Norm's annex = too defensive for this deck. Mikaeus = not worth losing a turn to add one counter to one guy who's already holding one frousand swords. Quicksilver Amulet = you'd play that over Angelic Destiny? nah. Swiftfoot Boots = okay, late game getting to attack the turn someone comes out is pretty nice, but what would you take out to keep the card count at 60 (if 60 is your aim)?
+ Think Twice. You need that instant card draw at the end of their turn. I've built a solar flare deck, if you need ideas.
21 land is suicide in this deck. At least 24, probably even 25. I run a similarly themed deck that's built around tokens and token-pumping. You're going to want to include shrine of loyal legions, blade splicers, timely reinforcements, honor of the pure, etc. Anything that gives you board advantage, puts out tokens, and pumps up the tokens. This deck got top 4 (5-2) at FNM last Friday. It's based around tokens. See if it'll give you some ideas.
If you're playing u/b control, then they're going to doom blade, go for the throat, vapor snag, unsummon, mana leak that thing before it comes anywhere near them. or, better yet, AFTER you've foolishly spent 18 life pumping it up. you're dead. -1.
If it can follow the mana curve w/o being controlled (countered), this deck rocks. Went 2-2 with the exact same build at FNM. However, it can't keep up w/ control when you don't hit the mana curve. +1. I like the idea.
Shit. This deck is the cat's ass. +1.
another interesting idea i've seen in a couple of solar flare lists: Hex Parasite. give this deck a 1-drop, eat counters off planeswalkers, artifacts, creatures, and get called back by sun titan if you need it. might be worth siding.
cool idea. consider goblin arsonist and fireslinger (sure ways to activate stormblood). I have a similar deck, but mine has more 1-drops. less heroes, and less phoenixes. when you have the shrine out, i think you want to be able to plop down 2 or 3 1-drops to power it up. check mine out if you want ideas. otherwise, +1. cool idea.
Have you thought about vapor snag in the sideboard (or even mainboard). It's a B instant that you can use to a) return a threat to their hand b) protect your creatures or c) use to activate snapcaster's ability again for 1 extra mana. I'm siding some. I'll let you know how they work out.
^sweet spam. Also (and we'll have to see about those overseers), I'd make the following changes: -2 angelic overseer +1 blade splicer +1 geist That 3cmc creature spot is ridiculously important to your deck. Hopefully by the time the overseer did come out, you'd already have a mirran or geist with wings and they'd be one turn away from death anyway. Angelic would just use up your mana to sit there and look hexproof, indestructible, and pretty. They can't counter ALL your 3cmc creatures, unless they're that guy I played in the semi's who ran 6 mana leaks and 8 dissipates mainboard.
This deck looks like a lot of fun. On drawing sample hands, if you're on the play, game's usually over on your turn 4. +1, man. Good job.
"Patience is the key to victory"? I hope your patient waiting on one of your 21 land so you can play one of those 8 6cmc cards. Unnecessarily risky. Add more land. At LEAST 24.
I like it. You're going to want shrine of burning rages in there somewhere, and maybe another 1-drop that can consistently activate stormblood's ETB ability (think goblin fireslinger or goblin arsonist). +1. Also, check out my build. I've had a lot of success with it so far.
I hate dragon tribals...but that's only b/c they beat me 100% of the time. My only suggestion was going to be geosurge, but I see you're on top of that. ;) +1.
5 mana leaks, eh?... ...I like your style.
I like this comment. However, you haven't offered any solutions to remedy his apparent incompleteness. What changes would you make to the list to give it more focus?
Karn, eh? So you're turning this race into a full marathon. :) Seriously, though, if you can play him, and get him going, then goodnight.
thewuest is pushing those ghost quarters pretty hard :) yeah, good call on the liliana's. in testing, they're a 1 more mana, beefed up geth's verdict. unchecked, well, we all know how that goes. and i'll study reducing mana leaks. i don't know if i'm comfortable with mainboarding surgicals, but it could prove useful in a lot of match-ups. good ideas.
Don't know what Fow is, but I like this combo. Fun idea. Who the hell sees it coming? +1
If someone has cards that are nicer than yours, it's okay. First incorrect assumption: creator of the deck saw this deck online and then came up with the idea for the deck. Personally, I know this isn't true, but even if I did not know this personally, it would still be an assumption (shaky basis for offensive claims). Second incorrect assumption: all these cards were acquired through direct purchases. Again, I happen to know it took a HELL of a lot of trade-in to upgrade to this deck. I don't know exactly, but it is safe to say the best parts of 5-6 other decks were taken out, traded in (for half-value, mind you, at a local card shop), and THAT's where the revenue originated for this creation. And hell, even if this deck was directly purchased with cash, who cares? It's a cool idea that consistently draws close-matches and blow-outs. People "Like" this deck b/c it functions well, gives others good ideas for how to construct their decks, and, if they have the means ($ or cards) to build it, then they can go do it. If this is the deck to beat, then, well, fucking beat it. Use one of the "thousands of...incredible decks" and cream this one. But do stop hating. You look like a DlCK.
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