You might want to add 4 blood braid elf, Blightning, and sprouting thrinax. It could be a cool June deck. For lands, you might want some savage lands and verdant catacombs, and then have in some shocks. Maelstrom pulse and terminate are also good
Yeah thanks. A lot of those cards put a target on my head, so I took them out. Seemed to work well. Wonder why
Also cut some of the cards that put a target on my head
Thanks. I think I will take out at least 1 crypt of agadeem. It's in their so after a wrath I can basically dump my hand and play stuff from a graveyard. Unbreathing horde is also coming out, I haven't liked it.
Mana leak is not so great because this is more of a tap out deck and cavern of souls makes it bad. Should have 4 heros. That card is so good.
It's storm crow. How can it not work??
Mad an edit adding 4 paladins and making the main deck rally's 4.Whipflare kills me, so I didn't run it.
Right. Forgot to add a sideboard. I have on though. I'll add it now
Right. I forgot about shroud being both ways. I'm to spoiled with hexproof. The whole point of that was to load it up with some equipment, but since I can't do that it stinks. Thanks for pointing that out.
@kazong if u wanted to cheat something out with show and tell, why not hive mind? Or for that matter emrakul? Personally, both of those sound better than an enchantment that doesn't affect the board and is restrictive and even when it affects the board it is a win more card. It should be on this list.
I just made this based on yours. What ya think?
Is this casual or legacy? Because I think sol ring is banned in legacy
Ok cool. That sounds like a good idea
And you want hallowed fountain over adarkar wastes
You really want brainstorm and jace. Such good cards you can't not play them.
I think cutting stalkers since u can't buff them, or adding spectral flight and equipment for them and adding wing crafter to also carry swords. Also cut mystic and 3 twisted image, and then add snapcaster and neurok commando and wingcrafter? I don't know.
Maybe only 3 twisted image with 1 wingcrafter. And if I were to make a non budget version what should I cut for snappys?
This deck looks really cool. I would cut the lunar mystic though, as it doesn't do anything that mass appeal doesn't. U already have a lot of card draw. I would up the lookouts to 4, and maybe add a 2 of wingcrafter.
I think you should cut violent outburst for lightning bolt too? Huntmaster also buys you time, gives you wrath recovery, and gives you an endgame. He is good in any situation, and really help you out.
Huntmaster is 4 power for 4 mana who can make that 6 power and deal them damage and kill a guy. To slow for you?
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