bent on planeswalkers being in this list, try the new jace. he lets you draw and drop stuff in the graveyard. i just put on in my list. i'll let you know how it playtests.
fresh meat is cool, but you're not putting any creatures in the graveyard. all your tokens disappear when they die. may i suggest beast within for that spot. you can use it to instantly kill your traveler, put out a 1/1 spirit AND a 3/3 beast for 3 mana, and if you have parallel lives or intangible virtue out, too... ...well, you know what can happen then.
okay, good call w/ the metamorph and reaper. i'm holding my ground on the titan, however. at worst, he's bringing in 7 power for 6 mana, and 2 1/1's that can hang behind and chump block if things are tight towards the end. +1
The metamorphs seem out of place. You're trying to reanimate and damage, not copy and damage. -metamorphs and +grave titans - endless zombie army or +reaper from the abyss -perilous shocks enemy, reaper kills creature, glissa brings perilous back...endless death cycle until opponent is out of creatures to kill. have fun!
In a creature-based deck, you don't want day of judgment. Try more O-Rings, Revoke Existence, Bonds of Faith, something. But casting DoJ will likely hurt this deck more than your opponent's. Just saying.
Yeah, phanstasmal doubles as titan chain and removal (copy legends). You shouldn't need to copy elesh, for when she comes out, she sweeps the board on her own. Copy their creatures beforehand, or sun-chain your images in later. That -2/-2 sweep is devastating.
Geist is a real fun card, but it's more janky than anything else in this deck. This deck needs to control and be able to survive the first 4-5 or so turns. To do so, you NEED those timely's and o-ring's. Geist is fun, and it's fun to bring that business back with the sun titans. But by the time the sun's are out, you really should be working on finishing them with your sun-phantasmal chain. You start attacking when they're helpless. They're helpless because you've slowed them w/ timely and exiled them w/ o-ring. But if you go w/ geist, let me know how it works.
Stormblood Berserkers make a nice 2 drop in keeping with the bloodthirst theme. I have a similar deck that, though not quite as bloodthirsty, attempts to do the same thing: +1
Not enough land.
Consecrated Sphinx is cool, but you've got plenty of card draw in Think Twice and Forbidden Alchemy. Cut the Sphinx and add your finisher (Grave Titan, Elesh Norn, etc.).
Don't run Liliana. It's a) too expensive and b) you don't want to ever be tapped out on turn 3 unless you're oblivion ringing something unimaginable (shouldn't be on turn 3). This is a draw-go deck, where you wait w/ mana untapped for them to play, and if they pass, you think twice or forbidden alchemy on the end of their turn. Sideboard ideas: celestial purge, revoke existence, stony silence, surgical extraction (tears your deck to shreds, btw). Look at my solar flare build to get some ideas. I've had some success with it at FNM.
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