actually, the only things that don't put counters on her, is herself and the pike. there are 34 spells that work with her.
so if i dropped one sigarda, that is one slot for a restoration, where do you suggest making more room for them??? i am having a hard time finding more room in the deck :(
I actually tried the behemoth in my original build, but felt that i had to over-extend every time i wanted to play him, which is fine against aggro, but will lose you the game against control
-2 revive -2 acidic slime +4 green sun's zenith and it would be cool to fit in a craterhoof behemoth to green sun for
awesome deck!
I would drop either volt charge or statter shock for burst lightnings. they cost less and work with the combo. you have way too many 3 costing spells.
hmm, that is true. I didn't think about that. Thanks for correcting me
The only thing I am not liking about this deck is the lack of card advandage. anybody have any ideas about card draw for it?
I like the guides for the consistent 2 damage. but It isn't a spell, so maybe that is a good idea.
that is true. have any ideas for replacements?
yah, for sure
cool, i really like the deck.
that is quite the post you have got there
mayael, the anima and anything by raymond swanland. i will say marrow shards
thanks, i like that. looks scary good
what should i take out for them???
good idea, what would you suggest??
that is a really good idea, i will try that, thanks
were are your hawkzez, you failed to put elesh norn in the deck, and it is only 58 cards, you fail once again =P
thanks, i have had alot of help and have made many changes to make it like this. i think it is just about perfect now
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