yah, she is really good. she will get general damage in 4 hits, but if you can get her +1/+1, then it only takes 3 hits. which is why Marshal's anthem, Elspeth, true conviction, jitte, and guantlet of power are extra good in here
Let me know what you think, give any suggestions (new cards i may not know about) or if you have any questions, fell free to post. =)
i like it alot, i would try to fit in some mana ramp like soul ring. and i would try marshal's anthem
thanks alot =) B/U control is what i made this deck to play against actually
I love this idea
why 61 cards. and i don't get why you are playing stormtide leviathan, wall of frost, and guard gomazoa in a mill deck
why are you playing 1-2 of so many cards. that lowers consistency
yah, they changed it. the general is legal now
i say go with the DOJs, you don't have many craches you are going after and it helps stall out your game. check out my build http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=146614 it uses alot more mill than yours does, but has the same basic idea
it does, read sarkhan. it reads, each dragon creature you control deals damage = to its power to target player. since skittlez has infect, it would deal infect damage
i would go -2 jace beleren +2 jace, the mind sculptor +2 elspeth +4 cryptic command and take some other cards out. i like the deck alot though
i like this build alot, good work =)
I like the deck, but I wouldn't play vector asp. it may be a 1 drop infect creature, but you have so many things you want to play on turn 2, that it is kinda useless.
for one, why is this deck not playing inkmoth nexus??? some of the cards that shouldn't be playin are flensermite, it is weak and slow. I don't get why you have phyresis in here, or sphinx, or massacre wurm. the blightsteel is too expensive too. i would try things like Corrupted Conscience, Phyrexian Crusader, and especially Skittles
why four ardent pleas???
what about Ardent Recruit
4 genesis wave is a little much, what about harrows?
what about choking fumes or despence justice? since they are going to have to attack you anyway because of gideon. also, 1 gideon is not enough, try 3.
i don't think it will, but I will vote you up.
what about garruk wildspeaker
101-120 of 149 items