Didn't building on a budget make basically this same deck??
Lol, need to get some glasses
Cut core tapper,perilous myr! Mirror works,myr sire,executioners hood, whispersilk cloak, myr enforcer, 1 superion,hover myr, myr welder, war report,copper myr,myr matrix, and add some more land
Yeah. Personally I think extended is a really cool format that has just fallen out of favor for some reason. I think that this deck could be really strong if you made it extended. But do what u want. This deck is really cool, and I like the idea of using tezzy to find your combo. U might want To try rune scarred demon, cause it can help set up your combo late game. Thinking of making this deck myself
Crystal ball could act as an artifact for tezzy, u could sac it to reshape, and it helps you fing your cards. Perfect fit???
Lol nice title. U know what u could use is Fabricate/Reshape, unless you are set on standard. Cut the doom blades for go for the throats. Right now they are a lot better
Yeah I guess I understand about not taking cards out. I'm not really understanding call to kindred in here. Explain?
I think that solemn sim would be great. Not sure why I didn't add him. However, I disagree with you on the usefulness of Gideon. I think the only reason he is not being used right now is because he is an control card not an aggro card, and almost all white decks are aggro. In thins decki think he proves his usefulness by buying you the turn you really need to cast a creature, preventing Titan attacks, and giving you a way to put on pressure so they don't just build up their hand for the whole game. It often forces them to use a removal spell that might otherwise target elesh in my experience. U also mentioned another Eason why he's great. He's $8!!!
Take another look and your curve. Seriously
Yeah. I think titans are ruining magic too
I would cut fist of the suns down to 2 though. You might also want to consider door to nothingness
The problem is, the more cards in your deck, the less chance you have of a) drawing the cards you need in a certain situation and b) since obviously some cards are better then others, your chance of drawing those good cars becomes lower the more cards are in your deck. This problem is increased with a deck like this where the overall quality of the cards is bad, because they just haven't printed that many curses. I like this deck because most curse decks use an aggro strategy in the early game, and then drop out curses. I like it because you can just drop curse after curse every turn
Okay, I get the deck thinning, but it just might mess up your tempo, so their guys will have more time to do stuff before you burn them
Nectar fairie is just plain bad. Since your fairies have low power it doesn't do anything. And u really should make it 60 cards. More than that and you really never get out the best cards in your deck. You should also cut faerie tauntings? Also cut thieving sprite. You might want to replace faerie trickery with mana leak
You really need thought scour in there. It fits your theme, is really useful, and can do so much for any deck. Also, I think being against putting in any rares from the rotating sets is reasonable, but I wouldn't hesitate putting in mana leak and swift foot boots right now cause even if they do rotate, it won't cause any real loss of money. This deck looks fun to play. Watch out for burn decks though. Red deck wins isn't very popular but if they start being played more often you might need to put in some more creatures. There nothing wrong with the deck right now, but just look out for really quick burn decks
Cool. I had the same problems
Manabond should be there
As well as, tivadar of thorn, wooded bastion and Okina, temple to the grandfathers, and kemba, kha regent
You have 2 dark steel plate in there
U might want to play black removal like doom blade or go for the throat
161-180 of 216 items